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If you can stand another baby name question...

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Dd wants to use my mom's name (Beverly) for her baby if it's a girl. She doesn't want to call her Beverly, but a lot of the names she likes don't go well with it, especially as a first name. Dd's last name starts with a B as well, and it is 2 syllables.


She likes Clara, Jude, and possibly Clair. She's been looking for other ideas, especially ones that might flow INTO Beverly so she could use Beverly as a middle name.


Any suggestions??

Edited by StaceyinLA
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I would use Beverly as the first name, and just call the child by her middle name.


UGH, no -- don't do this. It's a huge PITA. My husband's parents did this and he's had some major headaches with it.


I like Clara Beverly quite a lot actually. How about Nina Beverly? Mia Beverly? Those have been the girls names in my thoughts these days ...


ETA -- If you do ANYTHING ending in the -y sound with Clair as the middle name, you're going to have the "eclair" thing going on. Have you seen natalieclare's avatar here? :001_smile:

Edited by milovaný
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I have always been called my middle name. It is a slight pain, but not horrible. I would probably choose it over having my name not flow the way I'd like it to.


What I am hoping for are some other name suggestions that yall think would sound good with Beverly, either as first or middle names.

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I think Clara, Clair(e) and Jude all flow okay. Although, to me Jude sounds like a boy's name...and as someone who grew up with a "boy's name" I wanted my dds to have feminine names. But now I call my dd by a boy's nickname derived from her lovely girl's name...which is completely different from the nickname she uses for herself!


Some more ideas in ABC order:

Aria Beverly

Arielle Beverly

Clarissa Beverly

Gabrielle Beverly

Judith Beverly (call her Jude!)

Leah Beverly

Megan Beverly

Sharon Beverly


Congrats on the new grand baby! Do they have a boy's name picked already? :D

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Has she tried Nymbler?




You type in the names you like, and it gives suggestions based on them maybe she'll find something that sounds better to her. For me, I think I would pick my favorite first name and use Beverly as a mn no matter how it sounded. She's not using Beverly for how it sounds, she's using it because it's an important name to her. Even if it sounds a little bit off, she'll still smile when she says it because it's after someone she loves. She's going to be called her first name only 99% of the time, so it may as well be a name she really loves regardless of how it flows.:)

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I actually like Judith Beverly nn Jude. With the accented first syllable in Beverly, I like a first name with the accent on the second syllable. Ju-DITH BEV-er-lee. And with such a tomboyish name of "Jude", I think it works better as a nickname. That way if she decides she hates having a masculine sounding name, she can always use the full Judith.

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I'm gonna pass on the suggestions. (Pass on to dd, not pass on as in ignore - ;-p)


She has a couple of boy names picked - not sure of middle names, but I know she likes Flynn and Seth.

Edited by StaceyinLA
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In reality, you almost never say a person's first and middle name together, so I think putting any two names together would be okay.


But also I think strangely a longer name seems to go better with Beverly.... so maybe Clarissa Beverly or Clarise Beverly or Charlotte Beverly. Just a thought.

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In reality, you almost never say a person's first and middle name together, so I think putting any two names together would be okay.


But also I think strangely a longer name seems to go better with Beverly.... so maybe Clarissa Beverly or Clarise Beverly or Charlotte Beverly. Just a thought.


I like the way Clarissa Beverly sounds...

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I really like the name Aria as a pp mentioned and it was a contender for our last child but in the end I couldn't do it because even though I would pronounce it Air-e-ah I think it is too close to diarrhea.:001_unsure:


I do agree that I would be better to have the name that the child goes by to be the first name rather than the middle name.


I like Arabella Beverly. Besides loving the name Arabella I think it would sort of seem like the alliteration was intended and it does flow nicely.

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UGH, no -- don't do this. It's a huge PITA. :001_smile:


Oh, I AGREE!!! And I can comment because I have almost the same name. My parents named me Barbara Claire, and the "Barbara" was after my dad's sister who passed away in a car accident at the age of 18 But neither of my parents really liked the name Barbara, and I was never called that. Ever. I have always been Claire. But I was so embarrassed as a child to have teachers call "Barbara", and everyone turn and stare at me, since they all knew full well I wasn't a Barbara. Or, since we moved frequently (my dad was Air Force too), trying to make sure people in a new school knew my name really was Claire, not Barbara.


So now I loathe the name Barbara, and in fact, after I got married, I had my name legally changed to "Claire Maidenname Lastname". I was still in college, and my college was very patookie about insisting on have Barbara be on correspondence, class rosters, etc. But now I am rid of that albatross!! I was never so happy, LOL!


So if you want your daughter wants her daughter to think highly of this relative, then I would advise her to not use that name as an unused first name!


P.S. I have a very dear friend just a few years younger than me (mid-30s) named Beverly. Her name always makes me think of a 70 year old woman though. Sort of like Gladys or Phyllis or Edith.

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I actually like Judith Beverly nn Jude. With the accented first syllable in Beverly, I like a first name with the accent on the second syllable. Ju-DITH BEV-er-lee. And with such a tomboyish name of "Jude", I think it works better as a nickname. That way if she decides she hates having a masculine sounding name, she can always use the full Judith.

:iagree:Ooh, I like this idea. And I agree too that they should name her what they are going to call her.. I had a friend going back and forth on names.. named her the one.. legally but call her the other...:confused: Why?? Don't be different.. be practical.. Your kids will thank you later!

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UGH, no -- don't do this. It's a huge PITA. My husband's parents did this and he's had some major headaches with it.


I like Clara Beverly quite a lot actually. How about Nina Beverly? Mia Beverly? Those have been the girls names in my thoughts these days ...


ETA -- If you do ANYTHING ending in the -y sound with Clair as the middle name, you're going to have the "eclair" thing going on. Have you seen natalieclare's avatar here? :001_smile:


My dad hates the whole "call him by his middle name" thing as well. He went so far as to legally change his first name to just the initial. I don't know why he didn't go all the way and just remove it completely. Maybe he thought it would be less confusing identity-wise.


Anyway. I think Clara Beverly sounds very nice. One of my dds is Clara. :)

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I think the 3-syllable, ending with -a names flow best with Beverly as a middle name, and a 2 syllable last name.


Dianna Beverly

Ilona Beverly

Linnea Beverly *

Amanda Beverly

Selena Beverly *

Andrea Beverly

Melinda Beverly

Olanthe Beverly (pronounced a-LAN-tha)

Samantha Beverly



The starred ones are my personal faves. :001_smile:

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If she does Beverly as a first name, Bebe is a cute nickname.

She could do two first names... something like Clara-Rose Beverly.


Sophia Beverly

Amelia Beverly

Annabella Beverly

Melissa Beverly

Fiona Beverly

:iagree: LOVE Clara-Rose Beverly!


I also agree with those suggesting not to choose a 1st name with no intention of using it as such. In your case, you haven't found it to be a huge inconvenience, but it certainly can be, and is likely to cause issues and confusion, so why set a kid up for that all their lives?


In dh's family, everyone has the same prefix before their name (different prefix for males and females), but they don't have middle names in their culture. It would be like all the men being John David, John Paul, John Mark, and all the girls Mary Beth, Mary Sue, etc., but with no middle name, it is assumed the prefix is their first name! Of course, everyone goes by their "real" (second) name, but in every official situation it must be explained that the first name isn't used. It's a giant pain.


Unfortunately, in my postpartum stupor, I chose to continue this annoying tradition with my dc :tongue_smilie: After my 2 eldest were born, DBIL chose to flip the order and use the prefix as a middle name for his kids to avoid this situation. Duh! So, this is what we did for baby dd. It is not a daily issue for them, but comes up whenever they go to the Dr., present their passports at the border, etc. and it is uncomfortable/embarrassing for them. Who wants to explain his name to every stranger who has his legal name in front of them, but the person doesn't go by that name?


I say, keep it simple ;).

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