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What do your kids call you?

What do your kids call you and your spouse?  

  1. 1. What do your kids call you and your spouse?

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My younger ds calls me "mama"... I didn't teach him that, he chose it on his own. He calls my dh "daddy".


Similarly, my older ds usually calls me Kay, though now that his brother is getting older he'll sometimes call me "mama" too. I guess everyone else calls me Kay, so made sense to call me by name--he did even as a toddler. Calls my dh by his first name all the time. We did try when he was 1 and 2 to get him to call us mommy and daddy, but it never stuck. He's just an individualist, I guess!

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I'm mommy over here! I've always wanted to be called Mommy. I'm sure that it will change as the kids grow, but I want to be Mommy as long as possible. I really dont like the term "Mom" or "Mother"....I prefer to be "Mama" if the kids want to use something other than Mommy when they get older. I call my mom Mama and always have. DH is Daddy to the kids. I still call my dad Daddy as well.


As for referring to each other, if we are talking with the kids in the conversation I will refer to my husband as Daddy. I dont actually call him Daddy, but only use it when talking to the kids.

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My 3.5 year old calls me "Mommy" or "Mama," depending on her mood. I was raised in and still live in New Jersey -- NOT a real "Mama" region, but I lived in Missouri for years and was suitemates in college with someone from Little Rock, Arkansas. :001_smile: She used to get on the phone and say, "Hello, Mama! Hello, Daddy! How y'all doooooooooin'?" and I would just CRACK UP. And then I would get on the phone and call my family in New Jersey, and she would listen to me switch to my East Coast accent in the first 5 seconds and CRACK UP. We had a lot of fun with it. I miss those days and I miss Missouri, too.


Well, here in New Jersey, I don't really no ANYONE whose children say "Mama," but we like it and my daughter doesn't know any better! :D When we were listening to the Little House in the Big Woods and Little House on the Prairie CDs last month, my daughter took to calling me "Ma" and my husband was "Pa." :thumbup: We loved it, but that has faded out a bit.


My husband is basically "Daddy" at this point. I put "other" for him, also, because sometimes he gets called "Dada." But, hey, we have 18 month old twins -- :D:D -- so what do you expect? Mama, Dada, Pop Pop, and my mother (Grammy) gets something that sounds like "Yammy." Cute.

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I used to be mommy to both of mine, but after a viewing of The Land Before Time, I became mother. I know most people find it overly formal, and even snotty, but I kinda like it. I thought it'd wear off in time, but so far it hasn't. I'm also mama when they REALLY want something.

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They call me mom, I miss the good old days of mommy and mamma.




That's how I would feel, but I won't let them call me mom-it would mean they aren't little anymore! My ds calls me Mama, and my dd does too, although for some reason last year she also started calling me Mommy.

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Mostly "Mom", but a lot of "Mama" and occasionally "Mommy". And, well, "Abbey", from time to time. (*Usually* they don't address me as "Abbey", but will often refer to me as "Abbey" when speaking to others -- but both went through phases as toddlers when they called me by my name, and they occasionally revert to that for a moment.) As long as they're saying it sweetly, I don't much mind which name they use. ;)

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. . . I became mother. I know most people find it overly formal, and even snotty, but I kinda like it.


I kind of like it, too, and I think it would be my second choice after mama. It brings to mind Charlotte Mason's era, and children hanging on mother's apron strings, or snuggled up to her while she does cross stitch.

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both went through phases as toddlers when they called me by my name, and they occasionally revert to that for a moment.) As long as they're saying it sweetly, I don't much mind which name they use. ;)

DS went through that phase... and everyone said it was just a phase... but it's been 7 years now... LOL One year at camp he made a little ceramic bowl and painted "mom" on it... I was so excited, and pointed it out and he said "I couldn't spell Erica". *sigh*


But as you say, if he's saying it sweetly I don't really mind. :001_smile:

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I do that... I thought most people did? I don't do it if I'm having a private conversation with him, but if one of the kids wants to know something, I'll often say (in front of the kids)...


"Dad, do you want to go to the store with us?"


or, he'll sometimes say (always in front of, and relating to the kids) things like:


"Mom, could you get a change of clothes for _______?"


I *would* probably think it was strange if he called me that on the phone, or in a conversation that didn't relate somehow to the kids. Even then, it's always with the kids present... as though we're including their voice in the conversation somehow.


We do this as well. Like you, it is only if we are asking something on behalf of the kids. Its not like we go around saying "Hey Daddy, you wanna go make out?", or "Mommy, could you hand me a clean pair of boxers." THAT would be creepy :)

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We're mommy and daddy. Even though the kids are well past the age when that typically converts to mom and dad. They may refer to us as mom and dad when talking with friends, but they don't call us that. My parents were always mom and dad.


Now, if it's in reference to dd's cat, then I'm grammy. :tongue_smilie:

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Mama, pronounced mu-MAH, pu-PAH for daddy. Me and my sibs called ours Mommy and Daddy but as grown ups, when it was for public consumption, some of us went to this "french-ish" pronunciation of Mama and Papa.


Yes, I know a woman who was raised in Switzerland (though her Mu-MAH was born in the US) and she pronounces it that way too. :)

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Mine all call me "Mommy," even the 12-year-old. And dh is "Daddy." When they are talking to friends we are "Mom" and "Dad," though, and the 7-year-old has taken to calling us that more often lately. He's also been known to say things like "your husband" when telling me something about his dad, or "your daughter" when telling on his sister. I like being Mommy, though I suspect it won't last much longer. I figure when the oldest starts using Mom routinely, the others will follow.

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