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The good new is I will not have heart worms

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LOL! I've taken dog dewormer on purpose before, if it makes you feel better. It was just after the CDC released stats on the percentage of people in the south with intestinal parasites, and I worked at a vet and had access to the human dosage info. i was fine. I didn't take intereptor though.


Oh, and on thanksgiving, when I was pregnant with my daughter, I accidentally took my dog's xanax. I had a prenatal vitamin out, and her xanax, and got distracted and took the wrong one. I have ZERO memories of that entire dinner, but we swear it is why my daughter was so mellow as a baby :)

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Ack! :ack2: I've done that, but mistaking ear cleaner for eye drops. (big, rectangular dropper bottle vs small, cylindrical dropper bottle... :001_huh:) Man. That hurt! And my eye was weird for a while... Probably from the lack of eyelash mites.

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Thinking I had found the missing pack of zyrtec/decongestant tabs, I just swallowed one of my dog's interceptors. Ugh.



Well after the OMYGOSH I hope you are OK comes the :lol:! I do hope you are all right. I once was told by a girl I worked with that her highschool boyfriend thought her bc pills were candy and while she was in the bathroom he popped each little one in his mouth and started eating them! I don't see it but hey ya never know :lol:

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You're probably fine, but you may want to call Poison Control, or at least a Vet. When our dog had heartworm they treated it with arsenic. I'd hate to hear that's in the preventative.


Luckily there is no arsenic in the preventatives (nor the current treatment). A vet can't give out medical information for people, so I'd call poison control just to be safe. It doesn't cost anything to call.

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It is good enough for me.


I am going to go drink out of puddles today. Because I can.




are you sure that medication isn't affecting you at all?;):D


make sure the puddles you drink from are clear water. Definitely stay away from the yellow stuff.

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Every morning when I get up I take my nexium and give my new dog her Dasuquin (supplement for her arthritis) the other day I shoved my nexium in a pill pocket and almost popped her Dasuquin. Luckily I noticed before I took it and gave the pill pocket to her. Not sure how I mixed those up since the nexium is an average sized purple capsule and the Dasuquin is a brown meat flavored tablet 2.5 times the size of a sweetart. :confused:

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I think it is wonderful that you will have a nice shiny coat now. You may have an "interesting" night if you find yourself nudging your husband's hand to get him to scratch your belly and behind your ears. :lol:


My pediatrician got a big kick out of me when I asked if my son would be okay after I found him snacking out of the dog's food bowl. Kid was the pickiest eater, but apparently he loved doggie kibble.

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