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How long between teA?

Break between teA sessions  

  1. 1. Break between teA sessions

    • 1 week
    • 2-4 weeks
    • 2-4 months
    • 5-6 months
    • 7-9 months
    • 1 year +
    • There's such a thing as a break???
    • Other

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Just curious as to the longest time span couples have experienced between teA sessions? I'm not talking about extenuating circumstances such as deployment, extreme illness, etc.


Will try to make this poll anonymous, lol. ;)

Edited by LuvnMySvn
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Maybe I should've voted differently, because there was one occasion where it was around the two month mark. This was due to a nasty flu that I got, then dh got immediately after, then I received my monthly weather condition :D. However, I consider that to be an extenuating circumstance.


Dh and I live in two different cities at the moment, due to our 16yo having one more year in high school and dh taking a promotion that required him to relocate, so this is why it's sometimes 2-4 weeks between teA time. Maybe TMI, but felt somewhat compelled to offer an explanation. :lol:

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Not counting pregnancy restrictions/work absences, 1 week tops. And that was due to his extremely long commute plus long days = too tired to brew. Now that that job situation has changed, we have regained rabbit like brew times :hurray:

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We are about every 4 days. A week is too long to wait. Twice a day is too often (for us). This is assuming everyone is healthy. Since my youngest is over 2 years old, I've completely recovered from childbirth & my hormones have settled down. It makes it much easier to be more frequent with the alone time.

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okay apparently I have some things to learn about online code words. Why teA?


I also saw the thread about "self-brewing" being a sin? I seriously thought they were talking about home brewing hobbies...you know as in yummy beer? :lol: I also saw the phrase "teA obsessed culture"? Like what green tea, black tea, Lipton?


I hate to offend anyone, but could someone tell me honestly why you can't spell out the word sex or masturbation or intercourse or...why teA????

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okay apparently I have some things to learn about online code words. Why teA?


I also saw the thread about "self-brewing" being a sin? I seriously thought they were talking about home brewing hobbies...you know as in yummy beer? :lol: I also saw the phrase "teA obsessed culture"? Like what green tea, black tea, Lipton?


I hate to offend anyone, but could someone tell me honestly why you can't spell out the word sex or masturbation or intercourse or...why teA????


Inside jokes due to a series of threads in the past. It is just part of the board culture, not a prudishness or anything.

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okay apparently I have some things to learn about online code words. Why teA?


I also saw the thread about "self-brewing" being a sin? I seriously thought they were talking about home brewing hobbies...you know as in yummy beer? :lol: I also saw the phrase "teA obsessed culture"? Like what green tea, black tea, Lipton?


I hate to offend anyone, but could someone tell me honestly why you can't spell out the word sex or masturbation or intercourse or...why teA????


I thought it was so those types of threads would be less likely to be found with Google searches, and also because the forum may have kids reading over parents' shoulders. :001_smile:

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I think the OP wants to know the longest.


Unfortunately, for me, that was just about 1 year. We weren't sure our marriage was going to make it. Now, average times between sessions have varied over the years and under "normal" circumstances ranged from 1-1.5 months between or, in better times, just a few days.


Currently, it's just a few days, I'm happy to say!! :D

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2-3 weeks at the longest, 2-3 times over the course of our 10.5 year marriage. I think after each birth it was no more than 2-4 weeks (fine with my MWs), basically once my bleeding stopped. I didn't really experience a whole lot of discomfort PP other than some very mild discomfort the first time or two we engaged after DS1 was born.


I've been BFing and pg for all of the last 8 years, and I have found each time my youngest hit about age 2, my drive kicks back into overdrive. We just hit that point again recently, so teA has been an every day, or twice a day thing for the last few months.

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Every day. At least the days we are together. And since we are living apart through the week we make the most of our 3 days together and it is often more than once a day.


I might still be considered a newly wed.....:confused: 1 year and a half. But we are both in our 40s.

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