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Where do you keep these items in your home?

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[quote name=plain jane;3986095


1. Camera

2. Video camera

2. Flashlights

3. Purse

4. Incoming mail that you don't have time to open just yet

5. Your dh's wallet

6. Library books

7. Items that need to be returned to stores but you can't get around to immediately

8. Outdoor toys

9. Completed homeschool stuff (workbooks' date=' etc.)

10.Game system accessories (dance mat, wii balance board, rock band drums, etc.)


I use small baskets on a higher shelf to store things that we reach for on a daily basis. The camera, things that dh pulls out of his pockets when he's home (wallet, mp3 player,keys,-which he stores on a hook that is on the shelf). I store cords (camera, phone, mp3 player chargers, flash drive) in a basket in the cabinets in the kitchen that we use for non kitchen storage. Printer ink, paper, extra checks, science project supplies, pens and dry erase markers etc go in these cabinets as well.


Video camera is rarely used but it is stored in a side table in the front room that also stores phone book, notebooks, catalogs, etc.


Flashlights and batteries and tools, cleaning supplies etc are stored in the closet in the utility room.


I have a desk top mail sorter on the cabinet in the kitchen that stores mail (bills, invites, any mail that needs my attention) and I toss any mail I don't need to keep down clutter. Bills usually get put in the front slot and things that can be dealt with later are put towards the back. Any mail that I need to keep but doesn't need a response from me I store in an accordion file folder that is in the cabinet I mentioned above.


Library books are kept on top of a shelf in the corner of the front room to keep them together and separate from our books. It's by the door so they can be grabbed easily as we walk out.


My purse/diaper bag hangs from my closet door in my bedroom.


Outdoor toys stay in the garage. Sandbox toys usually just stay in the sandbox until it's covered for winter.


Wii accessories and games as well as DVDs and remotes are stored in the cabinets and drawer of the tv table.


At the end of every year I store stuff I want to keep in a tub with a lid marked with the year and then it's put into a storage closet in the back bedroom. Although now I've saved enough that I'm putting it all together in one tub that will be put into the attic. Things I might want to use or reference again I keep out on the homeschool shelves.


Shopping stuff just piles up in my bedroom. :tongue_smilie: As well as bags of stuff to get donated etc. keeping it out where I can trip on it usually gets me motivated to get it out of the house pretty quickly.

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1. Camera - in a basket in my bedroom closet

2. Video camera - same as above

2. Flashlights - the kitchen 'junk' drawer and the garage

3. Purse - I only carry a wristlet usually and I place it in a basket on my kitchen counter

4. Incoming mail that you don't have time to open just yet - same basket as above (it gets emptied once or twice a week)

5. Your dh's wallet - He usually puts it on his nightstand.

6. Library books - in the girls room or by the door just before we go to the libary

7. Items that need to be returned to stores but you can't get around to immediately - On our stairs in plain sight. I usually try to get them returned within a week. Otherwise I will NEVER return them.

8. Outdoor toys - Garage

9. Completed homeschool stuff (workbooks, etc.) - I don't know yet as we're just getting started. But probably in our school room.

10.Game system accessories (dance mat, wii balance board, rock band drums, etc.) - We don't have any of these items.

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1. Camera Cupboard above the phone.

2. Video camera Don't own one.

2. Flashlights Flashlight box on the hallway shelf.

3. Purse Small basket in the kitchen.

4. Incoming mail that you don't have time to open just yet Ditto.

5. Your dh's wallet He takes care of that. Usually upstairs in the bedroom closet.

6. Library books Special library shelf.

7. Items that need to be returned to stores but you can't get around to immediately No good home for those, and for good reason--when they sit around in the way, I am motivated to return them!

8. Outdoor toys Outside on the deck.

9. Completed homeschool stuff (workbooks, etc.) Recycle bin. I don't keep those.

10.Game system accessories (dance mat, wii balance board, rock band drums, etc.) Playroom.



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There are a few items that I simply can't find a good "home" for in my home so I'm looking to hear where others keep these:


Part of my problem is having a baby who is into absolutely everything so I have to have things out of sight and I'm running out of good places that are. :tongue_smilie:


1. Camera- next to desk

2. Video camera- ditto

2. Flashlights- under washing machine (front loader on pedestal)

3. Purse- on top of short book shelf

4. Incoming mail that you don't have time to open just yet- corner of kitchen counter

5. Your dh's wallet- on his nightstand

6. Library books- in a rolling cart, next to our homeschool shelves.

7. Items that need to be returned to stores but you can't get around to immediately- you got me there. Generally, stacked on the kitchen counter.

8. Outdoor toys- shed

9. Completed homeschool stuff (workbooks, etc.)- filing box

10.Game system accessories (dance mat, wii balance board, rock band drums, etc.)- in the entertainment system



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1. Camera - in it's case, underneath the small printer table

2. Video camera - on camera

2. Flashlights- each kid has their own, dh's top drawer, kitchen drawer

3. Purse- kitchen counter or chari

4. Incoming mail that you don't have time to open just yet- I open and compost or put in bill pile, distribute to kids. It doesn't collect

5. Your dh's wallet- not my problem.

6. Library books- in huge Land's End bag, on library cart (5th pic down- the kids and I made it - pattern from Ana White's site)

7. Items that need to be returned to stores but you can't get around to immediately- My funny bunch's solution is mine, too!

8. Outdoor toys- outdoors, or on back/front porch. In winter, they all come in. They don't clutter the yard, though cause when we mow we are on a mission.

9. Completed homeschool stuff (workbooks, etc.) Discard. And I go through everything in the spring of every year.

10.Game system accessories (dance mat, wii balance board, rock band drums, etc.) Basement, near T.V.

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1. Camera

2. Video camera

2. Flashlights

3. Purse

4. Incoming mail that you don't have time to open just yet

5. Your dh's wallet

6. Library books

7. Items that need to be returned to stores but you can't get around to immediately

8. Outdoor toys

9. Completed homeschool stuff (workbooks, etc.)

10.Game system accessories (dance mat, wii balance board, rock band drums, etc.)


1. On a shelf behind the TV -- on the "island" between our living room and kitchen

2. Out in the open (not a good place)

2. Flashlights: Shelf in the laundry room next to towels, etc. (easy to find in the dark)

3. On a stack of boxes next to the door.

4. In my bag that goes back and forth to work with me

5. On the dresser

6. On top of DVDs on a shelf in the living room.

7. In a bag, with the receipt, in the car.

8. Outdoors.

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1. Camera

2. Video camera

We have a large drawer near the stereo where we keep electronic stuff, including cords, adapters, and so on.

2. Flashlights

Theoretically in a drawer in the kitchen, and there is one in the garage. The kids tend to take them and leave them places though.

3. Purse

On a hook in the hall closet

4. Incoming mail that you don't have time to open just yet

On the piano

5. Your dh's wallet

Wherever he puts it, on his dresser or in his pants usually

6. Library books

In the living room on the coffee table

7. Items that need to be returned to stores but you can't get around to immediately

No good place for this, they tend to get dumped on the hall chair

8. Outdoor toys

Outside near the steps in the good weather, in the garage in winter.

9. Completed homeschool stuff (workbooks, etc.)

Need a system for this.

10.Game system accessories (dance mat, wii balance board, rock band drums, etc.)

Don't have one, I'd keep them in a cupboard I think near the tv.

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1. Camera-on dh's desk

2. Video camera-in bottom of hutch

2. Flashlights-laundry room on shelf

3. Purse-usually beside bed or in living room coat closet

4. Incoming mail that you don't have time to open just yet-on my desk or in fruit basket

5. Your dh's wallet-beside bed on night stand or in junk/key drawer in kitchen

6. Library books-dd keeps in her bedroom

7. Items that need to be returned to stores but you can't get around to immediately-laundry room on shelf

8. Outdoor toys-don't have any

9. Completed homeschool stuff (workbooks, etc.)-designated shelf or area for homeschool materials

10.Game system accessories (dance mat, wii balance board, rock band drums, etc.)-have two hall closets; one I use for linens and towels, the other one is for games and misc. also have decorative container near tv for some of the smaller gaming items

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1. Camera phone

2. Video cameraPhone

2. FlashlightsPhone

Phones usually in my back pocket or on the table near me

3. Purse Nightstand

4. Incoming mail that you don't have time to open just yet Desk in "bills" box

5. Your dh's wallet His back pocket or his nightstand

6. Library books In their school cubbies

7. Items that need to be returned to stores but you can't get around to immediately In van so they are there ready to go when we finally make it there

8. Outdoor toys :001_huh:Outdoors

9. Completed homeschool stuff (workbooks, etc.)Final tests or best works in a drawer. Rest in the trash

10.Game system accessories (dance mat, wii balance board, rock band drums, etc.) In the console the tv is on. Two doors on the right are wii stuff. Two doors on the left are Xbox stuff. DVDs are kept in coat closet shelving.

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There are a few items that I simply can't find a good "home" for in my home so I'm looking to hear where others keep these:


Part of my problem is having a baby who is into absolutely everything so I have to have things out of sight and I'm running out of good places that are. :tongue_smilie:


1. Camera (I have two, a small one kept in my purse and my larger one kept in my camera bag on a chair in the DR, of all places! It's convenient and not in anyone's way...)

2. Video camera (My husband's domain...kept in his study)

2. Flashlights (I have 2 baskets under the sink in our powder room where I keep batteries, our flashlights, and our extra light bulbs.)

3. Purse (On top of my shoe caddy in our laundry room.)

4. Incoming mail that you don't have time to open just yet (I have an office-style wire basket that I keep on the counter by my telephone where this goes. I go through it every week or so...)

5. Your dh's wallet (We have a small shelf with hooks where we keep our keys and his wallet goes on the shelf.)

6. Library books (This may be of help...it helped me. I have a small tote back that I got from 31 that's perfect for "errand items." Whatever I need to take with me on errands (coupons, library books, measuring tape, snack...:D, I put in there so I can grab it with my list and go. Once my errand are finished, I bring it in, put it by my purse in the laundry room and it's ready for the next trip.)

7. Items that need to be returned to stores but you can't get around to immediately (Again, they're put in the errand bag.)

8. Outdoor toys (My husband built a short shelf in the corner of our garage where the kids can get at it...on it are sidewalk chalk, water squirters (sp?), etc. Sports equipment goes in a sports caddy in nearby and out of the way.)

9. Completed homeschool stuff (workbooks, etc.) (An "in basket" on my desk.)

10.Game system accessories (dance mat, wii balance board, rock band drums, etc.) (All of our game equipment is smaller (we don't own a dance mat) and fits in a decorative basket in our family room. Our games are lined up on a shelf in our media console.)


Hope this helps! I'm enjoying reading where everyone keeps their items. I love organizing!



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1. Camera- Behind a picture frame up on our mantle-makes it easy to grab for a photo opportunity, but is out of sight.


2. Video camera-do not have one


2. Flashlights-in all the night stands and in the cars


3. Purse-on a chair in my bedroom


4. Incoming mail that you don't have time to open just yet-In my inbox on my desk (I have a desk, it is buried under all those piles:lol:)


5. Your dh's wallet-He puts it in his inbox on his desk (which is as neat as a pin)


6. Library books-If it doesnt need to be returned, on the designated library shelf on our bookshelf; if it does need to be returned, in the canvas library bag next to my purse.


7. Items that need to be returned to stores but you can't get around to immediately-In the regift it box :lol: I finally admitted to myself, returns do not happen around here.


8. Outdoor toys-against the wall in the garage


9. Completed homeschool stuff (workbooks, etc.)- on a bookshelf in the basement


10.Game system accessories (dance mat, wii balance board, rock band drums, etc.)-wiimotes and nun-chucks are in a canvas bin on a built in shelf next to the TV and the balance board is under the TV in the cabinet. The game disks are in a canvas CD case and kept slid between the TV and the Wii console. Leapster games and DS games are in the same canvas bin as the the wiimotes.

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1. Camera & Video camera: My TV cabinet has 3 drawers. We keep the cameras and some other electronic items in one drawer. It has worked well because they're handy to grab for a quick pic. With a little one, I'd put a child lock on the drawer.


2. Flashlights: On each level of the house, in a central location that's easy for everyone to access, we have a flashlight that stays plugged in and comes on automatically if the power goes out. Other flashlights, along with emergency radio and extra batteries and bulbs, are stored in a bin on the landing at the top of our basement stairs.


3. Purse: on a hook behind the front door. Each person has two hooks there for a coat and a bag.


4. Incoming mail that you don't have time to open just yet: we have a fabric pouch that I sewed and attached to the door with Velcro, to catch mail as it comes in through the mail slot. I just leave it there until it's sorted.


5. Dh's wallet: I don't know where he keeps it


6. Library books: A tote bag hanging on a hook behind the front door. Also put reminders on my calendar.


7. Items that need to be returned to stores but you can't get around to immediately: in a tote bag in the car trunk


8. Outdoor toys: Toys that are used in the yard are in a Rubbermaid Roughneck vertical storage shed in the yard. Larger or seasonal items, like sleds and bikes, are in the basement or garage.


9. Completed homeschool stuff (workbooks, etc.): if we're keeping them, on bookcases out of the way in an upstairs hallway.


10.Game system accessories (dance mat, wii balance board, rock band drums, etc.): smaller items like controllers are in one drawer of the TV cabinet, and game discs are in a 2nd drawer. Balance board slides under the TV cabinet. Drums are tucked out of the way behind the sofa.

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1. Camera: In my purse or on the charging station in the school room.

2. Video camera: Is the same device as #1.

2. Flashlights: In drawers all over the house, except when they are on their chargers in my husband's office.

3. Purse: On a hook in the mudroom area.

4. Incoming mail that you don't have time to open just yet: We have a wall holder for this.

5. Your dh's wallet: He usually puts it on top of the microwave in the kitchen despite my begging him to stop. I finally stuck a tray up there so at least it looks less haphazard.

6. Library books: In a dedicated canvas bag kept in the schoolroom.

7. Items that need to be returned to stores but you can't get around to immediately: On the bench next to the back door.

8. Outdoor toys: All over the yard. Sigh. Everything technically has a place where it "goes," but the kids never put anything away out there.

9. Completed homeschool stuff (workbooks, etc.): I have a file box for papers and plastic tubs for workbooks.

10.Game system accessories (dance mat, wii balance board, rock band drums, etc.): A basket in the TV room.

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1. Camera--it's on the desk which isn't a help with a toddler.

2. Video camera--it's in a file cabinet

2. Flashlights--in same file cabinet and I have one in my nightstand in case of a middle of the night power outage; I used to keep flashlights in a basket in our utility room.

3. Purse--I don't have a purse but I hang a bag that carries my son's rescue meds on a hook by the door and I sometimes put things in there that might be in a purse if I need to.

4. Incoming mail that you don't have time to open just yet--Incoming/unopened is in a bin on that same shelf.

5. Your dh's wallet--he puts it on top of that shelf in the summer; in jacket or coat weather he leaves it in in an interior pocket.

6. Library books--I've got a basket for those

7. Items that need to be returned to stores but you can't get around to immediately--I keep them in the vehicle; If I keep them inside I never get around to it.

8. Outdoor toys--in the garage

9. Completed homeschool stuff (workbooks, etc.)--I get rid of those

10.Game system accessories (dance mat, wii balance board, rock band drums, etc.)--We don't have that but I keep dvd's and the like in the entertainment center.


When my boys were little I had a similar system except I didn't leave the camera out. I had the entry area gated off after my son picked up a leaf, tried to eat it, and actually choked as a toddler. I had a child proof lock on the entertainment center because I didn't want them pulling the TV down on themselves. So none of that stuff was accessible to them when they were little.

Edited by sbgrace
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There are a few items that I simply can't find a good "home" for in my home so I'm looking to hear where others keep these:


Part of my problem is having a baby who is into absolutely everything so I have to have things out of sight and I'm running out of good places that are. :tongue_smilie:


1. Camera

2. Video camera

2. Flashlights

3. Purse

4. Incoming mail that you don't have time to open just yet

5. Your dh's wallet

6. Library books

7. Items that need to be returned to stores but you can't get around to immediately

8. Outdoor toys

9. Completed homeschool stuff (workbooks, etc.)

10.Game system accessories (dance mat, wii balance board, rock band drums, etc.)


1-2 bottom left drawer in office desk

3 my closet

4 top left drawer in office desk

5 top of his dresser

6 in a tote bag hanging inside school room closet

7 bottom of my closet

8 bin in garage

9 bin in schoolroom for current year, file cabinet in school room for past years

10 box in TV console

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1. Camera - In the stacker on my work table in my bedroom (it's a little camera)


1.5. Video camera - It's part of the little camera


2. Flashlights - In various drawers. Most are thin.


3. Purse - Don't own one


4. Incoming mail that you don't have time to open just yet - On counter-height cabinet near front door


5. Your dh's wallet - no DH, but I keep "my" wallet in my back jeans pocket


6. Library books - in a drawer under the kids' bed or lying on top of their books in the bookcase


7. Items that need to be returned to stores but you can't get around to immediately - it's been years, but I'd keep these in my car probably, otherwise in some corner


8. Outdoor toys - in outbuilding or on porch


9. Completed homeschool stuff (workbooks, etc.) - in a bookcase in my bedroom


10.Game system accessories - Don't own any.

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1. Camera one is kept in the school basket the other is kept in the office closet.

2. Video camera usually on my craft table because there's where it gets plugged in for charging, otherwise it's in the office with the camera.

2. Flashlights Most are kept in the cupboard above the fridge, but one is always kept beside the microwave incase of a power outage; I also keep a book of matches on top of the microwave & a candle in the kitchen window.

3. Purse I have a little shelf near the door, has three tiers on it. Shelf/tier 2 is where my purse is kept so I can grab it on the way out the door & stash when I come in.

4. Incoming mail that you don't have time to open just yet I made a mail holder that hangs by the front door. Perfect.

5. Your dh's wallet Tier/shelf one of the shelf by the door. There's a basket on that shelf with keys, sunglasses, & wallets. Simple as.

6. Library books their own rolling cart in the corner of the lounge room.

7. Items that need to be returned to stores but you can't get around to immediately Generally in the back of the car so that when I'm at the store I don't have to say, "Drat I forgot."

8. Outdoor toys Under the roofed sandy area near the shed are bikes & big things. Small things are in three open bins in the shed.

9. Completed homeschool stuff (workbooks, etc.) Workbooky stuff goes in the file box until we've gotten the all clear on what we've done. Writing, notebooking, lapbooking, etc all has it's special place in the school room.

10.Game system accessories (dance mat, wii balance board, rock band drums, etc.) We only have a wii board, & that is generally slipped behind the tv stand out of the way.

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1. Camera - basket on the kitchen counter

2. Video camera - cabinet in the kitchen

2. Flashlights - cabinet in the kitchen with the video camera

3. Purse - Bench in the entry way or in the van

4. Incoming mail that you don't have time to open just yet - Rarely happens. I open the mail in the van before coming in the door, and it is already sorted before it gets to the house. When it comes in, trash goes to the recycling and the rest is laid on the counter waiting to be dealt with. I clear the counter before every meal, so bills and whatnot get dealt with at that time.

5. Your dh's wallet - He lays his keys, wallet, and phone next to the basket with camera. They are only there for a few hours/day.

6. Library books - designated basket in the living room

7. Items that need to be returned to stores but you can't get around to immediately - back of the van

8. Outdoor toys - Small items are kept in an outdoor toybox. Riding toys (which we have tons) for 4yo+ are kept in the garage. Riding toys for my 1yo are kept where ever he leaves them. :001_smile: The toys don't get to the appropriate spot until I tell the kids to pickup.

9. Completed homeschool stuff (workbooks, etc.) - Completed stuff gets recycled at the end of the school day. If it's something we need to use again, it would go in a folder or binder, but I can't stand clutter so not much lasts past the school day.

10.Game system accessories (dance mat, wii balance board, rock band drums, etc.) - We don't own any of this, but if we did it would go in a basket near the TV or in a basket in the corner between the couches. My kids would LOVE to own any type of gaming system and accessories.

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