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Need a few ideas for things to do when 12yr old girls get together

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This is new to me, so I have no ideas; seems like the things we used to do are kind of babyish now.


If it's crafts, can you plz name some specific ones?


These girls don't know each other well. They're not super girly so not manicures, etc. They're also not into TV, electronics, etc.


I have tons of food planned, but no ideas for stuff to do.

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make gummy candy/gum/chocolate from those kits

bake something with you helping

paint birdhouses

pot flowers

Wii dance game

sculpty clay beads

moss gardens (dish garden--collect moss, use potting soil in 6-9in dish, add moss, decorate with shells/stones/small figures)

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It sounds more like the OP is wanting things to have around, rather than a planned itinerary? I would suggest some decent snack foods (whatever you are ok with in your house - and tweens are notoriously messy, whether they are boys or girls.) I would have a stack of movies that you are fine with them watching, or have some que'd up on Netflix. I know you said they aren't into TV, but it would be good if they wanted background noise or simply needed something to fill some downtime if they don't have a lot to talk about. Nail polish? I'm limiting it after my DD's last sleepover :glare:, but your group may do fine with it. Beads and string for jewelry making seem to be a big deal still here. Do you have an area where they can get out and play basketball or soccer or even dodgeball? A video camera and stereo so they can do karaoke?


My DD is just now going on 10, but a friend has girls who are 12 and these still seem to be big with that age group.

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The bracelet is a great idea. Keep it simple not all can do crafts. Food and exotic drinks(different juices mixed with soda etc) seem to make many happy.


They really don't do much usually. Just talk and eat. I wouldn't worry too much. The ideas have all been good. Let your dd pick what she wants to have ready. Other than the food it might not get done.

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While they might not be "girly girls" you might be surprised at what they will like when they are in a group.


When my daughter was that age, I would never have dreamed they would like girly stuff, but thankfully I had purchased a few things just in case. They painted their finger and toe nails and had a great time.


I bought some cheap make-up items and they had a blast putting it on, taking photos, washing their faces, and then starting all over.


We had a big room just for them and they laughed for hours. They put on music and danced, sang badly and loudly and laughed harder (we were on the other side of the house). :)

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My daughters loved putting on little plays at that age. There are different ways of doing it. You can have a script all ready, with the same number of roles as girls, and they can figure out their parts (could be random, or they could choose) once they get there. You can have a few props and costumes (keep it simple) on hand. Give them half hour to prepare and practice, and then have them perform it. Be sure to record it! Half the fun is watching it afterward.


Or, you can pre-assign them a role ahead of time. Send them each an index card that tells who they are, and how they should dress or props they might need to support their character. (But they don't look at the script until they get there.)


Or, you can have two bags of misc. props. For example, one of them might have a cooking ladle, a baseball hat, a pretty scarf, and half a dozen other things. Once the girls are together, split them into two groups, and give each group a bag (before they look in it). Give them a certain amount of time to make up a skit that uses all of the props. (Maybe 20 minutes?) Then, each group acts out their skit for the other group.

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I agree with not having it all be crafts since not all kids like the crafty stuff. I would discuss a couple of craft options with your dd and perhaps have some board or card games available. Also, I know that a lot of girls do like the dance games for video systems like the wii. Maybe some snacks they could make on their own, like baking and decorating cookies or something like that.


My dd and her friend drew elaborate designs all over our driveway yesterday with sidewalk chalk, so it really doesn't need to be an elaborate activity or craft. However, I have to say my dd is pretty low maintenance and is easily entertained. She does have a couple of friends who get bored easily and need a variety of activities to keep them happy.


If you are on pinterest, you could find a ton of craft ideas for kids, or check out a Michael's or Joann's Craft Store if you have one in your area.

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My daughter is 11 1/2 and when she has a friend over, they like to:


Play Wii games

Paint each other's nails

Go outside and draw with chalk, ride bikes, walk to the playground

Watch movies

Paint pictures

Go on the computer together

Do arts and craft kit type things

Cook/Bake things

Sometimes play board games

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My daughters loved putting on little plays at that age. There are different ways of doing it. You can have a script all ready, with the same number of roles as girls, and they can figure out their parts (could be random, or they could choose) once they get there. You can have a few props and costumes (keep it simple) on hand. Give them half hour to prepare and practice, and then have them perform it. Be sure to record it! Half the fun is watching it afterward.


Or, you can pre-assign them a role ahead of time. Send them each an index card that tells who they are, and how they should dress or props they might need to support their character. (But they don't look at the script until they get there.)


Or, you can have two bags of misc. props. For example, one of them might have a cooking ladle, a baseball hat, a pretty scarf, and half a dozen other things. Once the girls are together, split them into two groups, and give each group a bag (before they look in it). Give them a certain amount of time to make up a skit that uses all of the props. (Maybe 20 minutes?) Then, each group acts out their skit for the other group.



I like all of the ideas mentioned here, but I really like this one....very fun and seems creative. GREAT IDEA!!!!!!! I'll remember all of these and definately this one for my DD.

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Well, if you're u reasonable enough to refuse to install a zip line or invest in a trampoline, I'd do:



Make your own pizza and or cookies or ice cream bar

Manicure/face mask station

Dance game on wii or xbox

Friendship bracelet

Apples to apples

Movie for winding down

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