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Ignorance about homeschooling...

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What's the point of going to school to major in first - sixth grade education, becoming certified/licensed, getting educated and becoming a REAL teacher, if some random "housewife" can just up and do the same thing?


Good question. I have no idea. ;)


And what's with the quotes around housewife? Are we really something much more nefarious masquerading as innocent housewives? :p

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Oh, Mary. You mean you didn't go through the 6 week homeschooling training course? What are you doing here??? Are you srsly trying to teach your kids without having gone to the 6 week homeschooling training course?


I was in Mrs. Mungo's class. She got all A's.



:lol: What was I thinking by not attending?!?

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If TLC gets wind of this, they might just take you up on your idea. I would love to watch the show.


I'm in. Random Housewives of Classical Homeschooling has to be at least as compelling as that guy who auctions storage sheds. But which one of us will be the designated Villain?

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Yeah, because everyone majoring in elementary ed is a genius. I may not have a degree in education, but I can do my fifth grader's math problems (which is more than I can say for the people who were in my math for elementary ed content [not even methods] class in college, who were taking the class for the third time because they could not do the math). And I know that Lichtenstein is a country (unlike my eighth grade social studies teacher, who argued back and forth with me about it).


Random housewife. Harumph.

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I read many political discussion boards. I don't post, but I do like to read. I also read several major newspapers/news sites every day. What can I say? I like politics.


Every now and then homeschooling comes up and I am amazed at how often the same ignorant comments come from opposite sides of the spectrum. I find it very entertaining. Sometimes I wish I could hook up the liberals and conservatives based on their identical ignorance of homeschooling. How shocked they would be to find they share common ground about something. :lol:

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Yeah, because everyone majoring in elementary ed is a genius.


My cousin is a kindergarten teacher at a ps and when she was in her first year of college she thought President Bush (Senior) (President at the time) was the "President of the World". Not joking. She argued with one of my uncles for hours. I was quite a bit younger than her and just remember that I couldn't believe it. Since that time there have been numerous instances where she will say something that is totally wrong and everyone in our family just rolls our eyes at her.


On a side note, she thinks I am evil because I hs.

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I guess the ability to do anything meaningful and worthwhile is directly tied to being certified by a third party.


When I get a certificate, then I am born and exist. When I get a certificate then I am married. When I get a license, then I am a driver. When I get a passport, then I am a traveler. When I get a certificate, then I am educated.


What a weird society we have created.


Well said!

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What is a homeschool training class? I missed that one.


Don't worry about it. I skipped it. I felt that soap operas and bon bons was a better use of my time. Did you know you can count soap operas as social stories and totally count it as spec ed?

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