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Would you be interested in taking a self improvment class?

Are you interested in self improvement classes? How much are you willing to pay?  

  1. 1. Are you interested in self improvement classes? How much are you willing to pay?

    • yes, I would pay 0-$50
    • yes, I would pay $50-$100
    • yes, I would pay $100-$250
    • Nope, I'd rather go to the library
    • maybe, it would depend on the information presented
    • other

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I have started a business that offers e-classes that cover whole body health and wellness. Some of the topics covered are real food, physical health, spiritual growth, etc. The course is set to be 6 weeks, with lesson modules available on Mondays. I have my target audience narrowed down but I wanted to see if I am correct in my assumptions.


My two questions are....


1. Would you be interested in taking an online self paced self improvement class?


2. How much are you willing to spend?



Edited by caitlinsmom
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Honestly you could spend six weeks covering each of your listed topics and only scratch the surface. A good book with the same info is self paced and free from the library.


So personally I'd rather a book or two.


That said there are people who would pay for something like this. I'd keep fees at a minimum. Just enough to cover overhead and a bit for your time.

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I voted other. I've done a lot of self-improvement over the years, but I find I rarely agree with one person on everything. I would want to know a summary of your beliefs before I started. While I might agree with your nutritional outlook, I might not agree with your spiritual basis.


Honestly, with the plethora of information out there for free, I'd have a hard time paying for a 6 week class.


What's your target demographic?

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You would have to convince me that you were offering special knowledge beyond what can be obtained in Prevention magazine and the like. Because there is no concensus on what constitutes a healthy diet, I would want to know upfront what your slant was. Are you whole foods/nourishing traditions or low-carb or something else. I would want to know what the outcomes of your courses have been─statistics. I know, I'm difficult.

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I voted other. I've done a lot of self-improvement over the years, but I find I rarely agree with one person on everything. I would want to know a summary of your beliefs before I started. While I might agree with your nutritional outlook, I might not agree with your spiritual basis.


Honestly, with the plethora of information out there for free, I'd have a hard time paying for a 6 week class.


What's your target demographic?


My target is women who are overweight because of low quality food choices. Women who have read and heard that "xyz" is unhealthy but they don't necessarily know why. They don't have a lot of time to read because they feel guilty taking time for themselves. They give so much to others that their spirituality, self care, mental wellness takes a back seat. Because of all these factors they find themselves in an endless "blah" phase with health that continues to slowly go down hill. My target woman is motivated by guilt a lot of the time but wants to change and develop a voice of her own.


The point of this course (its the introductory course) is for the women to start noticing negative patterns in their lives and to being making small changes to lay a foundation for a higher quality life. The course isn't set up to teach any one specific mode of nutrition, spirituality, etc. Food information is presented in a factual way rather than in line with any one specific diet. Women are encouraged to grow in their own method of spirituality as a way to be more in balance.

Edited by caitlinsmom
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I agree with all other posters here. Considering the gigantic resources available in books, online, through self help support groups that are live, etc. I would more than likely not be interested in a course that I have to pay for. If you have something special beyond the majority of sources out there, then I'd need to know more about it. Yes, a hook is needed, and most certainly a description of the courses along with credentials would be essential for most people.


Best to you as you continue to explore possibilities.




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A few years ago I paid $30 for an online course similar to what you are describing but it was to last 12 weeks. It wasn't directed at overweight women, just women who were wanting to learn better eating habits, how to use different ingredients, and what is available as substitutions. It was promoted as teaching us new recipes and substitutions, how to read labels, and so on. It was by a homeschool mom (who posted regularly on another forum) that had a blog that seemed ok and informative. For example, it was there that I learned about stevia and xylitol. However, most of the information (easily 90%) I learned thru her email course I could have found for free off the internet with simple searches. Her emails were filled with what she had done, and links to her store. Some emails were more about her store than about the products and how to use them. There was no interaction with the instructor. When it finished I felt like I had totally wasted my money.


So, saying that, I would be very leary about paying for 6 weeks of emails. I know I wouldn't pay $50 or more. If I was struggling with guilt, I wouldn't be signing up for an email that would be telling me how I need to do things differently. In fact, I might not even admit that I have the issues you are talking about.

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Thank you all for your responses. You have brought up a few things that I had not thought about before. I will need to make a few adjustments to my materials. I hadn't thought of how my own biases would effect the course especially regarding food. I will have to make sure I tackle that part in a little different manner than I had planned.

However you've also confirmed a few things I already figured. This program would be for moms who have no interest in looking for the information in a handful of books. My target wants it quick, easy, and everything together for her. :) Basically a non-WTM mom lol.

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I agree with all other posters here. Considering the gigantic resources available in books, online, through self help support groups that are live, etc. I would more than likely not be interested in a course that I have to pay for. If you have something special beyond the majority of sources out there, then I'd need to know more about it. Yes, a hook is needed, and most certainly a description of the courses along with credentials would be essential for most people.


Best to you as you continue to explore possibilities.






I've researched those things myself and you'd have to sell yourself with something really special before I'd even consider it and even then I'd be cheap to buy it.


I've seen those a lot those days on various successful blogs though, it seems to really do it well often that you have to build up yourself first through proven content before others are going to trust your opinion. Even of those that are sucessful though in that genre I've only seen one that I thought might be worth it as the others just gave imo basic info that anybody could find with little reading.

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My target is women who are overweight because of low quality food choices. Women who have read and heard that "xyz" is unhealthy but they don't necessarily know why. They don't have a lot of time to read because they feel guilty taking time for themselves. They give so much to others that their spirituality, self care, mental wellness takes a back seat. Because of all these factors they find themselves in an endless "blah" phase with health that continues to slowly go down hill. My target woman is motivated by guilt a lot of the time but wants to change and develop a voice of her own.


The point of this course (its the introductory course) is for the women to start noticing negative patterns in their lives and to being making small changes to lay a foundation for a higher quality life. The course isn't set up to teach any one specific mode of nutrition, spirituality, etc. Food information is presented in a factual way rather than in line with any one specific diet. Women are encouraged to grow in their own method of spirituality as a way to be more in balance.


Here's some things that stick out to me. Feel free to ignore at will as I'm probably not your demographic:


- I'm not going to pay for nutritional advice if I'm feeling guilty about being overweight.


- people who are overweight because of poor food choices AND don't know any better, may have low budgets to change that choice. You might consider offering a class through a food pantry or other outsource options like that. I don't want to be condemned for my food choices if you don't give me the power to change. If I'm on WIC or food benefits, my options may be limited. You might outline some stores in your area that take food benefits cards.


- you might need to back end the nutritional advice so people don't get immediately defensive. If you walk in with the attitude "you're fat because you don't eat well and I will save you from that" you'll just make people defensive. I don't mean that you will or you do that, I'm just saying you'll have to tread carefully so people don't receive that impression.


- It sounds like you want to reach women who are dealing with health or self-esteem issues. I think you should add some "dressing" to that. I'd be more apt to sign up for a class on dressing the real sized woman, how to maintain your looks when your time is limited, hair styling. IOW add something to address the outward appearance so people feel up to dealing with the inner part of their psyche. You also have to have people you trust in order to get good feedback and referrals. I don't know many women who are going to say "Wow, I felt so horrible about myself and now I'm better and can eat better." Instead if you show them something external they can use that as a talking point to a friend. For a class like this word of mouth is going to be very important.


- As another poster mentioned you're going to need a hook to get people to sign up. Tired, stressed, and overrworked women are going to need a reason to go out of the way to do something for themselves.


- I would reconsider having new lessons available on Monday. I'd probably switch it to Sunday. It's easier to get a few minutes to myself on Sunday when dh is home and we're having some down time before the week begins. Mondays are hectic and even with one child sometimes I'm doing good to get a pizza in the oven for dinner. If I know the class is open on Monday, I'm assuming they can pick it up anytime they want, it's going to low priority. Then I forget about it, then it's Wednesday and I forget again, then it's the end of the week and I've never even logged on. I feel guilty and don't come back. :lol:


- I would find a group and offer them a free class in exchange for their feedback. Pick people who have some influence, if you can, and will be happy to be used as referrals.



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As the other posters mentioned, you need a "hook" of some kind. Something that makes me believe what you are offering is different from and/or better than a library book, an Internet search (that leads to a plethora of free resources), or even a good friend willing to bounce some ideas around.


What are your credentials? Why should I believe what you are offering is worth my time and money? How are your courses different from the many blogs and You Tube videos that already cover your subject matter?


(Please don't take those questions as snark. You don't have to answer them here, of course, but they are the kinds of questions people will ask themselves so your marketing communications should address them.)


:iagree:You are basically talking about life coaching with some additional nutritional advice. Do you have any certifications or degrees in these areas? If you do, I think it could be a winning idea, but if I'm looking for something like this (and I was at one point) I'd be looking for a certified nutritionist or life coach.

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Sounds akin to the 'counseling' these diet centers give. The only time I ever did it with Jenny Craig and that was a waste of time and money.


If this is truly something you want to pursue, I might suggest contacting your local diet places and offering your services. Credentials are important when anyone is paying for advice so if you were under their umbrella it might be a benefit to both parties.


For me, I'd stick to the internet and books.

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My target is women who are overweight because of low quality food choices. Women who have read and heard that "xyz" is unhealthy but they don't necessarily know why. They don't have a lot of time to read because they feel guilty taking time for themselves.



But reading is so much quicker than listening to somebody give the same information orally (plus it can be done at their convenience) - if they have no time, why would they take your class?

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Yep, you've come to the wrong place for a focus group. :D


We're generally a library-loving, research-it-to-death, do-it-ourselves kinda bunch.


Which is exactly why I posted here. I was hoping that I wasn't completely off base. :D Glad to know I've got it right this time.

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Here's some things that stick out to me. Feel free to ignore at will as I'm probably not your demographic:


- I'm not going to pay for nutritional advice if I'm feeling guilty about being overweight.


- people who are overweight because of poor food choices AND don't know any better, may have low budgets to change that choice. You might consider offering a class through a food pantry or other outsource options like that. I don't want to be condemned for my food choices if you don't give me the power to change. If I'm on WIC or food benefits, my options may be limited. You might outline some stores in your area that take food benefits cards.


- you might need to back end the nutritional advice so people don't get immediately defensive. If you walk in with the attitude "you're fat because you don't eat well and I will save you from that" you'll just make people defensive. I don't mean that you will or you do that, I'm just saying you'll have to tread carefully so people don't receive that impression.


- It sounds like you want to reach women who are dealing with health or self-esteem issues. I think you should add some "dressing" to that. I'd be more apt to sign up for a class on dressing the real sized woman, how to maintain your looks when your time is limited, hair styling. IOW add something to address the outward appearance so people feel up to dealing with the inner part of their psyche. You also have to have people you trust in order to get good feedback and referrals. I don't know many women who are going to say "Wow, I felt so horrible about myself and now I'm better and can eat better." Instead if you show them something external they can use that as a talking point to a friend. For a class like this word of mouth is going to be very important.


- As another poster mentioned you're going to need a hook to get people to sign up. Tired, stressed, and overrworked women are going to need a reason to go out of the way to do something for themselves.


- I would reconsider having new lessons available on Monday. I'd probably switch it to Sunday. It's easier to get a few minutes to myself on Sunday when dh is home and we're having some down time before the week begins. Mondays are hectic and even with one child sometimes I'm doing good to get a pizza in the oven for dinner. If I know the class is open on Monday, I'm assuming they can pick it up anytime they want, it's going to low priority. Then I forget about it, then it's Wednesday and I forget again, then it's the end of the week and I've never even logged on. I feel guilty and don't come back. :lol:


- I would find a group and offer them a free class in exchange for their feedback. Pick people who have some influence, if you can, and will be happy to be used as referrals.




Hmm some very good points in this. I need to think some of this through.


A very good point about Sundays. I always take Sunday evening to myself because dh is available. Thanks for pointing this out.


My goal is not to address the weight issue really but the surrounding complications such as high blood pressure. I am in the camp that a woman can have a full figure and be completely healthy as long as she is active, eating healthy(ier), and paying attention to herself. I am targeting overweight women mainly because they have weight related issues that can be managed with small dietary changes and exercise. I am not about to tell them what to eat but rather give them information that will help them make better informed choices. A common complaint is that a Dr. pats a patients knee and says "You need to start cutting out salt and getting more water" (or whatever the advice may be). That leaves a lot of people struggling especially when it comes to labeling.



But all that said, you have given me a whole other perspective to think about. This is the reason I posted here, I knew I would get a full perspective so I can make wise choices.


I appreciate it everyone.

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Hmm some very good points in this. I need to think some of this through.


A very good point about Sundays. I always take Sunday evening to myself because dh is available. Thanks for pointing this out.


My goal is not to address the weight issue really but the surrounding complications such as high blood pressure. I am in the camp that a woman can have a full figure and be completely healthy as long as she is active, eating healthy(ier), and paying attention to herself. I am targeting overweight women mainly because they have weight related issues that can be managed with small dietary changes and exercise. I am not about to tell them what to eat but rather give them information that will help them make better informed choices. A common complaint is that a Dr. pats a patients knee and says "You need to start cutting out salt and getting more water" (or whatever the advice may be). That leaves a lot of people struggling especially when it comes to labeling.



But all that said, you have given me a whole other perspective to think about. This is the reason I posted here, I knew I would get a full perspective so I can make wise choices.


I appreciate it everyone.

I am your target group. I am overweight and having some health issues because of it. Because I have no insurance coverage right now, I have struggling finding good advice from a real live person. My doctor won't refer me to other specialist because I don't have insurance. I can't afford them out of pocket. The stuff at health food stores is overwhelming. Sometimes the information online is overwhelming. However, mine is not from self esteem, or guilt. Part was brought on by hormones, medical proceedures, and then pure laziness. I don't feel guilty, but I would like some help. Now living under the poverty level making healthy food choices and paying bills is really really difficult at times. I have had to visit food banks to stretch our pantry lately and by the time you receive cases of carbs (rice, bread, ramen noodles, ice cream, and cokes) from each one that you try to incorporate into meals... well, it is just plain hard. That being said, I would more likely come to you in person for a small fee, or to a local support group for a small fee for the advice you are offering. I would love to have the support of others near me, women like me, help finding the best deals locally while working with a very limited food budget, and so on. Finding and altering clothing is an issue for me. I stopped make-up due to expense. I would not be interested in a weekly email however.

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I am your target group. I am overweight and having some health issues because of it. Because I have no insurance coverage right now, I have struggling finding good advice from a real live person. My doctor won't refer me to other specialist because I don't have insurance. I can't afford them out of pocket. The stuff at health food stores is overwhelming. Sometimes the information online is overwhelming. However, mine is not from self esteem, or guilt. Part was brought on by hormones, medical proceedures, and then pure laziness. I don't feel guilty, but I would like some help. Now living under the poverty level making healthy food choices and paying bills is really really difficult at times. I have had to visit food banks to stretch our pantry lately and by the time you receive cases of carbs (rice, bread, ramen noodles, ice cream, and cokes) from each one that you try to incorporate into meals... well, it is just plain hard. That being said, I would more likely come to you in person for a small fee, or to a local support group for a small fee for the advice you are offering. I would love to have the support of others near me, women like me, help finding the best deals locally while working with a very limited food budget, and so on. Finding and altering clothing is an issue for me. I stopped make-up due to expense. I would not be interested in a weekly email however.


Thank you for this response. You gave me a few great ideas to start implementing on a local level. If you don't mind, I may PM you to ask a few questions in the future.

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