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I ran over a racoon last night ...

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:sad: In my defense the main road leading to where we live is pitch black at night and the racoon was almost under my tire before I even saw him. I still feel kind of bad though. He must have lived a good life though because he was quite the fat fellow.

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:sad: In my defense the main road leading to where we live is pitch black at night and the racoon was almost under my tire before I even saw him. I still feel kind of bad though. He must have lived a good life though because he was quite the fat fellow.


:grouphug: I broke up with a guy once because he ran over a bunny and didn't feel upset about it.

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I did that a couple of years ago. Big old thing. Tore up the underside of the bumper of my car. It was really annoying until, in the exact same spot in the road about a year later, a deer ran into me. A really big deer. So large that people were stopping to take pictures of it the next day. The deer did so much damage that insurance had to be called in. They fixed the raccoon damage too. Bambi took out both headlights, the bumper, hood, side panel, and driver's side door. 1/4th of the car's exterior. The guy at the garage showed me another car there to be fixed that had tangled with a deer. It made mine look minor!:001_huh:

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I run over bunnies several times a year...the foolish things love to hop across our narrow, quarter mile long driveway. It's either hit them or run the van into a tree or the fence. :( But I never tell my children about them, just dh, who goes out and takes care of it.

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:grouphug: I hit a beautiful white cat with blue eyes on the exit ramp of an interstate. Some people were trying to catch it and accidentally chased it right into my path. I screamed and looked in my rear view mirror in time to see it sit up and LOOK at me and flop down :crying:. I couldn't stop where I was, so I tried to come back around. By the time I got back, the cat, and the people, were gone. I hope the people were able to save it.


I can still see that cat as clear as day and it has been nearly 20 years!

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:sad: In my defense the main road leading to where we live is pitch black at night and the racoon was almost under my tire before I even saw him. I still feel kind of bad though. He must have lived a good life though because he was quite the fat fellow.


Racoon Heaven is a great place to be; so is Weasle Heaven and Stray Dog Heaven, btw. :driving:


ETA: We have a weasle that is stalking our chickens. It hasn't attacked yet, but it will; unless I get him first...

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:sad: In my defense the main road leading to where we live is pitch black at night and the racoon was almost under my tire before I even saw him. I still feel kind of bad though. He must have lived a good life though because he was quite the fat fellow.


I'm sorry.


On Tuesday morning I didn't think it through when I let my dog out to chase a big, fat woodchuck out of the garden (it was pulling up our asparagus plants). The dog caught and killed the woodchuck... in front of my 6 yo dd. Good going, Mom; way to start the day!

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I ran over a dog once. We were on the way home from the vet. It was on a country highway and the dog ran right in front of us. Fortunately dh was with me as I was so shaken I couldn't drive afterward. Dh ran over a skunk once. Ewww! But in spite of the millions of squirrels around here neither of us has run over a squirrel.


But the worst by far was when I ran over one of our cats. :crying: I was leaving the garage and she ran right behind the car. Thankfully my level-headed friend was with me. She called the vet. I still had to drive us there but she took the cat in and stayed with her while she was put down.

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