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Anyone else fed up with pets??

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I used to be an animal lover until I had kids, now I don't know what I was thinking of! We got a dog (rescue dog) 3 years ago, who is very sweet, but EXTREMELY NEEDY AND NEUROTIC, then we got a cat last year (I have always been more of a cat person) and the cat is fine, other than the usual cat stuff, but I feel like I can't stand it. The dog likes to eat the cat poop by the way-sorry to gross anyone out, but it grosses me out worst of all. Between the hair, the poop, the dirt tracked in, the neediness, I have had it. I know it's terrible, and I was always the one who said "I don't trust people who don't have a pet." Now I know.


Oh, I forgot about the ticks!!!!


Feedback anyone?

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I'm kind of in the same boat as you . . .we used to have 2 dogs and 2 cats, and now are down to 1 cat due to all the added stress the pets brought. Before kids, I loved having them, and could devote a lot of time and energy to them, but after having kids (and 2 very strong willed kids at that!), the pets were just like the straw that broke the camel's back. It was a lot of small issues that were compounded by having 4 pets, and dealing with often very difficult children, and to be able to eliminate some of that stress and be able to be a better parent, we ended up giving away all but the one cat. And, although I still have a lot of guilt over it, the past 3 years have been so much less stressful and it was the right decision for us.

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yes! a million times, yes! we have three dogs right now in addition to the three kids and baby due in a few weeks. one dog in particular is just a mess, she is very sweet, but she is so energetic, she literally runs through our house all day long. she digs our small yard constantly. and did i mention that she goes on potty strikes where she will ONLY go in my house?!? the other two dogs are so good. this one though, she makes me want to go play in traffic sometimes. i'm desperately trying to find her another home. any takers??? :D

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Right there with you!


My mother never allowed ANY animals in the house. We always had outside dogs and cats but never inside. I thought she was so mean, but now I so get it. I feel like we might as well let farm animals roam inside. I have 2 dogs and one is messier than the next. The constant tracking in of dirt, the hair balls, the "nervous bladder" is about to make me scream!

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I have to have very low maintenance pets. I have 2 cats & a frog. They are easy. I even had to get rid of all my houseplants but one because I tortured them to death. I don't have time to nurture plants when I'm trying to raise a houseful of kids. Oops, that was a bunny trail.

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Boy, oh boy! I could have written this post. We live on a farm and I have always been an animal lover. Lately though, I have been thinking about reenacting The Shining!


We have a love sick billy goat who won't stop crying, a bored, loud cockatiel and a neurotic dog. To top it all off, we are raising a wild animal until it is ready to go back out into the wild (which it will as I have been down this road three times before). I am only mentioning the ones I am most tired of lately. However, I figure even Loren Greene probably had days in which he didn't feel so perky.


I keep telling myself that we chose this lifestyle.

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Oh, you are singing my song. I have 6 guinea pigs that are well exceeding their life expectancy!! I mean, they are cute as can be but we are so tired of changing cages that I'm getting rid of the cages as soon as they go to the clover field in the sky so my dd doesn't get anything else.


Not to mention the 7 bearded dragons we have because the kiddos wanted to hatch eggs. I love them but just have too many and I end up being the primary caretaker.


I wouldn't trade my dog for anything though, he is the best!!

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Let me see, we have 12 dogs (5 of those are the Bassador puppies) one cat, 50 chickens 25 turkeys, 7 goats, 1 dove, 1`horse, 2 parakeets, 2 guinea pigs, 1 turtle and a partridge in a pear tree.


Yes. They are driving me crazy.


I just keep telling myself that all of this work is building character-in the kids and myself.

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Each year I dislike cats more and more.


:iagree: Our cat recently found a way to flip his litter box sideways and spill it all over the floor. Between that and the dog eating cat poop (which my husband has taken to calling Poopcicles), I'm about ready to put the cat outside.

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I wouldn't trade my dog for anything though, he is the best!!


I feel that way about our Lab. The cat drives me insane but the Lab is a perfect pet (now that she's a laid-back older dog; Lab puppies are something I will do Never Again).

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We had the perfect pets until February. That's when our 11yo mellow and perfect Golden passed away. I was okay with just having the 5 kids, the cat, and the African water frog (which was only supposed to grow to be an inch long, and is the size of my hand). I thought that the grieving process would be therapeutic for everyone. It's part of life.


And then, my DH decided we needed another dog. Yeah, the DH who travels twice a month, and isn't here to take care of pets for the most part. So, we ended up at the Humane Society, where we found a very nice 2yo Golden. He's handsome, potty trained (thank goodness) and wild. He apparently spent his entire 2 years being neglected.


He arrived in our house and counter surfed the kitchen counters immediately. He didn't know how to sit... which means he knew nothing. Zero manners. The cat, who loved our old Golden, and would even groom her face, detests this new dog. After 3 months... the cat still detests the dog. So, she pees and poops in my Master Bathroom, on the carpet. Nice.


Guess who's training this new dog? Hmm... did I mention my DH is traveling this week? Doesn't matter... it's not him anyway. But when he returns from his trip, he'll get to resod the part of the grass where his delightful dog stripped off all the new sod. And, chewed it to bits.


Yeah... only Louie, the frog, is happy. He's a perfect pet. 3 pellets in the morning, and he's swell.


I feel your pain. Pets are good for the kids, right? That means my daughter should scoop poop tomorrow. Builds her character. I'm betting she'll be thrilled.

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All of your posts are exactly why I have no pets. That is why I am known as the vet with no pets. I know too much;)...too many medical issues....too many behavioral issues...I hear it all and....then I go home to a clean house and yard:D.


But I will say this. I have had many pets over the years (dogs, horses, guinea pigs, and hamsters) and they bring incredible joy despite the mess, time and financial investment. Your dog will love you no matter what you have done (unfortunately the same cannot be said for your cat:glare:).


As for the dog eating cat poop...put tabasco on the cat poop and then let him eat it. He won't do it twice unless he is really dumb.

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I grew up with dogs. We always had one. I got my first cat when I went to college and lived in an apartment. I couldn't stand to be without a pet. When my kids were little, our pets (3 cats and a dog) were older - already trained and behaved. They have since passed (when my first cat died of kidney failure and 18 (I'd had him for over half my life) I thought I might go with him) and we have since replaced them, and I find our new ones a comfort as well (they never roll their eyes at my like my 13dd, and are never surly or grouchy like 14ds's).


Animals are a committment, for us they were a trial for children. We've been to obedience class and spent the time to make sure that they stay liveable. I've fostered for the Humane Society for years and can't tell you how many dogs we have taken in because the people had a baby and didn't want the dog any more. Would you get rid of a kid that was a lot of trouble because you didn't feel you had the time for him? My kids have cleaned up more puppy messes and said goodbye to more chewed up toys than most kids on the planet. I guarantee that none of them will ever become teen parents - they completely get the responsibility thing.


My dd13, just adopted a dog of her own, a 3yr old Yorkie who has already had 2 owners - she wants to be a vet and is into 4H dog and showing. Very sweet except spoiled with table food and growls and snarls occasionally when he doesn't get his own way. We all work on this with him. She trains him everyday, and studies her AKC and Red Cross dog books. I imagine it is difficult for kids without pets to grow up understanding responsibility.

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I used to be an animal lover until I had kids, now I don't know what I was thinking of! We got a dog (rescue dog) 3 years ago, who is very sweet, but EXTREMELY NEEDY AND NEUROTIC, then we got a cat last year (I have always been more of a cat person) and the cat is fine, other than the usual cat stuff, but I feel like I can't stand it. The dog likes to eat the cat poop by the way-sorry to gross anyone out, but it grosses me out worst of all. Between the hair, the poop, the dirt tracked in, the neediness, I have had it. I know it's terrible, and I was always the one who said "I don't trust people who don't have a pet." Now I know.


Oh, I forgot about the ticks!!!!


Feedback anyone?


I know just what you mean. We have 2 dogs, 1 cat, 2 mice, 1 hamster,1 fish, and 1 parakeet. I absolutely love animals, but they are a huge responsibility, and it always seems to fall on me. My dc enjoy all of the animals; otherwise, I wouldn't allow them. They play with each of them daily,and sit and watch them play,and they love them. Maybe you could consider how attached your dc are to the pets. Is there someone who would like one of them? I know that would be difficult b/c ours are like family, but it's something you could consider. It also makes it more challenging when you have a sick one. All of our pets seem to have some rare condition that requires treatment and of course, money! I've figured that God places these animals with us b/c He knows that we'll take care of them.

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LOL! Some days! We have a pet hedgehog and, while I adore him, I am sick of cleaning his wheel. Plus, he recently started burrowing beneath his liner. He's a year old and just started doing this last month! The mess he makes now - food and water and ... other "stuff" from his litter box - goes EVERYWHERE and it's just disgusting. I switched to disposable liners, hoping to make the cleanup easier and now he's digging between the layers of the disposable liners, hiding between those. :confused:


We are selling him this month. Not really because of *those* reasons, but mainly because he's the high-upkeep pet and I'm ready for "easy care" pets. roflol So, we'll be down to 2 dogs and 2 birds. (although I have an inquiry in to another homeschool mom who is selling her 3 birds... what am I thinking? LOL At least birds are easy to care for. :D )


(dh grew up with NO pets, I grew up with a ton. He's still sort of adjusting.... :chillpill: lol)

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I've fostered for the Humane Society for years and can't tell you how many dogs we have taken in because the people had a baby and didn't want the dog any more. Would you get rid of a kid that was a lot of trouble because you didn't feel you had the time for him? My kids have cleaned up more puppy messes and said goodbye to more chewed up toys than most kids on the planet. I guarantee that none of them will ever become teen parents - they completely get the responsibility thing.

:iagree: Thanks for making this point.



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We have two guinea pigs and two cats.


The guinea pigs are supposed to be "mine." My husband got them for me when I went into pet withdrawal after my last remaining pre-husband-and-kids cat died. Now, to be truthful, I really wanted a dog. But the theory was that we were living in apartments, renting, for the foreseeable future and that it simply wasn't sensible to consider a dog.


So, we got the guinea pigs, and my daughter promptly fell in love with them and essentially took over all the fun parts. She was the one who took them out for their patio playtime and held them and cuddled them. I got left with cleaning the cage and feeding.




When the guinea pigs were about two years old--by which time we had moved into a house (although still renting)--I again started making dog noises. Wistfully, because I knew our lease didn't really allow for it. But we had the fenced yard and everything . . .


So, one day my daughter and I came home from shopping and discovered that, in my absence and without my knowledge, my husband had adopted a cat. Apparently, he had been working on the landlord for months to amend the lease. It was supposed to be a surprise for me.


The thing is: The cat hates me, has from day one. He adores my husband, tolerates my son, is mostly indifferent to my daughter, and is viscous to me. He is the only animal whose affection I have never been able to win, and it bothers me more than it probably should.


At first, the idea is floated that, since my daughter has responsibility for some of the guinea pig care, my son should help with the cat. That doesn't last, and, before you can say, "icky litter box," caring for this cat--who still hates me--is exclusively my job.


So, a year or so passes. My daughter and I are at Petco on a day when they are doing cat adoptions. She falls head over heels in love with a kitten who looks just like a teenier version of our cat. The kitten puts on a whole show of just thinking we are the bee's knees (or the cat's meow?), rolling over in her cage and meowing at us, reaching out to us, the whole bit. My daughter goes home and tells Daddy about how adorable this kitten is and how much she'd like to have a cat how didn't hate us . . .


Well, it's well known exactly how tightly my daughter has my husband wrapped around her pinky. Suffice it to say that we brought the kitten home two days later.


And guess what? She promptly transferred her affections to my husband.


Now, she isn't viscous to us like the other one, but she's basically indifferent and won't have anything to do with any of us except my husband unless we force the issue.


So, because I wanted a dog, we now have four pets, none of whom are what I wanted, and none of whom are "mine." And for all of which I do the lion's share of the care. I clean the cage and change the litter box. I shop for their food and litter and bedding and treats. I make sure they get fed and get clean water.


Again I say, "Yay."


Yes, there are definitely some days when I can imagine a pet-free existence.

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I could have written this post, too. I have 4 cats. Two are outside and 2 inside because they are declawed. I didn't do it! I also have 2 dogs. Our black lab is 14 yo. She has chronic ear infections and skin allergies. BIG pain in the behind for her and for us. Our other dog is a cockapoo. She needs haircuts on a routine basis. I'm sick of hairballs, fleas, ticks, medicines, cat litter, etc. etc. I'm ready to have a clean house with no pet hair anywhere. Oh, the life!

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YES! I have an old very fat Lab that bolts out the door and instead of running on our 70 acres behind us, he runs across the streets and all over the neighbors yards. We have a cat that is indoor/outdoor and he is not much of a nuisance, but Im always worried he will bring ticks inside


And then we have.....the puppy. The puppy that I put so much work into finding and evaluating, and interviewing breeders. The puppy that is a herding breed and driving me INSANE. If I cant watch him, he goes in his crate, in his crate he barks and barks. So I attach him to a leash and keep him with me at all times....he wants to go do something else, so he barks and barks. Also, because we have to drive to get anywhere, in order to properly socialize him I need to drive him. He barfs in the car...and drools....and barks. Then we get to where we are going, and he is COVERED in drool and barf, and barks at every person he sees...aside from kids, he loves kids, but hates adults.


During the day I tend towards getting stressed, the dog barking nearly brings on panic attacks. My chest starts hurting, I cant breathe, I feel desperate and panicky to shut him up.

if he is quiet, he is eating something he shouldnt. :glare:


Other than that, he is a fun dog and super sweet...but he is OH SO BAD!!!!


I cant even send him to live on a farm...because we live on a farm.


I dont know how I will handle chickens and goats at this point....just more things to do. :001_huh:


I dont think we will be getting anymore pets to replace these 3...as they die off, they die off. Though I have a good 15 yrs with Sir Bark a Lot.

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Eleni, is your dog per chance a Shetland sheep dog? They are notorious for habitual barking. Have you heard of a procedure called "debarking" or "bark softening" that vets can perform to reduce the volume of the bark?


My family worked with sheltie rescue for a number of years, and in a few cases, debarking was necessary for the dog to keep its placement.

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Eleni, is your dog per chance a Shetland sheep dog? They are notorious for habitual barking. .


Oh, yes. My sheltie barks to alert us if company arrives. Then she barks to alert us that our company is leaving, you know in case we want to bar the door and force them to stay. She alerts us as each neighbor's mail is delivered and then alerts us again as each neighbor goes to their mailbox. She alerts us about garbage pickup and UPS trucks and joggers and neighborhood children and crop dusters and yard birds and so on and so forth.


But we love her. In spite of all that. And because of her we are always aware of all that is happening around our house. Right down to the exact moment when new bluebirds move into the bluebird house.

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My only real beef is that we have such a hard time with the yearly vet care. Heartworm preventative, flea stuff, just the yearly checkup, these things cost so much. I would gladly have another dog or two if we were not always so far behind on vet care with the two we have already.

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