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What to give teen girl for cramps?

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I remember I had bad cramps as a teen but now I am pain free, hardly know where in my cycle I am most days. But my younger daughter came downstairs yesterday took an advil and plopped herself on the couch for about an hour. I did take her the heating pad. I remember it being my friend.


Do they still make pamprin, midol? Is it just as good to give her advil? Dh is getting anti-chiropractor because you just keep going and going and going with no end in sight. Or what else?

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You want an anti-prostaglandin. That would be ibruprofen (Advil). You can give her a bigger dose if you want. Not a Dr here, but I'd be comfortable going up to 600 (3 Advil regular). Start low, go up to see the lowest dose that works for her. You can start Advil the day before the period, too, but I don't like giving meds that way--ymmv. Your dd's Dr would be a good resource--you could call the nurses' line if that makes you more comfortable.


Midol was too wimpy for my cramps. ;)

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You want an anti-prostaglandin. That would be ibruprofen (Advil). You can give her a bigger dose if you want. Not a Dr here, but I'd be comfortable going up to 600 (3 Advil regular). Start low, go up to see the lowest dose that works for her. You can start Advil the day before the period, too, but I don't like giving meds that way--ymmv. Your dd's Dr would be a good resource--you could call the nurses' line if that makes you more comfortable.


Midol was too wimpy for my cramps. ;)




With every word.

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IIRC, Midol's main ingredient was ibuprofen anyway, though it might have had something else in it as well.


The trick for me is ibuprofen (well, I haven't had cramps bad enough to need it since before I had babies), but with everything, ibuprofen works best for me if I take it and then take a nap. When I was a teen, I used to take meds and nap on the couch.

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Naproxen sodium (Aleve) always worked better for me for cramps than ibuprofen.


Motrin and Advi are both ibuprofen.


Aleve last longer which is nice at night especially.




I have a lot of issues with my cycle (PCOS) and my doctor recommended Aleve over ibuprofen for a couple reasons.


He maintained that ibuprofen actually thins the blood and can make bleeding worse/heavier *and* ibuprofen is pretty rough on stomach, kidneys and liver...especially at higher doses.

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Start with ibuprofen. If that doesn;t work, try Alleve (Naproxen sodium?) After taking double the max. dose (with Dr. permission) of ibuprofen, DD was still in so much pain she was sobbing uncontrollably. After 1 dose of Alleve and 10 mins with a heating pad she hopped off the couch and went looking for food- always a good sign, as cramps make her nauseous.


Check with your Dr, but the first dose of alleve can be doubled.


Our best trick is to take an ibuprofen at the first signs, and alleve if it's hurting after that. I avoid medicines as much as possible, but in this case, taking 1 pill right away often eliminates the need to take many more for several days to get it under control.

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From Wikipedia...


The "Midol Complete" formulation consists of:

The "Extended Relief" formulation consists of:

The "Teen" formulation consists of:

The "Liquid Gels" formulation consists of:

The "PM" formulation consists of:


I had no idea there were so many kinds of Midol, but I guess the one I am most familiar with is the "Complete." Either that or they have changed it. Last I knew, regular Midol was ibuprofen and caffeine.


Excederin also has caffeine, but includes aspirin, which probably wouldn't be ideal with it's blood-thinning properties.


But yes, they still make both Midol and Pamprin.


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IIRC, Midol's main ingredient was ibuprofen anyway, though it might have had something else in it as well.


Midol Liquid Gels are the only ones which contain ibuprofen.


Does MIDOL contain aspirin?

No. MIDOL Complete, MIDOL Teen Formula and MIDOL PM contain acetaminophen. MIDOL Extended Relief contains naproxen sodium and MIDOL Liquid Gels contains ibuprofen. Aspirin-sensitive patients should not take MIDOL Extended Relief or MIDOL Liquid Gels especially if you have had an allergic reaction to aspirin, e.g., asthma, swelling, shock or hives, because even though this product contains no aspirin or salicylates, cross-sensitivities may occur in patients allergic to aspirin.



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If you want a supplement that isn't as difficult to take as ibuprofen, I have always found large doses of potassium to be very good for cramps. You can't overdose on the stuff and it's good for cramping in general (thus you will often see someone advise athletes to eat bananas). Anyway I used to take 4 or 5 potassium pills when I had bad cramps.

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I feel empathy for your daughter as I had severe cramps, especially in high school but right up till I got pregnant with my older son (one bonus of having my son was that when my period came back my cramps were gone.) I had long periods with heavy cramping and a couple of days of vomiting each month. Taking magnesium helped but it did not eliminate the pain, just a slight lessening.


I would see what works best for her- ibuprofen or naxopren sodium. Midol is just a name brand label for a variety of OTC pain meds so I would skip it and save the higher cost.


I second combining ibuprofen with acetaminophen, that has helped me a lot for different things.

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I'm new here but just thought I would chime in on this one. I use Raspberry Leaf Tea and drink it like a fish, particularly on day 2. It works anytime but that tends to be the worst day for me. I try to stay away from synthetic drugs if I can help it and this helps TREMENDOUSLY.

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