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Who else is taking APs this week and next?

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My husband just dropped my 14 yo off for Chem "in the land of giants," as he put it. She's calm, she's prepared. She did not crack a chemistry-related book all weekend long. I kept wandering into her room saying, "Shouldn't you be cramming? Reviewing something? Don't you have flash cards?" She kept insisting she'd worked hard all year (this is true) and was free to take this weekend off.


She also has Calc AB Wednesday and the two economics next week. There will be some intense economics study in the coming week.


She takes her exams with the local public high school's students (which has the STEM magnet she will attend next year). Last year, they provided still-warm chocolate chip cookies and bottled water during the break between MC and FRQs--an unexpected treat she is hoping for this year.


So how are everyone else's AP'ers?



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Anything has to be an improvement over the Bio test last year, when she woke up with a 102 fever and a splitting headache.... (still managed to pull a 5, but man.... bad timing!)


After the SAT Saturday morning, our state mandated tests yesterday (left to the last minute on our part), and the Chem AP today, I think she will be all tested out (until June, when she takes some SAT IIs).


Good luck to all test takers --- I hope everyone gets the results they are hoping for!

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Results come out July 1st.


Don't lose that AP number! You'll need it to get scores by phone on July 1 or, if you're really anxious, very, very late on the evening of June 30. Not, of course, that I know that from personal experience. . .. :blushing:


Best of luck to everyone!



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Ds18 is taking Latin this week and World History next week. He tells me he has it covered, but I am not so sure:). His Latin teacher assures the kids that they are all well-prepared, but they will not have finished all of the material before the exam. But, you don't argue with Dr. Grote. He didn't do as well on his World History final, but the teacher assured him that his essay writing has been top notch. Ds assures me that he knows what he needs to review and has a plan.


Ds15 is taking Human Geography next week. Have no idea how he will do because the only communication I have received has been a mid-term evaluation saying he is doing well. Don't know what that means. I am pretty disappointed with PA Homeschoolers Human Geography class because there is no way to know what my son is getting in the class. The grade book is very out of date.

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Dd is taking the AP Chem this morning. I wish it could have been a few more days out. She was so worried and nervous this morning--didn't sleep well last night and is very stressed and physically run-down from a number of other pressures and challenges last week and this weekend, not the least of which was being up all night Friday with a nasty stomach flu, then having to take the Chem SAT II on Saturday morning... while still feeling terribly nauseous. She was cramming for AP chem yesterday, out of necessity, and getting stressed out. But, she has worked so hard on chem this year and has done so many practice tests throughout, that I do think she knows her stuff. Just praying she can pull it together and that this goes well for her.


Next she'll have Calc AB on Wednesday. :tongue_smilie:

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My dd is taking the Eng. Comp and Lit on Wednesday. She doesn't seem too worried.


Are you sure? She should be taking it on Thursday.


My DS is taking CalculusBC Wednesday, APUSH Friday, and Physics B on Monday. (Disclaimer: He goes to PS.)

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Dd took AP chem this morning at the top private school in our area -- and, despite the school's snazzy reputation and high price tag, some students just slept through the exam..... :-( The fellow behind her sneezed incessantly, so she is just hoping she doesn't get sick.


She will take AP Gov't next week at a different private school. I guess AP exams are one way to tour the local private schools!


Best wishes to all our WTM kids! They are a high-achieving lot. :001_smile:

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Don't lose that AP number! You'll need it to get scores by phone on July 1 or, if you're really anxious, very, very late on the evening of June 30. Not, of course, that I know that from personal experience. . .. :blushing:


Best of luck to everyone!




Terri, I am keeping that number safely to call on July 1st since we will be on vacation when results arrive in the mail in mid-July. Is it $8 for all the test scores or is it per subject? Thanks.

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My husband just dropped my 14 yo off for Chem "in the land of giants," as he put it.


On my errands today, I biked by the local school where our high school's AP exams are given -- partly to spy :), because I know a homeschooled kid taking the chem exam today. Yes, the high school kids are big! And they all seemed to be wearing black ...


She takes her exams with the local public high school's students (which has the STEM magnet she will attend next year). Last year, they provided still-warm chocolate chip cookies and bottled water during the break between MC and FRQs--an unexpected treat she is hoping for this year.


Wow, how nice of them!


My 15yo son is taking Comp Gov next week. 16yo son is taking Calc BC on Wednesday. They both can't *wait* to be done! :D


Then in early June ... one more ACT for the 16yo, and a subject test for the 15yo, and it's SUMMER!!!!! :party:

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Terri, I am keeping that number safely to call on July 1st since we will be on vacation when results arrive in the mail in mid-July. Is it $8 for all the test scores or is it per subject? Thanks.


It is $8 for all of them together. One of the rare "bargains" from the College Board.



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Dd took AP chem this morning at the top private school in our area -- and, despite the school's snazzy reputation and high price tag, some students just slept through the exam..... :-( The fellow behind her sneezed incessantly, so she is just hoping she doesn't get sick.


Gwen--did your daughter see the e-mail about the ChemAdvantage student who had a girl next to her start crying during the FRQ? Broke my heart!



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Middle son feels very good about AP Psych, so it will make the wait until mid-July much easier. It helps that he only needs a 4 or 5 to get credit whereas when we were looking for acceptances we wanted 5. He thinks he has a 5 anyway.


I'm SUPER impressed with the Catholic school where we do ACT and AP testing. They didn't even have anyone taking AP Psych, but were willing to order the test and let him take it in the guidance office all by himself - just for the $87 testing fee. With all the horror stories I've read from people unable to find testing sites, I feel really fortunate this school is so nice. To be fair, I'm not 100% certain they will do this for everyone. Middle son has built up a little bit of a rapport with the folks there since he's been there testing over the past 3 years. They've been super nice at talking with him and making him feel welcome.


Next year I'm probably going to want youngest to take AP Bio and/or AP Psych and our school doesn't offer AP even though he's a student there. I'm hopeful the Catholic school will still be receptive. One school youngest may want to apply to says their average successful applicant has between 2 and 7 APs. I don't want youngest applying from a subpar ps with none. We'll see.

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Dd took AP chem this morning at the top private school in our area -- and, despite the school's snazzy reputation and high price tag, some students just slept through the exam.....


That was my elder dd's experience, too, when she took chemistry. One student slept through the multiple choice section then did the FRQs.


She was bewildered by the behavior.



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Dd took AP chem this morning at the top private school in our area -- and, despite the school's snazzy reputation and high price tag, some students just slept through the exam..... :


I wonder if these were seniors who had already been admitted to colleges that don't take AP credits. They probably had to sit for the exam due to a school policy, but just sleeping through it was their way of "rebelling" against the system. They probably figured, "Why should I expend any energy on this exam when it will do me absolutely no good?"



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May I post?


I proctored my first ever AP exam yesterday (AP Environmental Science). There was one student taking the exam. Three hours pass quite slowly when one is not permitted to read!

Hadn't thought about it, but I would be hard pressed to stay awake for three hours without a book!

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I wonder if these were seniors who had already been admitted to colleges that don't take AP credits. They probably had to sit for the exam due to a school policy, but just sleeping through it was their way of "rebelling" against the system. They probably figured, "Why should I expend any energy on this exam when it will do me absolutely no good?"


Good point -- I know in our ps students HAVE to take the AP exam to be eligible for an A. (The actual score doesn't matter.)


As someone who transferred after freshman year, though, I think that not doing your best on an AP exam is rather short-sighted. The college a high school senior is going to fall of freshman year may not be the college he graduates from. If life takes an unexpected turn, the AP scores may be useful yet!


<said partly in frustration at all these students who think AP exams = naptime, and partly as a reminder that life makes unexpected twists!>


At least no one snored in dd's exam! :tongue_smilie:

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I'm SUPER impressed with the Catholic school where we do ACT and AP testing. They didn't even have anyone taking AP Psych, but were willing to order the test and let him take it in the guidance office all by himself - just for the $87 testing fee. With all the horror stories I've read from people unable to find testing sites, I feel really fortunate this school is so nice.


Ds had a good experience taking the exam today. We showed up early just in case, and he was waiting for us--he had finished an hour ahead of schedule! Apparently he was the only one testing this morning, and the small private school that was kind enough to host him let him leave when he was done. What a blessing to find this small school after calling around to many area schools without success.


I know in our ps students HAVE to take the AP exam to be eligible for an A. (The actual score doesn't matter.)


This boggles my mind!

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Ds had a good experience taking the exam today. We showed up early just in case, and he was waiting for us--he had finished an hour ahead of schedule! Apparently he was the only one testing this morning, and the small private school that was kind enough to host him let him leave when he was done. What a blessing to find this small school after calling around to many area schools without success.




Yay! Sounds like a great experience. :001_smile:


It boggles *my* mind that your son was the only one taking the test?! :confused:


Actually, at our large local public school, Comp Sci is definitely one of the smaller tests ... of the ones they actually offer, that is.

Edited by Laura in CA
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Ds had a good experience taking the exam today. We showed up early just in case, and he was waiting for us--he had finished an hour ahead of schedule! Apparently he was the only one testing this morning, and the small private school that was kind enough to host him let him leave when he was done. What a blessing to find this small school after calling around to many area schools without success.


This boggles my mind!


Wow. Letting him leave early is a huge breach of testing protocol. Proctors are required to give the student the whole time even if the student (or entire group of students) finishes early. It is partly because it keeps students from finishing the test in one time zone and calling a student in another time zone that has not started the test.

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Yay! Sounds like a great experience. :001_smile:


Thanks, Laura! You were so helpful when I was going crazy trying to find a test site! :)


It boggles *my* mind that your son was the only one taking the test?! :confused:


Actually, at our large local public school, Comp Sci is definitely one of the smaller tests ... of the ones they actually offer, that is.


I was surprised, too! It turned out to be a teeny tiny private school. I was amazed that the AP Coordinator (the school's science teacher) agreed to host him knowing that he would be the only one, and then arranged for a woman to act as the proctor. I guess that's why they were so flexible with letting him out early. LOL


Before I found this school, half the schools I called said they didn't even offer AP Comp Sci as a course. The other half said they didn't host any outsiders for their AP's, including one STEM magnet school which said that they have so many taking the exam that they can't find enough room to host their own students!


Now the waiting game....:)

Edited by Handmaiden
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Before I found this school, half the schools I called said they didn't even offer AP Comp Sci as a course.


Glad your guy had a good experience too! The Catholic school didn't actually offer AP Psych, but I didn't know that. They were still nice enough to order a test and let middle son take it there.


It kind of had me wishing we had sent our boys there. We aren't Catholic, so it never occurred to us back in the day, but if I had life to do over knowing what I know now, I'd definitely consider it. This school sends kids to many good schools. Our ps not so much - not even close. Hence, we opted to homeschool the high school years for our older two. We'd do it for youngest too, but he insists on staying in school.

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My daughter is taking Calc AB as we speak. She was thrilled to find the chocolate chip cookies and water during the break at chem again this year. I could not be happier with the local high school's treatment of their interloper. The students, the principal, the proctors and the parent volunteers have all welcomed her with open arms, and this was before they knew she would be in their program next year. Ironically, she is taking 4 AP exams as a homeschooled 8th grader this year but will only take 2 as a publicly-schooled 9th grader next year. I have quite mixed emotions about that!



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I just wanted to clarify that I think my issues with my sons' AP classes are more related to my boys and their lack of communication than with PA Homeschoolers themselves. The classes are well-organized and my boys are satisfied with the feedback they are receiving. They are not communicating much to me. Also, the grade book online that I can view does not reflect what they are doing.


The Latin class is not through PA homeschoolers, but through Regina Coeli (who apparently will no longer be offering AP Latin.) My son is very happy with the class and feels that it has been a privilege to take the class with Dr. Dale Grote, who has written several books that are used in the study of Latin. He says that it more than makes up for the fact that the class has not stuck to the original syllabus. Also, Dr. Grote adjusted his original plan in order to tailor the class to the needs of the students he had, finding that his original plan was too ambitious for them.


Sorry my venting made it sound like these classes were not worthwhile.

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Wow. Letting him leave early is a huge breach of testing protocol. Proctors are required to give the student the whole time even if the student (or entire group of students) finishes early. It is partly because it keeps students from finishing the test in one time zone and calling a student in another time zone that has not started the test.


Hmmm...that's interesting. This was our first AP experience, so I've never heard or thought of that before.


If that's the case, wouldn't there still be the risk for students in Eastern/Central/Mountain time zones to contact students in Alaska or Hawaii?


In my son's case, he not only doesn't know anyone personally who took the same exam, he would never consider telling anyone about it. The very idea of helping someone cheat would infuriate him as he studied so hard to get a good score.

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