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Would you take your kids to see the prez?

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If you are not a supporter of this prez or are not sure, would you take your kids to see him for the historical and election year side of it? Or would your dislike of him keep you from letting them see him?


What are your thoughts?

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Yes, I would go see him if possible. I'm hoping we get a chance. We are going to try to see Romney on his campaign tour on Sunday. I'd love for the kids to see both parties in action.


And he is the President after all. I even made the kids watch his inauguration all day even though our vote was cast elsewhere.

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If you are not a supporter of this prez or are not sure, would you take your kids to see him for the historical and election year side of it? Or would your dislike of him keep you from letting them see him?


What are your thoughts?


I would take them if the opportunity presented itself, I'd take them just so they can see him and everything that goes along with it (Security detail, etc.). If you listen to a speech, you and your dc can discuss what you thought - if they are old enough.

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It wouldn't matter to me if I voted for him or not, I respect the office of the President and whoever holds it. If I had an opportunity to meet him or take the kids absolutely I would do it no matter who it is!




I would even take the kids to see a candidate I oppose if one came close to our town. It's just neat to see politics in action!


ETA: Warning, though: We took the kids to a big presidential candidate rally in 2008 and it was very, very hard on them (age 3 & 5) I would take my kids at their current ages, but I would not take younger kids ever again!

Edited by Element
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If they really wanted to go then I guess I would. I wouldn't go out of my way to take them and if they weren't interested I'd be absolutely OK with that. ;) I know...I need to have more respect for the office/position and all that but honestly, I don't really care (that is horrible of me). Sigh...now I feel guilty. Hopefully the President will never be close enough for me to have to face this issue.


FWIW, even if it was a President I had voted for I wouldn't go out of my way to see him (unless he wanted to invite me to the White House for a personal visit :D). Maybe I'd feel differently if I actually saw a President in person? All I know is that the one time a President came to our town I was annoyed at the traffic delay, drove over the median, and went home.


I'm terrible. :leaving:

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We did. The Kid and I were lucky enough to get tickets to a convention and sit right behind the governor and president. We listened to their speeches and at the end of the night we made our way out to the front door where we were met by a line of protesters that scared the stuffings out of my tehn-8yo. We stopped and talked to them, too, and then compared notes over the next week about why each group felt the way they did and how they went about expressing themselves.


It was an amazing, once in a lifetime learning experience that I'm glad we had the chance to do. A few years later we stumbled across a giant war protest at the National Mall and The Kid was comfortable enough to ask if he could help set up the representational gravestones and learn why they were there. While he did that he talked to the protesters about his dad's job in the military and corrected some misconceptions they had about what the current president signed into law. Being able to listen and understand many political points of view is a great trait that we want to foster along with helping him figure out his own. If he gets nothing else out of these encounters, we can give him that.

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If you are not a supporter of this prez or are not sure, would you take your kids to see him for the historical and election year side of it? Or would your dislike of him keep you from letting them see him?


What are your thoughts?



Hmmmm.... at this point I'd rather meet SWB any day!! :) Course... I really think it'd be neat to meet her.... and Obama....not so much. Part of who I want to meet is based on if I like/respect them. You should have seen me talking with Pudewa :)

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Out of respect for the office, I would take the kids to see him.




Though, like another poster pointed out, I would not take my kids personally at their ages. When they are older, I think it would be more appropriate. I think going to see the President would be a great experience for a young kid -- whose not tainted in the "adult politics" of the government.

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If you are not a supporter of this prez or are not sure, would you take your kids to see him for the historical and election year side of it? Or would your dislike of him keep you from letting them see him?


What are your thoughts?


If I felt someone were absolutely revolting, such as, say, a genocide commiting dictator, then I would not. Otherwise, I'd think it was a good opportunity. After all, someone is president whether you like that person or gave that person your vote. It is also important to teach good behavior and respect for the office. Is this like a public speech or a one on one meeting? I'd definitely not pass the opportunity for a one on one meeting -- maybe even with the cepy dictator! I read an article about an anti-govt protester in Libya who had a one on one meeting with Qadaffi, and he said all sorts of bizarre things to her, but, although polite, she didn't back down.

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I would ask them but I wouldn't make them go. It would be way out of my comfort zone simply because of the crowd. I don't do crowds. But I would hate to say no to the kids if they really wanted to see the President. In my mind though, because of the crowd, we'd probably only see a blurry figure and it's kind of hard to get excited about that. :tongue_smilie:

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If they really wanted to go then I guess I would. I wouldn't go out of my way to take them and if they weren't interested I'd be absolutely OK with that. ;) I know...I need to have more respect for the office/position and all that but honestly, I don't really care (that is horrible of me). Sigh...now I feel guilty. Hopefully the President will never be close enough for me to have to face this issue.


FWIW, even if it was a President I had voted for I wouldn't go out of my way to see him (unless he wanted to invite me to the White House for a personal visit :D). Maybe I'd feel differently if I actually saw a President in person? All I know is that the one time a President came to our town I was annoyed at the traffic delay, drove over the median, and went home.


I'm terrible. :leaving:


I would ask them but I wouldn't make them go. It would be way out of my comfort zone simply because of the crowd. I don't do crowds. But I would hate to say no to the kids if they really wanted to see the President. In my mind though, because of the crowd, we'd probably only see a blurry figure and it's kind of hard to get excited about that. :tongue_smilie:


Depends on the event. A "town hall" type thing, I'd go. A "rah-rah" pep rally, no way.


I'm with all these ladies for all the same reasons.


And really, I'm not a person who "gets" the whole celebrity of any kind thing in general. They are just people to me. Nothing to get excited about.:)

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