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How much time do you set aside for personal reading each day?

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I'm curious because I've only read 3 of the 888 books for this year and I'm doing Reading the Bible in a year also. I feel like I'm so falling behind. :eek: Plus...I got all my new school stuff in for 5th grade to put together everything for next year and I just keep eyeballing that stuff.


So how much time do you get to read and when do you do it?:D

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but I almost always get half an hour before bed. Sometimes I get a half hour in the morning. Oh, for those days when I would curl up on the couch and read for hours on end!


I just made my son copy "Slow and steady wins the race" this morning. I'm going to apply that to my current state of reading. At least I'm making the effort!


(And I'm sure I'm about to be embarrassed by all the others who will post that they're reading 3 hours a day, and keeping a writing journal :p)

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I used to get a good two to three hours per day (sorry, Rhesa :o), but I have been distracted by Teaching Company videos from the library for the last few weeks, and am now at about an hour per day.


You could set a certain amount of time as a goal to work on next year's materials, or one day a week. Then you wouldn't feel burdened by it starting at you while you are trying to read. ;)

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Anywhere from 10 minutes to an hour or more (depending on how long I can keep my eyes open). I sometimes read in the morning before they get up, too, but rarely read during the day because I get irritated at the noise level (even if they're being "quiet"--they're never really quiet).

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I usually get about 45 minutes each morning before the kids get up. If I'm motivated enough, I can get another 45 to an hour and a half done in the evening after the kids are asleep. But I have to admit that I've been lazy these last couple of weeks and only reading for half and hour before opting to watch a movie or be on the computer instead. :o


I'm trying to plough through and finish off the books I've started before baby comes... which reminds me, what am I doing on the boards... I could be reading!

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I've been trying for an hour before going to sleep at night. Sometimes it is more, sometimes less. That doesn't include read-alouds. School prep is usually done during the day, although I don't do much prep for 1st grade. If I am near the end of a book, I usually read during the day because I can't stand to put it down!

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I must read a lot because I have already read quite a few books, but I couldn't necessarily tell you when I do it. For sure before bed I read about an hour. Dh & I crawl into bed and read for about 1/2 hour and then I usually read with my book light for a while longer. Then, there is the bath, and while blowdrying my hair, and while dd is at CYT, and a little bit in the morning, bits here and there, etc...:D I also tend to read on the weekends since the weather is cold.

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Ummm. Well it depends on how fast things "move" in the bathroom. :o)



Seriously, it takes me about 3 months, on average, to read a book.


My book list consists of about 8 books, and it never seems to go down. Those books just sit on my bookshelf, staring at me.


Don't beat yourself up. It's not worth it. You can't be "behind" just because you created a list of books to read in a year. You only did that because it seemed like a good idea at the time. That doesn't mean the goal is realistic. Every hour you spend reading is time you *don't* spend doing something else, and sometimes life just gets in the way. Don't wallow in stress that you create for yourself. It's not worth it.


It's just a season. There will be a time when you have all the time in the world to read lots of books about many interesting subjects. Perhaps this isn't the time


Just a thought.

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I usually get in at least an hour or two each night. BUT, I need to set a time limit for myself or I will literally read until 4 a.m. and then the whole family suffers. LOL!! Nighttime is the only time I can squeeze in reading, but I'm trying to wake up earlier to have some alone time then, too, so that I am not gorging myself on books all night. :D

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I read during our daily "quiet time". DD plays or looks at books in her room while she has a snack. I use that as my "study time" - reading from my 888 booklist, working on my writing, etc. I don't go online (my only rule :rolleyes: ) during that time - I must do something productive. I read in the evenings a lot. DH works in the evenings and I don't watch much television, so I read a lot. But actually, for the last two nights I've been quite addicted to Diner Dash :o

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Ok...I've come up with a plan. I'll do my Bible study for 45 minutes first thing in the morning. Then at lunch I'll spend 30 minutes reading, late afternoon I'll read for 30 more minutes and then bedtime 1 hour. I think I can...I think I can...:D


Rhesa --the 888 list is 8 books from 8 different genre's in one year. Total 64 books read that year. You can do a google search of 888 books and it will take you to a website. :)

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