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Morning Exercise: What To Eat Before?

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I want to start jogging in the morning, but don't know what to eat beforehand. I don't want to eat breakfast first (I usually have a bowl of Cheerios with raisins and rice milk), but I don't know what to eat. I have IBS, so it can't be heavy.


Bacon and other breakfast meat is out because IBS and allergies to soy. I don't want to eat a banana because I get low blood sugar easily, and since banana is a simple carb, it would burn off fast and make me crash. Is that assumption correct? How about half an apple? I could do yogurt, but I don't have any for tomorrow so I'm having trouble coming up with something. Hard-boiled egg, perhaps? It'll be about a 30 minute jog, so I won't be out too long, but I can't exercise without eating. Would a slice of hard provolone do?


When I wake up in the morning, I usually eat within 15 - 30 minutes of waking. I get ravenously hungry. But if I ate breakfast before running, I'd have to wait 2 hours and I don't really want to do that.


Any thoughts? Thanks.

Edited by BeatleMania
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I like to pair a piece of fruit with a protein. Usually I choose a banana because they are quick and easy to eat. For protein I usually eat a cheese stick, cottage cheese, eggs, or left over meat from dinner the night before. I don't know if it is true but I figure the sugars/carbs in the fruit will give me quick energy for the beginning of my workout and the protein will sustain me. I think oatmeal would be good too and it will keep your blood sugar in check.

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I drink about a pint of water and a cup of coffee.

Then I eat a bowl of cereal and drink a pint of nonfat milk.

Then I get dressed to run, and then I drink some more water, usually just a cup or so.

That works out really well for me. Usually I don't get thirsty again for about an hour, unless it's quite hot outside.

I find that hydrating gradually in the morning before I leave gives me much better stamina than taking water along.

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I drink about a pint of water and a cup of coffee.

Then I eat a bowl of cereal and drink a pint of nonfat milk.

Then I get dressed to run, and then I drink some more water, usually just a cup or so.

That works out really well for me. Usually I don't get thirsty again for about an hour, unless it's quite hot outside.

I find that hydrating gradually in the morning before I leave gives me much better stamina than taking water along.


But do you need to stop to use a bathroom along the way? I know I would! :lol:

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I make a smoothie with frozen berries, almond butter, dates and coconut milk.


The berries and dates sweeten the smoothie and give you antioxidants and energy.


The coconut milk and almond butter both give you the protein and fat you need to keep you satiated and not hungry 2 minutes later.


It always gives me SO much energy!


And I have blood sugar issues but it doesn't make my levels go bonkers.

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Thanks for the suggestions so far.


I can't do nuts or milk. I use Rice Dream for my milk.


I think I may just get up two hours before jogging and eat breakfast. When I exercise in the afternoon, I'll do it two hours after eating and feel fine, so if it isn't broke, don't fix it.


I will also take the water suggestion. I'll probably have to pee like 5 times before leaving, but oh well lol

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I don't eat anything before I exercise in the morning. I need to get out the door quickly and get back before my husband leaves for work. I quickly drink 16-20 ounces of water right before and walk out the door. When I get back I have coffee, more water, an egg and banana. I started off doing the C25K plan this way in September and now run 3 miles 4 days a week and walk 4 miles 2 days.


Just some background info - I started off over 40 lbs overweight, over 40 and am NOT a morning person. Now it is my favorite time to exercise. :001_smile:


This works for me. You just have to find out what works best for your body.

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Everyone is different, and you will eventually find what works best for you through trial and error. Over time, you'll likely find that you can tolerate increasing quantity and variety of food pre-run.


For me, for my first year or so of running, I found that I could only tolerate 100-150 cal of low fat cal pre-run. Now I can handle 300 cal or so, and more variety of foods.


The easiest/best light pre-run snacks for me have been:


banana +/- smear of peanut butter

1/2 - 3/4 c yogurt

1 slice toast with little butter and cinnnamon sugar

an apple

or some combo of above totally about 100-150 cal


If you need more calories, I can always add clear juices or gatorade without trouble. One big glass of cran-grape juice (or whatever) can give you a lot of calories.


You don't need fat or protein. For a 30 (up to 60) min run, you really don't need ANY calories for energy, just whatever calories you need for comfort.


Your body has plenty of glycogen and fat storage to fuel a 60-90 min workout without added fuel. Now, you might feel mentally perkier with some fuel, or your stomach might feel more settled not being totally empty, but I don't think your body needs any particular fuel to perform.


Bottom line: pick something low fat and mostly carbs, and just enough to avoid feeling uncomfortably hungry. When your run is over, eat up!


For future runs, experiment with eating a bit more, a bit less, a bit different . . . until you find your faves.

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Thanks everyone!


I did it this morning earlier than planned because I got up earlier than my alarm. I just ate a banana before and drank about 16 oz of water.


I started up C25K again, and wasn't able to do the last two rotation of jogging/walking because I have asthma and it's in the 30s here now, which isn't a good mix, but I didn't feel hungry or sick.


At least until the Fall Semester I'll be able to do this every M/W/F and maybe Saturdays in the mornings.

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Thanks everyone!


I did it this morning earlier than planned because I got up earlier than my alarm. I just ate a banana before and drank about 16 oz of water.


I started up C25K again, and wasn't able to do the last two rotation of jogging/walking because I have asthma and it's in the 30s here now, which isn't a good mix, but I didn't feel hungry or sick.


At least until the Fall Semester I'll be able to do this every M/W/F and maybe Saturdays in the mornings.


When I started doing C25K and ran first thing in the morning, all I had was water and a banana. Even now, I hardly eat anything before exercise. I did a half marathon last week on just a banana and was fine. I think it's individual though


Good luck! It's a fantastic program, and I was so impressed with how well it worked for me. I ran every-other-day for two months straight and it felt great! Hope your asthma doesn't give you too many problems.

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But do you need to stop to use a bathroom along the way? I know I would! :lol:


Right before I leave the house, for sure, and sometimes along the way. But there is a park with clean bathrooms on my main route, and a Starbucks on the genteel alternative we are only walking today so we can look decent route, so I'm fine either way.

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Generally, a bite or two of something & coffee- but not much if anything. Of course, I am one who does not like anything in my tummy when running, and even more than a few sips of water at a time during a run, can make me feel sick. So take it with a grain of salt. :)

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I am on a swim team. I wasn't eating anything before morning practice. But then my triathlete friend recommended eating a banana (or just a half banana) before morning workout. Then sip a honey milk or chocolate milk afterwards as you getting ready. Then eat a protein-type breakfast.


Her point was that protein takes alot of energy to digest so if you eat protein before a workout you have less energy to expend on your workout.

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I eat fruit and yogurt before a 45-60 minute workout. I've also eaten an egg white omelet with a small amount of cheese or cereal, banana, and milk. I've never felt sick or like my blood sugar was low with any of these things.

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I usually eat a small bowl of cereal (no milk, don't like it on cereal), and a glass of orange juice before heading out the door to work out. Then I eat a mid-morning snack after I get home & have showered. Said snack is usually cashews or almonds & water. Or a slice of whole grain bread w/some kind of nut butter.

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