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Good resources to help girls prepare for puberty?

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I'm thinking it's time to cover puberty changes/menstruation cycles in more depth with dd8. I started my cycle young and was completely clueless, and I'm determined she will be well-prepared (no signs of development yet fortunately--I'd be happy for her sake if she doesn't have to deal with female issues for a long time!)

Anyway, I would love recommendations for books/resources that do a good job of explaining to young girls what to expect, how their bodies will change, how the menstrual cycle works. We've had a few brief discussions of menstruation, because I want all my children to be comfortable with the topic, but I feel I need a little guidance to give her a more thorough understanding. I'm not at this point looking for human reproduction/sex education, I feel like we have that covered as well as it needs to be at this point. I need something that focuses on physical development and cycles. (Not saying there can't be anything in there about sex and reproduction, just that that's not the emphasis I need.)




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Another vote for The Care and Keeping of You by American Girl! Also, Kelli Dunham (I think) has a similar one called The Body Book for Girls. DD likes them both a lot, and I appreciate that there is plenty about puberty, menstruation, etc., but it's lighthearted and also includes general hygiene stuff, and no sex.


I looked at some of the Christian books, but they all seemed too focused on sex, love, and marriage, without the facts about puberty that we wanted. I have no problem with teaching "sex is for marriage," but I don't even want any of that sort of thing on her radar yet; I don't want her thinking in terms of love and boyfriends and all yet.

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Another vote for The Care and Keeping of You by American Girl! Also, Kelli Dunham (I think) has a similar one called The Body Book for Girls. DD likes them both a lot, and I appreciate that there is plenty about puberty, menstruation, etc., but it's lighthearted and also includes general hygiene stuff, and no sex.


I looked at some of the Christian books, but they all seemed too focused on sex, love, and marriage, without the facts about puberty that we wanted. I have no problem with teaching "sex is for marriage," but I don't even want any of that sort of thing on her radar yet; I don't want her thinking in terms of love and boyfriends and all yet.



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Another vote for The Care and Keeping of You! All about girl stuff, but no sex stuff yet!

It's perfect for my 9 year olds.


:iagree: I gave it to my daughter and told her to come to me with any questions. We have had many good talks about puberty and all the expected changes, but without having to go as far as reproduction (we will eventually, she has a bit of an idea without knowing all of the mechanics).

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I just found this book the day before yesterday at our used book store for $3, so I snagged it because I've heard glowing recommendations about it over and over again. After skimming through it, I'm glad I bought it. My oldest DD is only 6, but I wanted it on hand for when she gets to be about 8 or so as well.

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I used "The Body Book: It's a God thing" and it was good, but there were a couple things I edited as I read, so make sure you pre read whatever you buy. Plan something fun. My daughter and I had a day date, all day long. We read a chapter together then did something special. For example when we talked about exercise, we went and worked out at a gym, when we talked about growing breasts, we went bra shopping. We went to Target and walked around picking up essentials she'll need, like deoderent, pads, tampons, a little purse to put them in, chocolate, a journal, etc., and even a special necklace she picked out that she can't wear til she gets her period and put them all into a special box she keeps in her room. She is actually excited about getting her period :) It was a fun day that we'll both remember!

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I used "The Body Book: It's a God thing" and it was good, but there were a couple things I edited as I read, so make sure you pre read whatever you buy. Plan something fun. My daughter and I had a day date, all day long. We read a chapter together then did something special. For example when we talked about exercise, we went and worked out at a gym, when we talked about growing breasts, we went bra shopping. We went to Target and walked around picking up essentials she'll need, like deoderent, pads, tampons, a little purse to put them in, chocolate, a journal, etc., and even a special necklace she picked out that she can't wear til she gets her period and put them all into a special box she keeps in her room. She is actually excited about getting her period :) It was a fun day that we'll both remember!


That sounds like a lovely date--and some great ideas. I like the necklace that she can keep to wear when she first gets her period--I know some families have a celebration of some kind when a girl gets her first period, but that has never sounded comfortable to me. Something special and feminine but not too public like a new necklace seems like a really nice way to mark the transition.

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