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The Avengers....

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Ds is home for a few days before starting a summer term. We always see the May movies together--can only see 1 this year. Sometimes dd feels left out, so he made sure she was "caught up." We saw Thor and Captain America at home Weds and TH, and then went to the theater and saw The Avengers on Fri!


I've had 3 days of superheros!


(And yes, it was good. A little long, but good!)

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We are heading out to breakfast and a moring showing in a few! I am the only one who has not seen it yet! My husband went opening weekend while we were out of town and the stb 10yo got a chance to see (even in 3D no less) it with his uncle last week. I was already excited to see it, but the two of them are so excited to see it a second time, I am even more excited now!

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we are also catching up on the other marvel avenger movies before going to ss the Avengers. This week we have seen Iron Man 1 and 2 and Captain America (my favorite of all the superhero movies I have seen (including Batmans, Supermans and Spidermans). I thought CA had the best story. We also have Thor and Hulk left to watch.

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I loved Captain America too.


This was, IMHO, the best super hero movie ever made. Yes, it is long but that's because it doesn't skimp on the story and fleshing out the characters.


Stay until the very end of the credits!


BTW, Scarlett Johansen's hair is my ultimate shade of red. I need to find that!

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That is all. :D


We have a house full of boys, so the superhero movies are a BIG DEAL over here. It's about the only time we go to the movies and we are really looking forward to it. We are taking this week off of school, so we are going tomorrow while everyone is at work and school. We can't wait!

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Yes, stay until the very end of the credits. There are 2 extra scenes--one near the end of the first round of credits, and an extra scene they filmed two weeks ago at the BITTER END of the credits! lol


I expected one end scene and so we saw the first extra scene and then left :( Guess I'll have to wait until the disc comes out to see the second one (although if anyone wants to PM me and say what I missed, I'd appreciate it!)

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I expected one end scene and so we saw the first extra scene and then left :( Guess I'll have to wait until the disc comes out to see the second one (although if anyone wants to PM me and say what I missed, I'd appreciate it!)


You rang?

Note: this is a spoiler. If you anyone has not seen the movie and watches this...YOU WERE WARNED!



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We just got back. Very good!


We loved it. Some really funny moments too! The only thing that could have been better imo would have been if Edward Norton played Hulk.


We talked about this in the car on the way home. While Edward Norton was good as Hulk in the other films, this has a different feel. The edge of humor and heavy sarcasm. I don't think Norton as Hulk would have worked as well along side Robert Downey's Ironman.

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