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BAD DH! Major cell phone faux pax & I'm embarassed!

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So, I've been in a foul mood about our Honda transmission going up and having to shop for another vehicle. We aren't finding much in our price range and so I'm REALLY grumpy. Added to this is that I've spent a little too much time today talking on the phone to VERY pushy used car salesmen that think because I'm female, I can't possibly know anything about cars and will buy the first piece cr&p they want to get rid of....yes, I'M GROUCHY! Yes, these guys have ALL been that bad...not one single one has been professional or even made a pretense of attempting to hide their chauvenistic nature.


Anyway, dh was out test driving a van and we were talking on his cell phone. He was alone in the vehicle and had the cell on speaker. We talked for a little bit, pros and cons, etc. but what he did not tell me was that he had pulled back into the car lot and opened his door to talk to the salesman (which I did not hear him do because of back ground noise) and this is what I said WHILE ON SPEAKER PHONE - "So how slimey and pushey is he!"




I hear dh giggle and say, "Oops, sorry!" Click.


Just great.


Oh well, I didn't want that van anyway.


I seriously need to get over my attitude.


Dh is still laughing about it. I AM NOT AMUSED! :glare:



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I get why you were embarrased, but really? The salesman knows of the reputation of car salesmen, I'm sure! Sounds like your dh laughed it off like you were kidding and you knew he was listening.


Honestly - I'll be giggling about this all night. It is funny!!!

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Uuggg! I know what you mean!


I had a repairman come here a few weeks ago because our new, very expensive dryer was making horrible metal scraping sounds. He takes one look at it and says, " That's just the way they are. You shouldn't have the vaulted open ceiling, then it wouldn't disturb your TV watching." WHAT??


The discussion deteriorated from there and he was dismissive of every comment I made and question I asked. I actually had to remove myself and go out to dh's office in the back yard before I did physical harm to the chauvinistic jerk. I had not run into one that bad in a very long time.


Amazingly, when my 6'8" husband came in the house, the guy was all buddy-buddy with him. Dh got a giggle out of that, too.:glare:

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I'd be laughing too...and a bit happy that the guy heard. Maybe he'll think again about how he treats women. When we've bought cars in the past, the salesman always tries to ask DH the questions. He promptly tells them that it's my car and to direct all questions to me.

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Salesmen have unique talents they can transform any woman, no matter her age or how professional or well-educated she may be into a "little lady." But their magic does not stop there. Salesmen then turn us into food... honey, sugar, sweetie, cupcake, honeybun. If you haven't gagged to death by then, you actually look forward to hearing the condescending "darlin'.":tongue_smilie:

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I hate when sales people ignore me because I am a woman. Especially where electronics are sold. I once waited for over 15 minutes for someone to help me instead of walking right by me to chat with other employees. When I was finally asked if I needed help I told them I would be spending the $600 cash in my pocket (I took it out to show him here) at a store that treated potential customers better. I've been ignored in other stores until dh shows up. Then they fall all over him trying to sell him stuff. It's not just men who do this. I had an insurance agent at my house who spoke to my husband the whole time without even glancing at me. She even ignored one of my questions. At the end of her pitch my husband looked her in the eyes and told her I was the one who made all the financial decisions. She sure realized her mistake! I told her no thank you and showed her the door.:D Luckily all the car salespeople we've dealt with have been very nice. And you have just illustrated why I hate being on speakerphone.

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When I was in labor with DS, I asked my DH if it was just my hormones, or if the anesthesiologist was indeed a jerk. DH said, "Yes, he is." and I didn't find out until later that the anestesilogist was still in the room! Apparently DH looked right at him while agreeing with me and the guy glared back. I felt horrible about it for a while, but DH thought it was funny. I laugh about it now and am kind of glad that he heard me because he was a jerk!

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When I was in labor with DS, I asked my DH if it was just my hormones, or if the anesthesiologist was indeed a jerk. DH said, "Yes, he is." and I didn't find out until later that the anestesilogist was still in the room! Apparently DH looked right at him while agreeing with me and the guy glared back. I felt horrible about it for a while, but DH thought it was funny. I laugh about it now and am kind of glad that he heard me because he was a jerk!


I hope he was done treating you by then! :lol:

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Oh wait. I'm sorry.:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:


MANY times we have had issues like this.


I am really surprised to hear about your CRV. I will go respond to that thread shortly. I had a response all typed up on my Ipad but my Ipad and wireless are currently having issues which are driving me insane.


I hate salesmen. I especially hate dealing with car salesmen. Let me state this more accurately - SALES PEOPLE. Anyway, when our Suburban became an endless money pit and the 4wd died in January, after I spent several thousands on other repairs, had it towed out of my garage twice, etc. (bought brand new, issues with engine cut out started at 36k miles, my farrier's wife had the exact same issue, Chevy could never diagnose) I was in a rush to replace my piece of junk and did NOT have the energy or time to deal with salesmen. The back and forth games really drive me insane. I told dh I wasn't going to put up with it. The FIRST time the salesman went out back to "talk to his manager" about our numbers which I was firm on, I told dh, "Just repeat after me when I call you back." I left and dh sat in the salesman's office. I called about 10 minutes later and had dh repeat after me, "Is it comfortable? How does the space compare to the Pilot? What is the list price? Ok, let me finish up here first." Or something like that. Funny how quickly the numbers game came to an end.


It may be different with used cars, but there is still wiggle room.


I also think you can go to online places like Carmax to settle on a price before you ever go to see it. Then you can also check the reports on the car.

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Oh wait. I'm sorry.:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:


MANY times we have had issues like this.


I am really surprised to hear about your CRV. I will go respond to that thread shortly. I had a response all typed up on my Ipad but my Ipad and wireless are currently having issues which are driving me insane.


I hate salesmen. I especially hate dealing with car salesmen. Let me state this more accurately - SALES PEOPLE. Anyway, when our Suburban became an endless money pit and the 4wd died in January, after I spent several thousands on other repairs, had it towed out of my garage twice, etc. (bought brand new, issues with engine cut out started at 36k miles, my farrier's wife had the exact same issue, Chevy could never diagnose) I was in a rush to replace my piece of junk and did NOT have the energy or time to deal with salesmen. The back and forth games really drive me insane. I told dh I wasn't going to put up with it. The FIRST time the salesman went out back to "talk to his manager" about our numbers which I was firm on, I told dh, "Just repeat after me when I call you back." I left and dh sat in the salesman's office. I called about 10 minutes later and had dh repeat after me, "Is it comfortable? How does the space compare to the Pilot? What is the list price? Ok, let me finish up here first." Or something like that. Funny how quickly the numbers game came to an end.


It may be different with used cars, but there is still wiggle room.


I also think you can go to online places like Carmax to settle on a price before you ever go to see it. Then you can also check the reports on the car.


Must Remember This!

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Salesmen have unique talents they can transform any woman, no matter her age or how professional or well-educated she may be into a "little lady." But their magic does not stop there. Salesmen then turn us into food... honey, sugar, sweetie, cupcake, honeybun. If you haven't gagged to death by then, you actually look forward to hearing the condescending "darlin'.":tongue_smilie:


I hate buying cars because of this. I also hate dh and the men going back and forth. When I got my first Pilot, I was NOT in the mood for the bs, which is why I did what I did.


The following year the larger Pilot came out. Two years later, I was :drool5: I never liked my 2007 Pilot and we were in the market to buy another SUV because of it. I was stupid enough to look at Suburbans again, but I went into Honda when I saw the 2011 Pilot had a color option of pearl white, my favorite color. The larger size was JUST RIGHT for us, but it was pretty hard to trade in a fairly new car because of this. I went in, test drove the new Pilot, fell IN LOVE but didn't show it, then told the sales guy that my current Pilot was perfectly fine, low miles, etc. That a little extra space would come at a huge price and they had to make it VERY attractive for me. I told them UP FRONT I would not play their games. When they started, I walked out. I told them to call me when they were ready to get serious and give me their final number.


They called an hour later, dh went to the dealership, and we drove the new car home a few hours after that.


The 2007 Pilot really didn't have as much space as the 2011. Wasting the money was worth it because our very tall kids are much more comfortable now. I absolutely LOVE this car.


I grew a backbone after dealing with the Chevy dealership for so long. When I went into Honda, I let them know I was done dealing with the mafia (dh's words!) and done with the games, and that I would not tolerate them. The salesman even had the manager come schmooze me and the kids. I was not impressed. I'm sure my irritation showed. I went around dinner time when everyone was hungry - on purpose. I was NOT going to let the games drag out!


I did the same when dh and I took ds20 shopping for his first car at 17. Ds fell in love with a Celica :svengo: I let the salesman know UP FRONT that I hoped the deal fell through, that I hoped ds would get an SUV or a truck, Celica's in New England? No, I wasn't impressed.


He came down significantly.


Usually I leave all the haggling to dh but recently I started to take over with cars ONLY. I hope not to have to do it again for at least 5 years for dh's car.

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See, this is why we've bought our last 3 vehicles from the same sales person at the same dealership. She is very professional and doesn't schmooze. Well, she might schmooze other people, but the first time we met her we told her we didn't play games and we definitely didn't pick a car based on how much the payment would be. We don't even discuss payment options until the price of the car and how much the trade is worth are settled.

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Oh, that is funny! And at least you weren't saying that he WAS slimey; you were just asking how slimey he was. Maybe he wasn't at all. :)


When I was shopping for a vehicle several years ago, we wanted a particular engine in it, so I'd call places with the vehicles listed for sale and ask about the engines. Most of the time, the salesman didn't know and had no idea how to find out, which was really annoying, because I wasn't hauling my pregnant self and my 2yo around for nothing. What I learned from Google was that one number of the VIN would tell me which of the two engine options a vehicle had, so the salesmen were all astounded when I asked for the VINs. Several of them had no idea that the engine was part of the VIN code.

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Not all car salespeople are slimy and pushy....my mom sold cars for 25 years and she was very kind and respectful and truly wanted to help get people in the right car for them. Her customers loved her. That being said, we don't live near her so we have had our moments with bad salespeople. I always make it perfectly clear that I'm the one in charge by doing all the talking while dh just stands there. One relatively new salesman, after I told him that my mom sold cars so I knew all the tricks, proceeded to tell us that there were some people in the next office over that were ready to buy the car we were looking at if we weren't ready to commit. We told him they could have it and walked out. He called us later that day apologizing for the stunt - his manager told him to do it. We didn't go back there. Just think of it as a game and always be willing to walk away.

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