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Dh is officially laid off!

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We have know this was coming, but today he got the actual notice in writing. He is a social studies teacher and our county has cut teachers at both high schools. We figured out this was coming when they started writing him up in his evaluations for the way questions were worded on the board and the fact that he was writing a question on the board as students were walking in the room instead of it being on the board before the students entered the room. They did the same thing to the other teacher in his department they are letting go.

Edited by mom31257
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I'm so sorry! Are other schools in your area hiring? I hope he can find a new job quickly!:grouphug:


He's applied for the ONE position that we know of in our area. We know just a couple of people in that county and asked them put in a good word with anyone they knew in the system. We don't think we could sell our house for what we owe on it because of all the foreclosures in our neighborhood, so we really need to stay here. With our dd 15, it would be a difficult move on her especially.

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I've been following your story...so sorry that it had to end this way. Unfortunately, this is a sign of our times. Good teachers are sometimes run out in favor of lower salaried replacements. Keeping you in my prayers...



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That is horrible!!! I'm so sorry for your husband (and your family). That just seems so unjust! Does he have any recourse? Can he fight this? After all those years of experience and service, it seems just ridiculous that they would let him go for petty things like that.


Stay strong and try not to let this bump in the road bring too much worry and stress into your home. We will pray for you..



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That is horrible!!! I'm so sorry for your husband (and your family). That just seems so unjust! Does he have any recourse? Can he fight this? After all those years of experience and service, it seems just ridiculous that they would let him go for petty things like that.


Stay strong and try not to let this bump in the road bring too much worry and stress into your home. We will pray for you..




He's only been in public school for 6 years and worked in Christian schools before that. He is entitled to a free lawyer from the organization he pays dues to (not a real union) because he's signed 4 contracts in a row. He really doesn't want to fight this, though. We do believe that God has a plan in all this. He doesn't want to stay somewhere that he's not wanted because that could make next year even worse.


He feels that a lot of this is racial, but doesn't have real proof. The principal has been hiring more and more African-American teachers and administrators, and none of them are being laid off or not brought back next year through dissatisfaction with their work. The social studies department has been all white teachers for quite some time, and last year the principal hired 2 African-American teachers in the department. My dh believes that the principal wants diversity and created a situation to justify getting rid of two white teachers rather than the last 2 teachers hired.

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