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Are you Mom Enough?

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I am disturbed by Time magazine's headline about being "mom enough." Moms are their own toughest critics so, in light of upcoming Mother's Day I started thinking about what makes a person "mom enough."


If you have ever sacrificed time, energy, money or sleep for a child, you are mom enough.


If you have ever held out your hand for someone to spit something out of their mouth into, you are mom enough.


If you have ever walked the floors at night due to a colicky infant, teething baby, feverish toddler, fearful child or overdue teen, you are mom enough.


If you have ever wished that just once there was someone else to make the sandwich, wash the soccer uniform, correct the math, replace the toilet paper, or find anything at all in the refrigerator, you are mom enough.


If you have ever researched all sides of an issue (breast or bottle, vaccination or not, co-sleep or cry it out, homeschool or public school or private school, early to preschool, late to Kinder, etc...) agonized over your decision, followed your heart only to be told that you are ignorant at best, dangerous at worst, you are mom enough.


If you have ever abruptly, in the middle of a conversation with another adult, shouted out something that you could not ever imagine saying (Do Not Put That Up Your Nose!) you are mom enough.


If you have ever looked at your child and felt totally inadequate to the task of parenting him or her, and then done your best, you are mom enough.


If you have ever fallen to your knees in prayer, gritted your teeth to keep back angry words, shouted with helpless laughter, cried tears of despair or joy because of a child, you are mom enough.


To all the moms I know, you are mom enough.


Enjoy the day you amazing moms,


Amber in SJ

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I am disturbed by Time magazine's headline about being "mom enough." Moms are their own toughest critics so, in light of upcoming Mother's Day I started thinking about what makes a person "mom enough."


If you have ever sacrificed time, energy, money or sleep for a child, you are mom enough.


If you have ever held out your hand for someone to spit something out of their mouth into, you are mom enough.


If you have ever walked the floors at night due to a colicky infant, teething baby, feverish toddler, fearful child or overdue teen, you are mom enough.


If you have ever wished that just once there was someone else to make the sandwich, wash the soccer uniform, correct the math, replace the toilet paper, or find anything at all in the refrigerator, you are mom enough.


If you have ever researched all sides of an issue (breast or bottle, vaccination or not, co-sleep or cry it out, homeschool or public school or private school, early to preschool, late to Kinder, etc...) agonized over your decision, followed your heart only to be told that you are ignorant at best, dangerous at worst, you are mom enough.


If you have ever abruptly, in the middle of a conversation with another adult, shouted out something that you could not ever imagine saying (Do Not Put That Up Your Nose!) you are mom enough.


If you have ever looked at your child and felt totally inadequate to the task of parenting him or her, and then done your best, you are mom enough.


If you have ever fallen to your knees in prayer, gritted your teeth to keep back angry words, shouted with helpless laughter, cried tears of despair or joy because of a child, you are mom enough.


To all the moms I know, you are mom enough.


Enjoy the day you amazing moms,


Amber in SJ


Awwww that's awesome! Love this! Thanks so much for sharing this Amber. A very happy Mother's Day to you too! :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

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If you have ever fished the poop out of the bathtub you are Mom enough. :glare:




For the mom's of specials I'll add, if you've stood there with a screaming, melting down non verbal child trying to figure out what in the world is wrong, you're mom enough! :)


If you've been out shopping with your kids who are screeching and squawking and rocking themselves back and forth because they're happy and have braved the dirty looks off the other people in the store who think you're a horrible parent and your kids are out of control, you're mom enough! :p :tongue_smilie:

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I am disturbed by Time magazine's headline about being "mom enough." Moms are their own toughest critics so, in light of upcoming Mother's Day I started thinking about what makes a person "mom enough."


If you have ever sacrificed time, energy, money or sleep for a child, you are mom enough.


If you have ever held out your hand for someone to spit something out of their mouth into, you are mom enough.


If you have ever walked the floors at night due to a colicky infant, teething baby, feverish toddler, fearful child or overdue teen, you are mom enough.


If you have ever wished that just once there was someone else to make the sandwich, wash the soccer uniform, correct the math, replace the toilet paper, or find anything at all in the refrigerator, you are mom enough.


If you have ever researched all sides of an issue (breast or bottle, vaccination or not, co-sleep or cry it out, homeschool or public school or private school, early to preschool, late to Kinder, etc...) agonized over your decision, followed your heart only to be told that you are ignorant at best, dangerous at worst, you are mom enough.


If you have ever abruptly, in the middle of a conversation with another adult, shouted out something that you could not ever imagine saying (Do Not Put That Up Your Nose!) you are mom enough.


If you have ever looked at your child and felt totally inadequate to the task of parenting him or her, and then done your best, you are mom enough.


If you have ever fallen to your knees in prayer, gritted your teeth to keep back angry words, shouted with helpless laughter, cried tears of despair or joy because of a child, you are mom enough.


To all the moms I know, you are mom enough.


Enjoy the day you amazing moms,


Amber in SJ



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I liked Dr. Amy's response:


Time Magazine asks if you are Mom enough,


There's only one way to find out ...


Ask your children when they are adults.


In the meantime, I propose a new rule for attachment parents:


Don't boast about the wisdom of your parenting choices until your children grow up and we can judge the results for ourselves.


[Yes, yes, I know that Dr. Amy is controversial in the homebirth community. But this is a sentiment I think most people can agree on, if you amend "attachment parents" to just "parents."]

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How about if you've ever fished poop out of the air vent:eek:


*choke* ROFL :lol::lol::lol: Although I'm certain it wasn't funny at the time! hehehehe :p


Amen to that! Sing it! I totally agree. It's so stupid that ppl get all rilled up about this stuff. If you are caring for your child(ren)...YOU ROCK!


AAAAAAAAAAAAAAMEN! :iagree::iagree::iagree:

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Good job! I'll add:


If you've ever had to do loads of laundry at 2am and 5am because your kid puked on every item of bedding she owns, twice each . . . .


If you've held your child as she cried over big stuff you can't fix, until she melted in your arms - sometimes months later . . . .


If you've managed to keep your cool through a scary ordeal so your kids wouldn't panic . . . .


If you've taken a hands-on approach to your child's constipation . . . .


If you've willingly contracted every illness your kid brought home because being "careful" would have meant being less loving . . . .


Uh oh, my kid is awake coughing downstairs, I gotta go - I think I'm mom enough!

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I am very pro-AP and extended breastfeeding, but I really didn't like the "Are You Mom Enough" line. That has nothing to do with attachment parenting - it's not a contest, and setting it up as such is guaranteed to create a backlash.


I like the posts here much better. :grouphug:

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Good job! I'll add:


If you've ever had to do loads of laundry at 2am and 5am because your kid puked on every item of bedding she owns, twice each . . . .


If you've held your child as she cried over big stuff you can't fix, until she melted in your arms - sometimes months later . . . .


If you've managed to keep your cool through a scary ordeal so your kids wouldn't panic . . . .


If you've taken a hands-on approach to your child's constipation . . . .


If you've willingly contracted every illness your kid brought home because being "careful" would have meant being less loving . . . .


Uh oh, my kid is awake coughing downstairs, I gotta go - I think I'm mom enough!


Awesome! :hurray: :cheers2: :thumbup:

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