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What's the plan for today?

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Made appointment with car repair shop for my new car to have repairs done after the city lawnmowers accidentally slung concrete at it, busting out the window and denting/scratching the panel under it.


Made appointment with doc because my 'irregular heartbeats' are getting worse...I've been so tired lately and feel woozy at times...not good


Need to get the lawn mowed and the rest of the laundry folded. Got it all done last week after two weeks of Scout and Girls Camp, but then left with hubby out of town for the weekend so I didn't finish.


Need to finish grading the kids school work...it's too hot to do much else here in the summer so we school and take breaks in the spring and fall when the crowds are low and weather is pretty! :D


Need to look for some fun things to do for the 4th. Want to go to the beach, but NO WAY with all the people that will be there...I hate crowds.


Wendy has inspired me to jump on the violin train :D. I have always wanted to learn (piano too, but I'm self teaching that one since I already read music). I'm researching some good beginner violins later today...


What about you?

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Calling the mortgage company non-stop until I get someone to answer. :glare: I've been trying to reach someone there since Friday to confirm that the payment I send in to get us out of foreclosure has been processed and to get proof of us being out of foreclosure in writing.



And a trip to the bank later on today.

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I'm so excited! I'm going to have human adult contact today! Real people n everything! And I slept!


We are headed off to study group for a bit, then there's this completely crazy cheap thrift shop I hope we can stop by. I'm getting a bag of old white T shirts to chop up (they have a bag sale) and then I'm going to cut them up into swatches and use them for science experiments of a sort.


Hopefully when I get home, my bread will be done and the stew will be perfect and the maid will have stopped by to finish the laundry. (sarcasm)


It'd be cool if she mopped the floors also. I'll have to leave her a note and a twenty spot eh? :)

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I just got home from oral surgery. I had an implant put in. It was the second part of a two-part procedure and I used an iv to put me to sleep because I'm a big old chicken hiney. :)


I am feeling surprisingly well and should be able to start school work with ds15 around 1:30pm.


However, I'm most likely to take a pain pill (Lortab) so I can't say how things will be after that. :)

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Have a cheesecake in the oven. Supposed to go to a going away party for Wolf's boss tonight.


Wolf was saying he didn't feel great this am, so we'll see if we actually go. Hoping we can.


And, ducking calls from my mother. Apparently she's back from whatever wknd trip she had. :glare:

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My son is volunteering as a junior counselor at a local theatre's day camp this week. So, I got him up and fed and packed him a lunch and dropped him there at 8:15 this morning.


I've done two loads of laundry, mostly blankets and quilts that my son likes to leave all over the floor in the living room so he can "nest" while he watches a movie.


I have a big batch of black beans simmering away in the slow cooker, with which I will make something for dinner.


I just finished pre-watching Mississippi Burning and writing background information and questions for my son's American history study next year.


I'll pick him up from the theatre at 2:15 and bring him home long enough to take the next dose of antibiotics (ear infection) and pack up another meal. Then, I'll drop him at choir rehearsal, where he'll stay until 9:15-ish.


I'm hoping to have time to get to the library and pick up another couple of DVDs of films for next year. With my son gone for a few hours every day, I have a quiet house in which to watch and take notes.


Later, I'll make dinner for the rest of us, then deliver my daughter to her rehearsal.


I'll collect her a little before 9:00 and take her with me to hear the choir's first practice evensong for their tour later this summer, after which we'll all three go home.

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Dh and an out of town guest stayed out on another friend's sail boat last night. I assume they will come home sometime today. They have dinner plans with another set of friends tonight. I might see them for an hour or two today...but it is unlikely.


DD5 is at daycare until 2:30.


DD13 is asleep still and when she wakes up, we will go to the fabric store to buy fabric to make her a new purse. This week I hope to teach her to read a pattern. She can already sew basic items, but has never used a pattern.


Ds17 is heading to the church for the day. He spends more waking hours there than at home LOL.

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Just finished three hours of school work and shampooing the living room carpets. Have a few loads of laundry to fold and basic maintenance chores- how does the school room carpet need vacuuming already when we're barely in there this summer?!


We're going to try to catch Brave at 2 this afternoon with some friends. Then we have marriage counseling, then I have Bible Study, then I go to the gym, then the grocery store... Mondays are my crazy busy days. :glare:

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Let's see. My husband just accepted a job several states away so I have been busy thinking about painting, grouting and caulking to get this house on the market. My parents took the kids for the week so I've also been thinking about purging the kids' junk while they are gone (mean, I know...but really - my youngest is a pack rat).


Notice I said "thinking about". So far, I've eaten a ton of brie cheese, thrown one load of laundry in the washer (hasn't made it to dryer), touched up one paint spot in the mudroom, found a few random socks under DS's bed, and surfed Pinterest.


Tomorrow is another day...:)

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Going to pick up strawberries. Making jam.


And, my boys are coming home today!!!!! They've been at their grandpa's for a week and I miss them!


I've also planned a tour of the boys' bedroom with all of the boys, pointing out how nice and neat it is and how much I'd like it to stay that way. :tongue_smilie:



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Laundry, laundry, laundry.

Spend time on the phone trying to get the insurance company to fix their mistakes. :glare:

Then later ds and I have our first horseback riding lessons at our friends' place in the country. :hurray: Thankfully it will "only" be 103 today, much better than last week.



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Up at 5 and had some me time and then I started with cleaning and working outside about 6 (man it get's light early). Doing some light yard work, weeding and sweeping the porch and such and puttering around the house- sweeping, dishes, general tidying, cooked small b-fast, eggs and cereal. Worked until company came.


Had playdate from 9:30-11am with a dear friend and the kids played outside, inside and then we made a little treat (coconut bars-freezer).


I'm chilling now after picking up and cleaning a bit after they left. I need to roast some veggies to complete our lunch. Then it is story time and nap time (for everyone but ds!).


I have a load of clothes I need to get off the line this evening and fold.


I've got meat in the crockpot that is done but needs to be combined with something else for supper, to be decided later!


I'm hoping we can go pick blackberries this evening so I can make some jam tommorrow.


I'm starting a worm compost bin but need dh to drill some holes to finish it off.


Otherwise the house is pretty clean (except dusting) so I just need to keep after everyone to pick up after themselves.


Pretty relaxing and productive day planned.

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Clean up from lunch (eating now).


Make sure I have hamburger thawing for Beef Enchilada Casserole.


Do a couple loads of laundry.


After DS1 is down for his nap take DS2 for a walk to get a gallon of milk (thus letting DH have some by-himself-quiet-time)...


... Since I'll be passing the dumpster on my way to get milk: take out a box/bag of crap that I've been sorting through. (Seriously, where did all this stuff come from?!?! I'm pretty sure it just reproduces like rabbits when I'm not looking.)


Sweep off patio because the grounds crew managed to get dirt all over it again:glare:


Wipe down kitchen cabinets and floor.





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well, I have done my run for the day, washing dishes from breakfast and lunch now, have a load of laundry going, about to make up beds (running late) then we are doing our wee bit of schooling for the day (math and reading) and then we are heading to the library and then the boys have gymnastics...after that, who knows :p

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We finished portfolios this morning. Dh took the kids mini-golfing and my writing group is meeting here tonight.


Getting ready to start back summer school (since we didn't do much spring school) later this week once our break is over.

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After spending the night sleeping in the living room with my son who has a nasty case of poison ivy, up at 5:30, quiet time, 2 loads of laundry done, breakfast, called dr. office to get appt. for poison ivy son, reading and math, drop off extra boys at my moms, take son to dr. for steriods ( poor thing, it's all over his face), get Sonic milkshake and cherry limeade while waiting for prescription, back to mom's who says she will make us lunch (yay, Mom!), talk to dd who is in NOLA for the summer, bring boys home, three swim, the other just lays around trying not to scratch, listen to The Lion, the Witch and The Wardrobe on audio and now the boys are playing Creationary while I'm on here.


Dh will grill chicken for fajitas for dinner and that's all I'm committing to today:tongue_smilie:

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Just finished three hours of school work and shampooing the living room carpets. Have a few loads of laundry to fold and basic maintenance chores- how does the school room carpet need vacuuming already when we're barely in there this summer?!


We're going to try to catch Brave at 2 this afternoon with some friends. Then we have marriage counseling, then I have Bible Study, then I go to the gym, then the grocery store... Mondays are my crazy busy days. :glare:


Did you get out to see Brave today? We are planning to in a bit. I hope your session goes well. DH and I did that a few years ago. It was quite helpful. :grouphug:

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I did manage to get a load of laundry done that I'd forgotten about, printed off and saved some transcript and grade sheets for dd since she's a freshman now...gotta keep track of things.


got lots of school work graded.


Appointment to doc has been made and appointment for car to be repaired.


got meds in one of my horses...he's having a hard day with his heaves and allergies today.


kids are just about finished with their school work and then we'll be off to town to see Brave for our Family Home Evening.


oh and just about finished with my friends baby blanket...I've been busting my hiney to get it done.


Have to remember to stop by Hobby Lobby for black paint and matching ribbon for the blanket...

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Dh and the little boys decided to stay in his parents' trailer for the night instead of driving home from their camping trip, so I had the full day to finish things I meant to get done this weekend.


Dsd had her first day of volunteering as a counsellor-in-training, so I dropped her off there, brought the other two grocery shopping with me and then they helped me clean the kitchen and with yardwork for a good two hours. After a lovely and nutritious lunch at Burger King (how did you think I got them to do yard work? ;)), we went shopping for running shoes, soccer cleats and swimsuits, then went for a walk until it was time to pick up Dsd. We had a quiet dinner and we're having a quiet evening. I'm researching writing curricula and being lazy, Ds is doing some math and the girls are watching The Notebook. Again. I never should have bought it. :tongue_smilie:

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We had a quiet dinner and we're having a quiet evening. I'm researching writing curricula and being lazy, Ds is doing some math and the girls are watching The Notebook. Again. I never should have bought it. :tongue_smilie:


Love Love Love the Notebook...makes me cry.

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