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Seriously. My brain boggles at ppl sometimes. :001_huh:


Was out today to the beach.


Went to the concession stand there.


Here's a tip:


Do NOT tell your kid that a total stranger will buy him an ice cream cone.


When said stranger, (whose completely oblivious to your attempt to score a free ice cream cone) indicates that she's only paying for her kids, making snarky remarks ("Oh yeah, cause another cone would break you!") ISN'T going to get your way either. Nor is, when your kid is pitching a fit over not getting the ice cream, saying "Thaaanks!" going to change any minds.


ppl are freaking strange.

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No, she ordered her kid a cone, and the woman behind the counter asked, "All of these together?" I specified that I was only buying 3. Then the woman told her kid, "Sorry, I guess you can't have one then." followed by the comment about another cone 'breaking me' and the snarky 'thanks' when the kid started throwing a fit.


I didn't even know wth was going on til the Mom directed comments at me! Totally clueless! No clue who they were, nada.


Ppl are totally bizarre.

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No, she ordered her kid a cone, and the woman behind the counter asked, "All of these together?" I specified that I was only buying 3. Then the woman told her kid, "Sorry, I guess you can't have one then." followed by the comment about another cone 'breaking me' and the snarky 'thanks' when the kid started throwing a fit.


I didn't even know wth was going on til the Mom directed comments at me! Totally clueless! No clue who they were, nada.


Ppl are totally bizarre.


that's even worse, she actually ordered her kid a cone with no intention of paying herself? Came up behind you and made it look like she was with your group to cover her kid's cone? I wonder how many times that gig worked for her, she orders and some unsuspecting person just thinks aw why not, it's just one more and pays.

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No, she ordered her kid a cone, and the woman behind the counter asked, "All of these together?" I specified that I was only buying 3. Then the woman told her kid, "Sorry, I guess you can't have one then." followed by the comment about another cone 'breaking me' and the snarky 'thanks' when the kid started throwing a fit.


I didn't even know wth was going on til the Mom directed comments at me! Totally clueless! No clue who they were, nada.


Ppl are totally bizarre.


What a great role model for her kid. :glare:

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that's even worse, she actually ordered her kid a cone with no intention of paying herself? Came up behind you and made it look like she was with your group to cover her kid's cone? I wonder how many times that gig worked for her, she orders and some unsuspecting person just thinks aw why not, it's just one more and pays.

Or, b/c it's so dang busy in there, doesn't notice they were charged for an extra cone. Or, her snarky act works, and ppl are shamed into it. Who the heck knows?

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funny thing is, I was thinking about it on the way home, and telling myself, "I sooooo have to post this on the Hive!" :lol:


Do you know how many times that runs through my head on a daily/weekly basis. "oh someone on the hive will love this...someone on the hive will know this..." etc :lol:

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Do you know how many times that runs through my head on a daily/weekly basis. "oh someone on the hive will love this...someone on the hive will know this..." etc :lol:

Go you one better. *Wolf* will say to me, "You'd better go post this on the Hive!" or ask, "What's the Hive say? Have you asked them yet?"



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Go you one better. *Wolf* will say to me, "You'd better go post this on the Hive!" or ask, "What's the Hive say? Have you asked them yet?"





:lol::lol: that has not happened yet, though ds8 will ask me to post things on here for him, like some of the funny things he or dd4 says or does he asks me to post them lol


I swear they figure that you ladies are all pseudo aunties with the amount the the hive factors into our conversations

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Curious about what you said to him! :lurk5:


My husband told him no. I felt bad and wanted to go buy him a popcorn. I suspected he was mentally ill or something. It kind of ruined the movie for me because I could not get it off my mind. I'm glad it was not me that the lady asked for ice cream. I would have felt strangely obligated to buy it. Yes, I am a whimp.

Edited by tmulcahy
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Wow, the weirdo really like you. :glare:


I would have been speechless. Poor kid.

I think it's a left over 'weirdo magnet' from when I was dating. Somehow, the wedding band didn't counteract all the effects! :lol:

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OK, that is insane!!! Who would do that??? She probably does it all the time to people, and they don't realize they are paying for hers too.


No, she ordered her kid a cone, and the woman behind the counter asked, "All of these together?" I specified that I was only buying 3. Then the woman told her kid, "Sorry, I guess you can't have one then." followed by the comment about another cone 'breaking me' and the snarky 'thanks' when the kid started throwing a fit.


I didn't even know wth was going on til the Mom directed comments at me! Totally clueless! No clue who they were, nada.


Ppl are totally bizarre.


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dd21 says she is not surprised and "it's the entitlement of my generation."


She said there is a gal she works with that is constantly trying to score stuff off of everybody, food, clothes, jewlery, drinks, etc.etc. and when the others don't pay her way or buy her what she wants (?!- they all have the same job) she is really ugly to them.


Also, I have happened to go to the store with my younger kids and friends- both gf's of dd. Both of dd's friends BEGGED ME (one of them to the point of telling her we'd leave the store if she kept it up) for food and toys. I was flabbergasted. My 12 and 9 yo couldn't believe it. (my rule is begging leads to nada, so my kids generally don't beg for stuff).

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