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Dog sitting question

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I require people to bring there own dog food when I board dogs. Mostly for health reasons, but also because dogs can eat a lot. If they don't bring it (and they are always reminded), than I politely tell them the cost of the dog food while their dog was here and ask if they could please add that to their bill.

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I require people to bring there own dog food when I board dogs. Mostly for health reasons, but also because dogs can eat a lot. If they don't bring it (and they are always reminded), than I politely tell them the cost of the dog food while their dog was here and ask if they could please add that to their bill.


But what if they aren't paying? Your just doing this nice thing for a friend so would it be different then? Since you offered would you be expected to feed it too?

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But what if they aren't paying? Your just doing this nice thing for a friend so would it be different then? Since you offered would you be expected to feed it too?


I've done a few of those too and if they forget I buy a bag specifically for their dog and send it home with them letting them know how much the bag costs. I have never had a friend not just pay me for the bag and they don't feel cheated because they take the food home with them and it was for their dog anyway.

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Yes, absolutely. I would expect them to bring the dogs favorite food, favorite treats, favorite toys, and a leash. It's not a great idea to switch dog foods because it can sometimes upset the dog's tummy.

I would also expect them to tell me how much the dog eats or provide a measuring scoop so I can feed them the correct amount.


But when we had a dog I was always very picky about how we did things (control freak I guess). The only person who ever kept her for us was my grandma and I provided everything for the dog-even her blankie and toy.

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Yes, absolutely. I would expect them to bring the dogs favorite food, favorite treats, favorite toys, and a leash. It's not a great idea to switch dog foods because it can sometimes upset the dog's tummy.

I would also expect them to tell me how much the dog eats or provide a measuring scoop so I can feed them the correct amount.


But when we had a dog I was always very picky about how we did things (control freak I guess). The only person who ever kept her for us was my grandma and I provided everything for the dog-even her blankie and toy.


I agree! We have shelties, and switching foods always causes major digestive issues, usually involving repeated showering of behinds.:tongue_smilie:


Maybe the person was in a hurry to get away, and just forgot to bring the food?

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Absolutely they should bring food. Absolutely the "sitter" should be clear on expectations, especially since this is a friendship.


Hate the "beat around the bush" of today's society. Why not just say "Hey don't forget to bring the dog's food, don't want to deal with any upset bellies due to a food change, haha"...keep it light-hearted.


If the dog is already there, well, chalk that up to another lesson in life....speak what you mean.

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the dog is not here yet. I mentioned bringing it food because it has a very expensive diet and after I said that I have kind of gotten the cold shoulder. This dog is on a real food diet I don't know much about that but it gets cooked beef steak chicken rice I don't exactly know. I know that with 4 kids being a single mom my dog eats dog food and I can barely afford to buy chicken for me and the kids more than a few times a month.


I can't go buy all this stuff to feed it ya know.

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OK I know kennels are terribly costly so say you offered to watch a friends dog for a couple of days for free. That being said wouldn't it kind of be expected that the owner of the dog bring it food to eat while at your house?


Of course! My dog will be dog-sat this weekend and there are food packets for every meal prepared so the young lady only has to take them and pour them into the bowl. Is someone expecting you to buy dog food???

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the dog is not here yet. I mentioned bringing it food because it has a very expensive diet and after I said that I have kind of gotten the cold shoulder. This dog is on a real food diet I don't know much about that but it gets cooked beef steak chicken rice I don't exactly know. I know that with 4 kids being a single mom my dog eats dog food and I can barely afford to buy chicken for me and the kids more than a few times a month.


I can't go buy all this stuff to feed it ya know.


Really? And you are still considering doing this for this person?


I nominate this one as the latest winner of "No good deed goes unpunished!"

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Of course! My dog will be dog-sat this weekend and there are food packets for every meal prepared so the young lady only has to take them and pour them into the bowl. Is someone expecting you to buy dog food???



I don't know I just feel as if since I mentioned bring food for the dog I have gotten a cold shoulder.

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the dog is not here yet. I mentioned bringing it food because it has a very expensive diet and after I said that I have kind of gotten the cold shoulder. This dog is on a real food diet I don't know much about that but it gets cooked beef steak chicken rice I don't exactly know. I know that with 4 kids being a single mom my dog eats dog food and I can barely afford to buy chicken for me and the kids more than a few times a month.


I can't go buy all this stuff to feed it ya know.




No matter how great a friend this is, do NOT let the dog into your house without either a big bag of food for the dog or a big fat wad of cash to buy what it needs. If they try the "I'll pay you when we get back- I forgot to get cash" tell them to take the dog with them and run to the ATM. Even if their flight is leaving in an hour. Because when they get back I can just about guarantee that "Oh my gosh! Everything on vacation was so expensive- we're a little short- I'll pay you next week."

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Really? And you are still considering doing this for this person?


I nominate this one as the latest winner of "No good deed goes unpunished!"



I won't be able to if I have to provide food for it. I mean I am not trying to sound mean or anything but if your all "Oh my dog cannot eat dogfood" Then no offense you should not expect others to provide it. If I had to feed my dog a people diet I wouldn't be able to have a dog.

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Of course! My dog will be dog-sat this weekend and there are food packets for every meal prepared so the young lady only has to take them and pour them into the bowl. Is someone expecting you to buy dog food???


The kennel where we're boarding our dog this weekend asks that owners do this as well. Why on earth would I want my dog to spend a weekend in a strange place, no couch or bed to sleep on, AND an icky tummy?


And when she stayed with my in-laws in the past? Yup, we brought her food then, too.


Because that's what you do when your dog stays with someone while you're away. And our dog eats kibble, not labor-intensive home cooking (which I am not slamming, but I wouldn't expect someone else to cook for my dog).

Edited by MyCrazyHouse
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Yes, absolutely. I would expect them to bring the dogs favorite food, favorite treats, favorite toys, and a leash. It's not a great idea to switch dog foods because it can sometimes upset the dog's tummy.

I would also expect them to tell me how much the dog eats or provide a measuring scoop so I can feed them the correct amount.




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The kennel where we're boarding our dog this weekend asks that owners do this as well. Why on earth would I want my dog to spend a weekend in a strange place, no couch or bed to sleep on, AND an icky tummy?


And when she stayed with my in-laws in the past? Yup, we brought her food then, too.


Because that's what you do when your dog stays with someone while you're away.


That is kind of what I have been thinking too

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I won't be able to if I have to provide food for it. I mean I am not trying to sound mean or anything but if your all "Oh my dog cannot eat dogfood" Then no offense you should not expect others to provide it. If I had to feed my dog a people diet I wouldn't be able to have a dog.


You don't sound mean. It's a very nice thing to sit someone's dog! This person is repaying your good deed offer with scummy behavior. Just simply awful to do that to you when you are being so kind in the first place!


I'm so seriously irate on your behalf right now! I need to go :chillpill:.

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They will be bringing the dogs food. A bag of dog food bit probally won't eat and I should just not worry about it?? :confused:


What am I gonna do with a dog who won't eat?


You have two choices.


1. Don't allow them to bring the dog unless they bring his "normal" food.


2. You can put the dog's food out and the dog will not eat for about 3 days. On the plus side, there's nothing to pick up outside. :) On the downside, once he does eat, he may vomit all over your place.


Seriously. This is definitely a "No good deed goes unpunished" situation. Unless this person means a WHOLE LOT to you, I'd choose choice 1 above.

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You have two choices.


1. Don't allow them to bring the dog unless they bring his "normal" food.


2. You can put the dog's food out and the dog will not eat for about 3 days. On the plus side, there's nothing to pick up outside. :) On the downside, once he does eat, he may vomit all over your place.


Seriously. This is definitely a "No good deed goes unpunished" situation. Unless this person means a WHOLE LOT to you, I'd choose choice 1 above.



Well the kids are friends with hers, so you know how that goes. I will feed it outside only I guess. I mean it can always stay in the barn I guess. I don't get some things. Then again it is the same story over the kids. If my daughter wants a sleep over all 3 of her girls have to come, even though one wets the bed and the other won't behave.


If my kids were not so desperate for friends......

Edited by clarkacademy
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Well the kids are friends with hers, so you know how that goes. I will feed it outside only I guess. I mean it can always stay in the barn I guess. I don't get some things. Then again it is the same story over the kids. If my daughter wants a sleep over all 3 of her girls have to come, even though one wets the bed and the other won't behave.


If my kids were not so desperate for friends......



Ahhhhh....well then how 'bout lots of :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:!

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OK I know kennels are terribly costly so say you offered to watch a friends dog for a couple of days for free. That being said wouldn't it kind of be expected that the owner of the dog bring it food to eat while at your house?


Absolutely they should bring their own food. I actually fix our dogs food in zip lock bags she she get the correct amount daily and label them. All they have to do is pour it into the bowl and give her fresh water.

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Well the kids are friends with hers, so you know how that goes. I will feed it outside only I guess. I mean it can always stay in the barn I guess. I don't get some things. Then again it is the same story over the kids. If my daughter wants a sleep over all 3 of her girls have to come, even though one wets the bed and the other won't behave.


If my kids were not so desperate for friends......


That stinks. This person is totally taking advantage of you. If it were me (given the friend situation) I would feed the dog whatever they bring and keep it in the barn. And I would not make any such offers in the future.

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They will be bringing the dogs food. A bag of dog food bit probally won't eat and I should just not worry about it?? :confused:


What am I gonna do with a dog who won't eat?


She should bring whatever food the dog is used to eating. I have had dogs in the past that won't eat at all the first day or two that we leave. I would tell whoever is watching them to not be surprised if they don't eat much the first few days. It was just what they did.



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No matter how great a friend this is, do NOT let the dog into your house without either a big bag of food for the dog or a big fat wad of cash to buy what it needs. If they try the "I'll pay you when we get back- I forgot to get cash" tell them to take the dog with them and run to the ATM. Even if their flight is leaving in an hour. Because when they get back I can just about guarantee that "Oh my gosh! Everything on vacation was so expensive- we're a little short- I'll pay you next week."


I allow people to pay when they pick their dog up. Then they are paying for a job that's been done. But they aren't allowed to leave with the pet unless I have cash. I have had people give me the 'we are a little short, we'll pay next week' routine and I told them that they would have to come get their animal next week then and it would cost the extra week of boarding. It's amazing how quickly people find cash then.

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