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I have failed. My family of geeks wants me to like Star Trek. I am doomed!

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I tend to agree. I just can't get into Doctor Who, but I'm trying. :glare: Give me Star Trek any day, especially TNG.



I'm glad it's not just me. I do not like Dr. Who or Torchwood.


I love Star Trek. All of them.

I love The Trouble With Tribbles from the original ST. Deep Space Nine did a crossover/revisit of that episode, and that is my favorite DS9 episode. I have a tribble of my own :D.


My dd loves the ferengi.

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I've tried the originals and I just can't do it, they are soooooo cheesy to me. I know they aren't cheesy to other people, but I just can.not.be.entertained. by these things.


The "originalS"? There's only one "original," and that's the series that aired in the 60s, with William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy.


"Star Trek: The Next Generation" is not an "original." I just watched the episode you mentioned, and yeah, it was pretty dorky. What were they thinking??? OTOH, that was in the first season, I believe, and the series did improve as time went on. It ran for seven seasons, after all, and it was on a major network, not SciFi or USA or something, where some series manage to squeak through because the network needed something to fill the time slot, lol.

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Faced with the threat of a rather scary looking Romulan in a see-through green ship, Oh Wise One of the Many Hair Folicles announced, "She seems anxious."


Well, there is a profound statement! Please, I'm begging you go back to your seat and pout quietly to yourself, we'll call you when someone has phasers locked on the ship and announcing the annihilation of the federation so that you can sense some possible hostility!


This episode has slightly more promise, but could be greatly improved if Picard appeared in a kilt...he does have a rather velvet voice! :D


Oh, and I'm a genius. I figured out how the make-up department made up Warf...whatever he is...they took an empty land-crab shell (you know, those big honkers people find in their yards in Florida), duct-taped it to his forehead, and painted his head. Perfect! I give them bonus points for their creativity.


I think the engineer is wearing the same banana clip I had in college in 1985!


Big Hair - "The Romulan Commander is deeply frustrated." Well, yeah...when you'd like to blow something to smithereans and your big orange marbles got wrapped up in your galactic sling and don't deploy, there tends to be a little angst.


"The tension on the ship is very high." I think they permed her hair just a little too tight. She may need some relaxer.


Please tell me that she gets beamed aboard the Romulan ship and after this, the Enterprise lives happily ever after...well, as soon as they drop whiney boy off to join "Veger" from the first Star Trek Movie...seen at a random theater in east Missouri in 1982 or 83 while my uncouth brother made out with his girlfriend thus forcing me to focus my undivided attention on a film that was definitely not headed for an Oscar! :tongue_smilie:



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I'm glad it's not just me. I do not like Dr. Who or Torchwood.

Mr. Ellie and I have enjoyed Dr. Who.


I *wanted* to like Torchwood, but they kept sneaking in R-rated stuff in there.:blink:


I love Star Trek. All of them.

So do I, although I'm not catching on to DS9 so much.

I love The Trouble With Tribbles from the original ST. Deep Space Nine did a crossover/revisit of that episode, and that is my favorite DS9 episode. I have a tribble of my own :D.

Didn't one of the other STs do that? Because I remember the episode, but I thought for sure it was Enterprise? or Voyager?


Oh, and when you wrote that your dd loved the Ferengi, my mind went to My Blue Heaven's *merengue.* I can't help it. :D

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I have been a MAJOR Star Trek fan since I was a kid. Yes, that was when the original Star Trek was prime time. ;) That said, I actually like Star Trek: TNG better than the original. And the episode you describe is one of my least favorites. Most of them are really, really good! Some of my very favorites are Darmok, Clues, Parallels, Timescape, The Inner Light, Chain of Command...


:iagree:, especially about Darmok.

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"The tension on the ship is very high." I think they permed her hair just a little too tight. She may need some relaxer.


Please tell me that she gets beamed aboard the Romulan ship and after this, the Enterprise lives happily ever after...well, as soon as they drop whiney boy off to join "Veger" from the first Star Trek Movie...seen at a random theater in east Missouri in 1982 or 83 while my uncouth brother made out with his girlfriend thus forcing me to focus my undivided attention on a film that was definitely not headed for an Oscar! :tongue_smilie:



Uh, no. She goes on to have some interesting, ah, you'll just have to watch....oh, and wait until you meet her mother! ;)

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Wait she had a mother????? :001_huh: Is her father Kirk? Because, I'd almost HAVE to watch that episode. :lol:




Oh yes she has a mother! You definitely need to see that. Anyhow...I don't think anyone who likes star trek actually likes Deanna Troy (plasma-birthing big hair lady). She spends about all 7 seasons sitting on the bridge saying dumb stuff like "Captain! I sense a problem!" (g'duh, it's 5 minutes into the episode. That's when problems show up!) Once in awhile they have an episode that focuses on her, and they're pretty much all terrible.


Find an episode with Q in it. Those are the best ones.

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Oh yes she has a mother! You definitely need to see that. Anyhow...I don't think anyone who likes star trek actually likes Deanna Troy (plasma-birthing big hair lady). She spends about all 7 seasons sitting on the bridge saying dumb stuff like "Captain! I sense a problem!" (g'duh, it's 5 minutes into the episode. That's when problems show up!) Once in awhile they have an episode that focuses on her, and they're pretty much all terrible.


Find an episode with Q in it. Those are the best ones.

oh, and Big Hair and Big Beard...


But yes, you HAVE to meet her mother (no, Captain Kirk didn't father her...). As dull as Troi is...her mother is quite the opposite.

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as in any franchise - some are better than others. Most of my favorite episodes are from the original series - though next generation has a few. (and my favorite character is Q - yes, that's his name.)


I have several children that love Lord of the Rings. One even majored in classics because of her love of it. (she even started writing an elvish dicitonary because she was displeased with what was available.) despite my best friend in high school also loving LotR and trying to force me to read it - I still can't get into it.


so, if you don't like star trek, just move on and allow your family to enjoy it without you.

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But yes, you HAVE to meet her mother (no, Captain Kirk didn't father her...). As dull as Troi is...her mother is quite the opposite.



the most significant thing about deanna troi's mother is: her other names. ;) aka: number one (the cage pilot/menagerie), Nurse Christine Chapel, the computer voice, Majel Barrett-Roddenberry (yes -THAT roddenberry)


and yes - lwaxana troi is an original.

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the most significant thing about deanna troi's mother is: her other names. ;) aka: number one (the cage pilot), Nurse Christine Chapel, the computer voice, Majel Barrett-Roddenberry (yes -THAT roddenberry)


and yes - luwaxanna troi is an original.


Yep! She is the voice of the computer in all the Trek shows if I remember correctly.


I grew up with the original ST, and had a crush on Kirk. (Ewww!) :tongue_smilie:

TNG is okay. Never liked DS9. But I love Voyager and Capt. Janeway is my most favorite captain of all.


All the ST movies have been about as awful as possible, except for this last one. It pretty much rocked, and I **loved** that it had the original Spock! As cheesy as the original show was, I still love Kirk, Spock, Uhura, Bones and Scotty most of all. :001_wub:


Speaking of cheesy, I can't believe no one has post a link to this yet:

. "We come in peace. Shoot to kill. Shoot to kill. Shoot to kill." :smilielol5:
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okay, favorite episodes: (by no means complete)

the orginial series -


The Trouble with Tribbles

I, Mudd

A piece of the action

Shore Leave



errand of mercy - one of my all-time favorites

journel to babel

return to tomorrow

tomorrow is yesterday

the city on the edge of forever

patterns of force


Next generation - (not as fond - and considering there were more than twice as many episodes as the original series . . . . ) more dramatic

the emissary

yesterday's enterprise

the best of both worlds/family

I, Borg

The Inner Light

Time's Arrow



Q started as a one-time character and was so beloved, they decided to bring him back. being wary of overuse, he's only allowed one episode per season.


deja Q - Love, love love Q

True Q

tapestry (must see deja Q first)

all good things


I didn't get into the subsequent series. well - I watched voyager sporadically

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OK, honey, you have to stop watching TNG right now-- it is so dull and irritating.


Voyager, now, that is different! The actors are intelligent professionals, the characters are interesting, and the plots are fun. And it's pretty to look at. And the theme song is the first song my son ever sang! For a long time we called the show "Wa-wa" because that is how he sang it.

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I haven't read through the whole thread, but what I have read I am really enjoying! I just wanted to comment that I thought there was absolutely NO way my Dh could get me to like Star Trek. I grew up hearing Next Generation's theme song playing in the my parent's room almost every night while trying to fall asleep. I thought my parents were so weird for watching it. I finally caved in and agreed to watch the first episode of Voyager with my Dh (it was his birthday gift, what could I say!). I was hooked. I am a true Star Trek fan now. OP perhaps you could try watching Voyager. The graphics are better;). But you do have to start with episode 1. Unlike the other Star Trek series Voyager's episodes build on one another.

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We cued up another random one...I'll save Enchanted for tomorrow.


Wesley (the whiney boy) said, "We've only charted 19% of our galaxy and look how much we've discovered."


My eldest nerd responded, "yeah, 8 bit color?"


I'm not much of a computer guru but I did get that joke and nearly spit milk all over the computer screen.





I like TOS, I loved TNG, I hated Voyager and Enterprise.

HUGE Dr. Who fan, David Tennant, be still my heart. I like Torchwood but wow, so not family friendly a lot of the time, I couldn't get to the remote fast enough in the 2nd episode, whoops!!

Firefly is my standard for all things space-related, it just doesn't get any better.

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OH MY WORD!!!! OH MY WORD!!!! I did not know this was possible...I was certain that she was too bizarre to have ever been duplicated! Troi's mother IS MY AUNT EM!!!!! :smilielol5::smilielol5::smilielol5:


If Aunt Em had ever thought nude was the in thing for a wedding, then man, she would have been strippin' down and puttin' feathers on her melons.


Seriously, I think the wardrobe department went dumpster diving for a few of those outfits! Wyatt's clothes, his parents' clothes...definitely dumpster diving in an alley in Flint, MI!


I was disappointed. If they'd have married her sorry hair off, she would have left the ship and laid eggs somewhere else. Sigh...a tragic miss of an excellent opportunity to put the universe back in balance. :D


Is it just me or did the chick from the "tortilla" ship resemble a character from Kevin Kostner's infamous - I've never lived this down - movie "WaterWorld"?


I'm glad I watched this nutty episode. The kids and I roared, absolutely roared, because they too have had the kinds of encounters with Aunt Em in which they were left feeling much like the Millers and Picard!



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Actually Star Trek grows on you. I watched it for the first time when I was dating my husband. He loved it -- I loved him.


We own the entire series of the original. My family can quote so many of the lines. My oldest and youngest are 14 years apart (with a 7 year gap between youngest and next). She watched so much Star Trek as a toddler her favorite TV character was Captain Kirk,


Even now with the youngest being 12 and the only one at home, she asks nightly if we can watch a Trek!


I still only half watch -- I'm usually knitting or planning meals or something.



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nd of course Firefly.



Firefly! Firefly! Firefly!!!!!!!! I ♥ Firefly so hard it hurts. Plus in one of the eps you get to see Nathan Fillion in the buff (from the back) and that man has one fine arse.



Yep, that was one of the touchy-feely episodes. Bleah! Now if you're talking episodes with the Borg . . . well then, Resistance is Futile!!!


Hahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!! ST Voyager is much better than TNG, BTW. It has Seven of Nine in it and I want to be her. Well, I don't want to be her, I just want to look like her in a skin tight bodysuit. I like her heels too.


OP, how can you not like a show where the XO (executive officer) is called Number 2? The 12 year old boy who lives inside me still sniggers over that.


Oh, have you thought about giving Stargate a try? Stargate SG-1 is far superior to Stargate Atlantis, IMO. There is a movie that is several years older than the series. It has different actors in the roles, but gives a good intro to the show. There are 10 seasons of SG-1 plus a few TV movies that take place after the show ended.

James Bond loved the original movie, but hated the first episode of the show. We had very few TV choices at the time (I think we got 5 channels in English) so he decided to give it another try. He became a massive fan of the show and will watch the DVD's (we own all 10 seasons) over and over, including the first ep. Not as much as Firefly though!

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Firefly! Firefly! Firefly!!!!!!!! I ♥ Firefly so hard it hurts. Plus in one of the eps you get to see Nathan Fillion in the buff (from the back) and that man has one fine arse.

Oh, have you thought about giving Stargate a try? Stargate SG-1 is far superior to Stargate Atlantis, IMO. There is a movie that is several years older than the series. It has different actors in the roles, but gives a good intro to the show. There are 10 seasons of SG-1 plus a few TV movies that take place after the show ended.

James Bond loved the original movie, but hated the first episode of the show. We had very few TV choices at the time (I think we got 5 channels in English) so he decided to give it another try. He became a massive fan of the show and will watch the DVD's (we own all 10 seasons) over and over, including the first ep. Not as much as Firefly though!


HUGE SG1 fans here too, Atlantis had it's own charm as well, I love Rodney.

It is truly a stand out series.

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Random thoughts:

I can't stand Q.


I LOVE the old series. Yes, it's cheesy. Yes the special effects are... horrendous by today's standards. But, oh, Spock. My love for thee shall never end! :lol I've been re-watching the old series on Netflix streaming, and I can't get enough!


Troi is weird. And pointless. Esp. since she's not a full empath like her mother, so her "insights" are vague and random. My bro OTOH always liked her cuz she wore practically nothing. :/


Troi's mother is Nurse Chapel from the old days?! OMG, I never knew that! and which computer's voice?


I enjoyed the new ST movie. I wasn't sure I was going to. And the "new" Spock is too creepy from his Heroes character.


Oh, I remember something else. Uhura. I'm glad Whoopi was inspired by her. But watching the original, all the women are coddled and treated differently and spoken of... even by Spock... in ways that I find offensive. Uhura is/was great, but still when push came to shove, she was shoved behind a rock for her own safety! But still, love love love her. And Trouble with Tribbles is one of my favorites too!

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my 2 favorite star trek series' are the original one and TNG. My favorites characters are Spock on original and Data on TNG. On TNG I like the Sherlock Holmes episodes and the Borg ones the best. However, my very favorite episode is neither Holmes or Borg, it is the Inner Light from the 5th season. I just love that one (love the flute music) I also like Darmok (Gilgamesh and all that) that is actually what got my dd interested in having me read Gilgamesh to her. I also like I, Borg.


on the original, I think my favorite episode is A Piece of the Action, that was a fun one.

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my 2 favorite star trek series' are the original one and TNG. My favorites characters are Spock on original and Data on TNG. On TNG I like the Sherlock Holmes episodes and the Borg ones the best. However, my very favorite episode is neither Holmes or Borg, it is the Inner Light from the 5th season. I just love that one (love the flute music) I also like Darmok (Gilgamesh and all that) that is actually what got my dd interested in having me read Gilgamesh to her. I also like I, Borg.


on the original, I think my favorite episode is A Piece of the Action, that was a fun one.


I like Data, too. I have been know, from time to time, to say, "It wasn't me. It was my evil twin Lore." My DH gets it, but not everyone else does...

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Sniff, sniff :crying: for one episode, I was happy, truly happy. Troi lost her "senses" and boy it almost looked permanent...she resigned...:party:and then the stinky, rotten, awful, sadistic, writers LET HER GET THEM BACK WHEN SOME STUPID THING JOINED A PURPLE STRING!


Seriously people, I've swung purple embroidery floss back and forth and it has NO magical, telepathic healing powers well, except that which it imposes upon the cat, a life form in this house of low function and intelligence. Hmmmm...that's probably the answer. If it works on the cat, then reasonable chances it will work on "the hair".


I liked "Family" though. Picard heading back to a French village to mince words with his quirky brother, that one wasn't too bad except for the mud fight. They could have used a little coaching on how to make that actually look like a squabble.


I keep randomly selecting episodes and occasionally, I find one that's okay so it's a lot like the lottery. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, and sometimes...like the "I lost my feelings" episode, you lose big time!


So, tell me...what is Star Trek Nemesis? Is that another movie or was it a spin-off series?



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Love wisdom gleaned from another episode:


Always, Always, Always scan your love interest with a tri-corder just in case he's really a giant, parasitic, genius, slug that will eventually be a she. :lol:


Roddenbury, the man just had to have been smoking dope when he wrote some of these.


I'm starting to get attached to his wife though...she does insane very well! She got to kiss David Odgen Stiers and then see him commit suicide, there could be some depth to her yet! :D


Hairball still bothers me no end....oh and THE DREAM EPISODE. SERIOUSLY, THAT WAS THE BEST "FLYING INTO A GREEN CLOUD SCREAMING 'WHERE ARE YOU' " that they could come up. I think the special effects for the original series was better.


The "Wesley saves Picard and beams off into the sunset episode" was okay, minus the cocoon of twine around the water fountain...it's the okay episodes that keep propelling me forward. Well, that and my bizarre sense of humor. It's all getting very funny now.



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Mr. Ellie and I have enjoyed Dr. Who.


I *wanted* to like Torchwood, but they kept sneaking in R-rated stuff in there.:blink: Oh my goodness yes! I was like, uh No. There was one with a s3x fiend alien or something that was eating people-way over the top exposure.



So do I, although I'm not catching on to DS9 so much.


Didn't one of the other STs do that? Because I remember the episode, but I thought for sure it was Enterprise? or Voyager?


Oh, and when you wrote that your dd loved the Ferengi, my mind went to My Blue Heaven's *merengue.* I can't help it. :D


ST Enterprise dabbled in some tribble fun. Dr Phlox was doing something with them...I don't remember all the details though :confused:. It may be time to re-watch ;).


It took me time to love DS9. Once we started from the beginning on netflix, they had me by the time we got to the episode where they brought Q in.

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How much do we love Star Trek? Well, you could ask 2 of our cats...Spock and McCoy. :D

Our first cat, dearly departed, Tribble. And our dearly departed ferret, Ferengi.


All time favorite characters:


James T Kirk














Porthos :D

Dr. Phlox



The Grand Nagus-Zek



Miles O'brien

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