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Whom would you 1. Marry? 2. Date? 3. Be? All choices must be from literature.

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:iagree: That's a side of Jean I have not noticed before. :D Lovely choices as well.


:) I'm just trying to imagine our beloved Jean with a drawn sword and in full Xena regalia! That's just too awesome for words! Maybe it's the Japanese influence? She's got an inner Samurai! :D

Edited by Ibbygirl
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I so adore those two! I thought the movie adaptation by Kenneth Branagh was so well done. His Benedick is so funny, and Emma Thompson is just how I picture Beatrice.


:iagree: One of my all time favorite adaptations!


For me:


1. Gilbert Blythe from Anne of Green Gables


2. Angelo Pardi from Le hussard sur le toit


3. Viviane, Lady of the Lake, from The Mists of Avalon

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Oooh, I'm changing my dating vote to the 10th Doctor. Or the 11th. I'm not too picky. :)

I'll call the 9th Dr. I cried when he regenerated to the 10th Dr. David Tennant did grow on me but their is nothing like one's first Dr.


Can we count periodicals? I'll add James May to the line up of date/marry.


Can't decide who I would like to be. Maybe Stephanie Plum.

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:) I'm just trying to imagine our beloved Jean with a drawn sword and in full Xena regalia! That's just too awesome for words! Maybe it's the Japanese influence? She's got an inner Samurai! :D


You notice that it is who I would WANT to be, not who I realistically could be. This is the side of me that signed up for kickboxing even though I'm almost 50 and am overweight.

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You notice that it is who I would WANT to be, not who I realistically could be. This is the side of me that signed up for kickboxing even though I'm almost 50 and am overweight.


I have only one thing to say to that.... YOU GO GIRL!!!! :hurray: :party: :cheers2: :thumbup:


The difference between who you want to be and who you are is just a matter of determination in some cases isn't it? :)

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1. Mr. Knightley (Dh's personality is very much like Knightley's. He's not thrilling, but he is kind, loyal, hardworking and seems to put up with my faults even though he can see them).


2. James Bond (That would be the ultimate fun date, but really, not someone you should marry.)


3. Jo March (She's got spunk. She withstands adversity. She has the sense to not marry Laurie and hold out for true love. She follows her own path and finds happiness.)

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1. Mr. Darcy, of course. I even have a shirt that says, "Mrs. Darcy" :tongue_smilie:


2. Gale.


3. Hermione Granger. Although I kinda am her anyway. :tongue_smilie:

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Marry - Jean Luc Picard (and yes, there are books - not high literature, but there are books)


Date - Robin Hood


Be - Xena!


LOVE your choices! :D And a couple of my selections were also from books that wouldn't necessarily qualify as literature. I think theres some wiggle room here, right?


2. James Bond (That would be the ultimate fun date, but really, not someone you should marry.)


I started to put James Bond, too! But then I remembered that I never cared for that character much until Daniel Craig took the role, and I've never actually read any of the books, so he didn't seem to qualify after all. But if I can specify Daniel Craig as James Bond, then I'm there.

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1. Ron Weasley. Because he reminds me so much of my husband. And, well, it's hard to imagine me with anyone who isn't very much like DH. :001_wub:


2. Ron Weasley (I adore Gilbert Blythe, but I fit much better with a Ron)


3. If the question is who I'm most like, that would probably be a combination of Beth March, Anne Shirley, and Hermione Granger. I'm a shy, imaginative, know-it-all. :D


But if the question is who I'd most like to be... I've always thought it would be amazing to be Susan Pevensie - up to and until the she leaves Narnia for the last time. You wouldn't catch me betraying Aslan. :glare:

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I'm really curious about how you define the difference between a good guy to marry vs. a good guy to date! I only dated guys I'd consider marrying. Help me understand this distinction...


Fun thread!


Oh, dear! Then you missed out on some fun if you only dated the "marriageable kind". My friend put it this way:


You date Owen Wilson. You marry Luke Wilson. :lol:

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Since this is all fiction, I would


#1 Date Rhett Butler because I think it would be fabulous to be courted.

#2 Marry him because I hear he is fabulous at married type things. :tongue_smilie:

#3 I'd be, of course, Scarlett O'Hara Hamilton Kennedy Butler. And I'd be awesome.


My middle DD is named after her and boy did she inherit the stubborn resourcefulness that comes with the name.


I've read that book at least 10 times, and the ehhh sequel as many. The movie doesn't do it justice.

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1&2 Gilbert Blythe

3. Anne Shirley




I'd marry Dr. Watson.


I'd date for the sheer adventure of it, Sherlock Holmes.


I would definitely be Beatrice and especially if Kenneth Branaugh was Bennedick.




:iagree: LOVE Kenneth Branagh


And, goodness, HOW could I have forgotten Gil????? *swoon*


The book is SO much better! I picked up the book when I was bored one day and was hooked. I read lots of random stuff my parents had on the bookshelves. :)


I want to be your parents to my dc! I am trying to build my library up with good books. My Kindle App is hampering the endeavor. :tongue_smilie:


^I would totally date The Doctor, but is that really "literature?"


Don't know, don't care! LOL I'll add the 10th Doctor to my list of dates.


Marry - Jean Luc Picard (and yes, there are books - not high literature, but there are books)


Date - Robin Hood


Be - Xena!


Jean Luc!!!!!!!!!!! When I was a teen, that was my most favorite show. I had the biggest crush on Jean Luc, and I wanted to be Beverly so bad! LOL OK, so I had a HUGE crush on Data, too. Don't judge me. LOL


If e are going in that direction, I want to romp with Snape.


Oo, oo, me, too, me, too!!



I'm going with my Outlander girls!








Yes, at the end of the day it will always come down to Jamie. I see a lot of my DH's character in Jamie, which is probably why I love him (Jamie) so much. Both of my dc are named after Outlander characters. :D

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I know. I'm betraying half of the female population when I say this, but . . . I've never really gotten the whole Sean Connery thing. :leaving:


You're certainly entitled to your opinion and I still love you anyway Greta (btw I think Daniel Craig is a great James Bond too! :) ), but he's SO HUNKY!! hehehehehe What's not to "get"? :D :tongue_smilie:



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Guest txmap

I'm brand new here, but this thread is too fun not to jump in. :D


1. Atticus Finch (Everything a real man should be)


2. Don Quijote (Chivalrous, adoring, & idealistic, w/ a little crazy thrown in for fun)


3. Mame Dennis ("Auntie Mame" -sophisticated yet wildly unpredictable)

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I'm brand new here, but this thread is too fun not to jump in. :D


1. Atticus Finch (Everything a real man should be)


2. Don Quijote (Chivalrous, adoring, & idealistic, w/ a little crazy thrown in for fun)


3. Mame Dennis ("Auntie Mame" -sophisticated yet wildly unpredictable)


Welcome! And if I could look like Lucille Ball, I would so go for Auntie Mame! :lol:

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You're certainly entitled to your opinion and I still love you anyway Greta


Aw, thanks! :001_smile: :grouphug:



but he's SO HUNKY!! hehehehehe What's not to "get"? :D :tongue_smilie:


Yeah, I don't know what it is. He's an attractive man, but I guess it just comes down to a "chemistry" thing. It's inexplicable.

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Aw, thanks! :001_smile: :grouphug:



:grouphug: back at ya! :)



Yeah, I don't know what it is. He's an attractive man, but I guess it just comes down to a "chemistry" thing. It's inexplicable.


This is true. I'm like this about Bradley Cooper. I mean, I can see that he is attractive, but I just don't get the fuss over him. To me he's just meh. :)

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My sister!

(If we are both Hermione, we must be related somehow!)


:D You still hanging onto my copy of Ancient Runes for Modern Times? I'm all out of light reading.

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Don't feel bad. Melanie had lousy taste in men.




:iagree: I would want to be as kind as Melanie BUT have Scarlett's spunk and courage! I have always loved Gone with the Wind and Scarlett. I read it first the summer before 9th grade.


I haven't answered yet because I just don't know.

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