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Babysitting and fees

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Ds 16 has begun babysitting at a homeschooler's house three hours during the day. She had had the ad up for a long, long time and was so relived when I brought him to her house. She has one son who is a handful 3-4 yr and another easy boy 5-6 yr. She is exhausted from the younger one and he also hits. I told her ds would be able to handle them and that if she wanted my ds 4 could come some times. She was thrilled with that because she wanted her older ds to have a friend since younger is such a handful and does not give the older one space.


This is just the backstory. She had advertised for a long, long time as no teens wanted to babysit. I ended up only sending my ds 4 once in a while because her younger ds hits and I don't agree with all the screentime her boys do (this is what they are used to and ds has to just supervise them like a mother's helper while the father and sometimes the mother are at home, but in different rooms). He gets paid $25 for 3 hours of work.


She began saying she wanted him for evening babysitting as well and yesterday he went for the first time. He got there around 8.20 PM, just knowing they were going to the movies. He had not brought his phone so when it was past midnight then I awoke and called the mother who said they were now on their way. He was home 12.20 and was paid $35. I am outraged, quite frankly. I know if it were me then I would have paid at a minimum $40! And I would have let it be known that I was planning one being out till midnight.

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Ds 16 has begun babysitting at a homeschooler's house three hours during the day. She had had the ad up for a long, long time and was so relived when I brought him to her house. She has one son who is a handful 3-4 yr and another easy boy 5-6 yr. She is exhausted from the younger one and he also hits. I told her ds would be able to handle them and that if she wanted my ds 4 could come some times. She was thrilled with that because she wanted her older ds to have a friend since younger is such a handful and does not give the older one space.


This is just the backstory. She had advertised for a long, long time as no teens wanted to babysit. I ended up only sending my ds 4 once in a while because her younger ds hits and I don't agree with all the screentime her boys do (this is what they are used to and ds has to just supervise them like a mother's helper while the father and sometimes the mother are at home, but in different rooms). He gets paid $25 for 3 hours of work.


She began saying she wanted him for evening babysitting as well and yesterday he went for the first time. He got there around 8.20 PM, just knowing they were going to the movies. He had not brought his phone so when it was past midnight then I awoke and called the mother who said they were now on their way. He was home 12.20 and was paid $35. I am outraged, quite frankly. I know if it were me then I would have paid at a minimum $40! And I would have let it be known that I was planning one being out till midnight.


$25 for 3hr = $8.33/hr

$35 for 4hr = $8.75/hr


If he wanted $10 an hour, that is something that should have been discussed prior to him babysitting at night. I do agree the parents should have given an estimate of how long they'd be out, but honestly, four hours for an evening isn't unusual...but they should have let him know around midnight they'd be back.

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$25 for 3hr = $8.33/hr

$35 for 4hr = $8.75/hr


If he wanted $10 an hour, that is something that should have been discussed prior to him babysitting at night. I do agree the parents should have given an estimate of how long they'd be out, but honestly, four hours for an evening isn't unusual...but they should have let him know around midnight they'd be back.



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She only wanted to pay $8 for now, understood, but don't you gals tip your babysitter?? Not during regular hours, but the Sat evening thing was different.


Honestly, no, I don't tip. However, if I had known I would be back so late, then I would not only have tipped a bit more, but I would have made sure the parents were aware as well.


I can only imagine that she thought you knew it would be a late night because it was a bit late in the evening when your DS went over?

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Yeah, perhaps we did overreact with the time being so late. I think they went to see Hunger Games. I was just freaked out when I saw it was past midnight (dh was awake while I was sleeping).


I still think the lack of tip was cheap. This is not a non-wealthy area, btw, which might show in the fact that she has not been able to find sitters as kids don't want to not get paid well, lol! Ds has had other work and was paid $10 an hour, fyi.

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Did he think he'd get more because he wasn't just being a Mother's Helper during that time? I can see that.


My kids get $10/hour to babysit here. But, that's the standard rate. If my kids got $35 for four hours of work, I'd be fine with that - especially since the kids were probably sleeping most of that time anyway. (Right? 8:20 seems close to bedtime.)


The only time I tipped a sitter was if they had to do extra chores - dishes after dinner, or something. I never tipped extra just because it was a Saturday night. (And, my kids never get more for that either!)


Next time he babysits, make sure he brings his phone and asks what time the couple will be back home!

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I may be the oddball here, but I agree with Nadia! Our sitters (twins who did everything together, even babysitting) were fabulous. They always brought brought games or other activities to do with dd, and she had so much fun with them that I couldn't imagine *not* tipping them! I knew that she was in very good hands, and I was able to really relax and enjoy myself when they were babysitting her. That peace of mind was worth an a great deal!

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I agree with the others. He needs to be upfront about fees. I would have expected the amount he got--but I do see maybe he could charge more for them not being home.

No one tips around here. Never heard of it. We might round up a bit, but it's not really a tip, if that makes any sense. :001_smile:

Standard procedure is to ask what time parents will be expected home, and to set fees upfront. He's still learning--no biggie. He can be extra-clear next time. Oh, and I also always ask who is expected to take the sitter home and pick up. If sitter is being picked up by the parent who hires, then the time starts then. If parents bring, then the time starts when the sitter gets here. Sounds a little backward, but it's what we've always done.


How nice to have a male sitter! Bet the mom is thrilled! These are just little kinks he can work out. It's good practice for negotiating and communicating. :001_smile:

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This is just a point of view an opinion or whatever. My daughter would never ever be expecting to make more than minimum wage to babysit. Especially at night when kids are asleep anyway. My daughter would have been happy with ten bucks period let alone per hour. I don't understand how babysitting has become this big time payoff. Especially when it is basically a kid sitting there playing games while the young ones sleep.


I would never pay a kid what a daycare charges basically. Your in m house eating my food using my stuff and I am suppose to pay you what a home lisense daycare charges? I have seen daycares advertise 25 a day, let alone what kids think they should get per hour. Why should a kid who babysits make more than say a kid who is working at a fast food place?


It just doesn't make sense to me at all.

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Tell me again why you would tip a babysitter.


You agree to a price for a service and you pay that. I do not tip the owner or a restaurant, I do not tip the owner of Wall Mart. I tip an employee, a waitress, a barber (who works for a shop), taxi driver (who works for a company), but not the individual who takes and keeps all the profit. The purpose of the tip is to supplement someone who will not be keeping the entirety of the monies that I pay for a service or product. To tip the babysitter does not make much sense as she and I have already come to an agreement as to price for service.


Now if I stay out later than planned then I will pay extra just as an employee would get overtime but a tip for providing an expected service? No.


I understand that fees are related to what the market will bear but I still cringe when I hear of a babysitter earning more than the national minimum wage. A man can work in the fields and earn less than a young teen does for playing with kids. Something is wrong there.

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Tell me again why you would tip a babysitter.


You agree to a price for a service and you pay that. I do not tip the owner or a restaurant, I do not tip the owner of Wall Mart. I tip an employee, a waitress, a barber (who works for a shop), taxi driver (who works for a company), but not the individual who takes and keeps all the profit. The purpose of the tip is to supplement someone who will not be keeping the entirety of the monies that I pay for a service or product. To tip the babysitter does not make much sense as she and I have already come to an agreement as to price for service.


Now if I stay out later than planned then I will pay extra just as an employee would get overtime but a tip for providing an expected service? No.


I understand that fees are related to what the market will bear but I still cringe when I hear of a babysitter earning more than the national minimum wage. A man can work in the fields and earn less than a young teen does for playing with kids. Something is wrong there.



:iagree:Thank you and well said!!

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I never heard of tipping a babysitter either. What we would do is round-up to the nearest $5. Sounds like that's what they did since they agreed on $8/hour and he actually received slightly more than that?


I would normally expect to pay more for an evening babysitter than for a mother's helper but I thought he was getting paid very well for a mother's helper during the day. I would expect $4 - $5 per hour while parent's are home and $8 per hour at night for two kids. Although, I only "pay" my oldest $5/hour rounded down when she babysits her siblings. ;)

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I babysat for several families as a teen (some were very wealthy) but never was given a tip.


I do not tip our sitter, we pay her fee and round the hours up.


I've never heard of tipping a sitter.




Before we go, I make sure we have food, snacks, beverages and let whomever know how to use the Wii and/or TV, let them know where the DVD's are if they want to watch a movie. When we get home, I pay the hourly we agreed to. Do people really tip babysitters? Honest question - why? If you're paying a good rate per hour, why tip in addition?

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I've never heard of anyone "tipping" a babysitter. I think 4 hours is a perfectly reasonable amount of time for someone to be gone for an evening out. The Hunger Games movie is 2 hours and 20 minutes long, plus drive time, etc. The pay was comparable and fair. I think you are overreacting a bit.

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Hmmm. I gave the back story to show that there are no babysitters here who are available during the week nor able to handle her kid as pr what she told me.


I already gave my feedback re the tipping.


Btw the boys did not have a set bedtime so theoretically then they could have been up till 11. I do think I overreacted re the time, which was why I came here for perspective!

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I am outraged, quite frankly. I know if it were me then I would have paid at a minimum $40! And I would have let it be known that I was planning one being out till midnight.


Around here, good babysitters are hard to find, so they (almost) can earn whatever they ask. But that's the key -- they gotta ask, and establish rates up front.


Also, regarding times, isn't the blame on your ds? Maybe the couple told him what movie they were seeing, and when they expected to be back? The fact that he didn't have his phone on him, and didn't call you on their landline seems like that's more his fault that theirs?

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If my kids got $35 for four hours of work, I'd be fine with that - especially since the kids were probably sleeping most of that time anyway. (Right? 8:20 seems close to bedtime.)




Next time he babysits, make sure he brings his phone and asks what time the couple will be back home!




My 16 yo dd gets $7-8 per hour from "regular middle class families," and $10 per hour from the wealthier families. We live in the Southeast. :D

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IMHO, the night time babysitting is a much easier and better gig. It is great to be paid to play, rest, and eat junk food! I did tons of babysitting as a teen, and by far the best gigs were the evenings. If I was busy, I said no. But, if I didn't have plans, then it was a super easy way to earn $$$. The day time gigs were so much more tiring and more work, supervising, cooking, cleaning, playing with the kids.


If I were you and your son, I would not make waves, and I would be happy with the evening hours! It's easy money. Think how many hours he'd have to work at McDonald's to an that, and have to pay taxes too! Yuck!

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She only wanted to pay $8 for now, understood, but don't you gals tip your babysitter?? Not during regular hours, but the Sat evening thing was different.


No. Why would I?


When I baby-sat as a teenager (15-20 years ago), I got paid $2 an hour. I baby-sat 9 hours a day every Saturday for two kids. $18 a week. When Ani and Cameron were little, 6-8 years ago, the girls wanted to be paid $4 an hour. The amount kids get paid now seems insane to me.


You agree upon the amount to pay beforehand. You don't get mad afterwards if it's $5 less than you expected.

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Yeah, perhaps we did overreact with the time being so late. I think they went to see Hunger Games. I was just freaked out when I saw it was past midnight (dh was awake while I was sleeping).


I think it's kind of obvious that it would be that late. He didn't go over there until after 8 so the movie probably didn't start until 9ish. You have to factor in travel time and time to get tickets and snacks and all. The movie is 2 1/2 hours long plus previews. That put you at 11:30-11:45 for the movie to finish. Then drive home and it's very easy to guess the night will go on until after midnight. At least that's what I'd assume if my daughter was baby-sitting for a couple going to a movie that late.

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I used to get tipped when I was a babysitter. Most likely because it was easier to round up then to give me exact change when I was only earning a couple of bucks an hour. Everyone tipped. I would have been surprised if I wasn't tipped. With the going rate around here being $10-$15 an hour I don't know if tipping still happens.

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I am really picky about who babysits. Well, no one needs to any more. But back in the day, if I liked a sitter and they engaged with my kids instead of texting and watching tv, and especially if she was good with the dog and tidying up any messes they made while I was gone, I tipped that girl nicely. Kids like that are keepers. My best sitter is still one of my favorite kids in the world, even though she's not really a kid anymore. I think there is no more important job than taking good care of my kids, so I probably overpay.

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I have never tipped a babysitter, though I have been known to give a Christmas or birthday gift.


I think the pay was reasonable.


I think the timing was reasonable too. He didn't get there until 8:20, so I midnight sounds about right to me. I used to babysit frequently through high school and college, and got home anywhere between 11-2am sometimes.

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