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Is this a wart?

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The little black dots make it look like a wart.


I had something in the same place on my foot and thought it was a plantar wart. I tried using wart removing pads but finally ended up going to a podiatrist. He said it wasn't a wart, but a seed corn. (I didn't have any of the black dots on mine.) He removed some of it in the office and then I used a foot file at home along with Amlactin lotion.



In my case, I blamed it on wearing Birkenstocks all summer...the raised toe bar did it to me.

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Looks like a plantar wart to me. I had lots growing up since I was on the swim team and barefoot in locker rooms year round. It's caused by a virus and usually will go away on its own. The black spots are actually a sign that it is dying. To speed the process you can try covering it with duct tape (constantly) for a week or two - some reports say less. I have also heard using a bandaid or duct tape to hold a sliver of garlic, a cotton-ball soaked in apple cider vinegar, OR a piece of banana peel against the wart will help kill the virus.

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I have one that looks just like that on my foot, minus the black spots. Mine has never hurt though. I do have extreme callous from dancing. I have tried everything to get rid.of it and nothing has worked....it appeared while pregnant with my now 6.5 year old!

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It looks like the planters warts my dd had. She had two of them on her foot and I used the walmart version of compound W on them. I also soaked her foot in epsom salt at least once a day. It took over a month to get rid of them. They are almost completely gone now. I initially took her to the Dr. to find out what they were and he said planters warts.

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Yes, definitely.


Treat it aggressively--those buggers are hard to kill. It can take 30-90 days. You can try OTC Compound W but I have not had much luck with it. If you try it, apply 2-3 times daily, let soak in/dry, then cover with duct tape or bandaid. A dermatologist once told me it is better to cover with tape so that the little pad on the band-aid does not soak up all the medicine.


As the wart changes, you can also file it down with a nail file, THEN apply the medicine. Use disposable files and discard with each use. (I used to break them into 3-4 tiny pieces to make them last longer.)


You will know you are done when you have clean, fresh, new skin and the area looks completely normal.


If you don't see real progress after 45 days or so, consider seeing a dermatologist. They can prescribe much more effective meds.


ETA: Also be sure to wash socks with BLEACH and to Lysol insides of shoes once a week. You will also need to bleach your bathtub at least weekly until the problem is resolved. Warts are VERY contagious, so your child should not go barefoot in the house.

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I would keep an eye on it to make sure it doesn't spread.


My daughter had one on her foot that spread and it was not pretty. As a result it took so so much longer to get rid of.


I would see a podiatrist over a dermatologist. The dermatologist we saw was clueless.



***Do not let her go around barefoot. In the shower/tub she should wear flip flops.

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I would keep an eye on it to make sure it doesn't spread.


My daughter had one on her foot that spread and it was not pretty. As a result it took so so much longer to get rid of.


I would see a podiatrist over a dermatologist. The dermatologist we saw was clueless.



***Do not let her go around barefoot. In the shower/tub she should wear flip flops.


I'm chuckling at your post, because I had the opposite experience. I saw three different podiatrists and one dermatologist who were all useless for our wart situation. The second dermatologist I saw was much, much better, and waaaay more knowledgeable about various treatment options. I guess the lesson here is that some professionals know how to treat this and others do not. I would say to try to deal with someone who has experience with and knows more than one way to approach this problem.

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Cinnamon oil for warts. Please explain the how to. My dd has one on her hand that I am afraid will hurt terribly if treated at the Drs. Office. Its on the thin skin between the thumb and forefinger. Will it work there?


Thank you!

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A drop of tea tree oil and then cover with a band-aid. Took less than 2 weeks to kill a huge plantars wart on dd's foot.


Oldest dd has a small wart on her hand between fingers. She just started tea tree olil a few days ago and says it is now turning black (a sign it is dying)!!!

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My kids had some like these. We used a cotton ball soaked with raw apple cider vinager and wrapped it with duct tape. Sounds kinda weird but it really works. After a couple of days we could literally see the wart falling out by its roots. Great science experiment. Had to examine it under a hand microscope :) Anyways, it left an empty hole that healed up real quick!

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Yes, definitely.


Treat it aggressively--those buggers are hard to kill. It can take 30-90 days. You can try OTC Compound W but I have not had much luck with it.


You will know you are done when you have clean, fresh, new skin and the area looks completely normal.


consider seeing a dermatologist. They can prescribe much more effective meds.


ETA: Also be sure to wash socks with BLEACH and to Lysol insides of shoes once a week. You will also need to bleach your bathtub at least weekly until the problem is resolved. Warts are VERY contagious, so your child should not go barefoot in the house.


good suggestions. I also found compound W to be pretty worthless and never bothered with it again.

freezing works great - a tough wart may still take two treatments, but it works. (warning - it HURTS.) the freezing kills the wart, and it will eventually fall out - within a couple weeks or so. You can even buy the liquid hydrogen OTC in some drugstores for a DIY project. right there in among all the wart remover supplies.

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My kids had some like these. We used a cotton ball soaked with raw apple cider vinager and wrapped it with duct tape. Sounds kinda weird but it really works. After a couple of days we could literally see the wart falling out by its roots. Great science experiment. Had to examine it under a hand microscope :) Anyways, it left an empty hole that healed up real quick!


:iagree:This worked for us too!

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Looks like a plantar wart. My DH had them so bad that the podiatrist (after years of trying to treat them conservatively) wanted to surgically remove them (from one foot at a time) and put DH on crutches for weeks-months. We tried Compound W, duct tape, and whatever else but what finally worked, and kept DH out of surgery, was Thuja occidentalis. With skepticism, we bought this tube of little white pills from the health food store. I believe it took 2-3 tubes, taking them regularly for a few weeks, but all of the warts completely cleared up. The podiatrist was astounded.


For your child it would probably only require one tube... DD had two on the outside of her big toe and after one tube of Thuja they turned black and fell off...

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Cinnamon oil for warts. Please explain the how to. My dd has one on her hand that I am afraid will hurt terribly if treated at the Drs. Office. Its on the thin skin between the thumb and forefinger. Will it work there?


Thank you!


I added some drops of cinnamon oil to a small piece of a cotton ball then covered it with a band-aid. I changed it daily until the wart was gone. This happened years ago so I don't remember how long it took. I do remember though that my brother also had a wart at the time and used some otc medicine and mine cleared up faster.


Be forewarned that some people say that cinnamon oil stings.




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They sell wart remover PADS just for feet. They come with a little donut shape cushion that stops the pain when walking.....and they work :)


They can hurt. It's like walking on a pebble, all the time. We've done freezing, the pads from the grocery store, the freezing kit from the grocery store, scraping at the docs, and freezing at the docs. Best, most consistent results were 1) doc freezing (but painful and of course not cheap), 2) grocery store pads - put one on immediately after a shower, keep on for 3 days, remove, scrape away dead skin, repeat. Takes quite some time, and for one that size you may need more than one "dot" to cover the area.

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My dd and my ds have had plantar warts. They are HIGHLY contagious. Podiatrist told us to wash tub with bleach after showers, no barefoot in the house, no touching the wart, etc. She treated them with a tiny drop of medicine from the blister beetle. We had to go back to the podiatrist about once a week for several weeks for treatment. It was worth it though.

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