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NYC schools ban certain words on tests

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Crazy! Just because someone doesn't believe in evolution doesn't mean they don't believe in dinosaurs. I doubt that JW are offended because other people celebrate birthdays.


Sometimes I think we offend the people we are trying not to offend by telling them what they find offensive.




Yeah, as a Witness, I can't imagine the JW population there making an issue out of the word birthday on a test. :001_rolleyes: We don't celebrate birthdays, but the word is still used!

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Amazing that trying to appease certain groups who oppose Halloween, divorce, and the notion of evolution is being criticized. I'd think there'd be widespread celebrations that "we've won!"


Why would you assume that a person who doesn't support such things supports restricted speech?


For those who don't believe the Daily Mail is reputable, here it is in CBS. Not that difficult to find another article from a 'more reputable' paper.

Edited by justamouse
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Yeah, as a Witness, I can't imagine the JW population there making an issue out of the word birthday on a test. :001_rolleyes: We don't celebrate birthdays, but the word is still used!




I don't hide from those that do not believe what I believe. I teach my children about all belief systems and we hit on as many cultural traditions from within the US and around the world as we can because that is part of being well-educated. So what if someone doesn't believe what we believe? We aren't offended; we seek to understand others better. So even if I were naive enough to not believe in dinosaurs (which obviously is not my mental reality), I would still teach about them so my children would understand what others believe. No offense necessary.


It's just soooooo stupid. Those who easily take offense will be offended by ANYTHING. What next? They ban all personal conversations in case some child somewhere gets offended because one family plays soccer, but another plays basketball????? "Where does it end? "Oh, I'm offended because we don't wear purple but you do!" ????? :confused:


It also cracks me up that they are keeping ballet. Well, I know some people would be offended because well, male ballet leotards leave nothing to the imagination. We love ballet, but I've heard of people who wouldn't let their kids participate because of the costumes. So, somewhere there is some New York parent that is offended by ballet. I guess the ignorant, conversation police didn't think of that! I'll have to email them so they'll know they should remove ballet too.....:glare: Maybe they can replace it with English Country Dancing ala Jane Austen, or the minuet. :D


Good grief! Someone should hand these people a course in Logic! (Oh and I read it on our local news website in their US news portion...this was for NBC's local station. So, Daily Mail aside, I think it is verifiably true.)



Edited by FaithManor
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  • Abuse (physical, sexual, emotional, or psychological)
  • Alcohol (beer and liquor), tobacco, or drugs
  • Birthday celebrations (and birthdays)
  • Bodily functions
  • Cancer (and other diseases)
  • Catastrophes/disasters (tsunamis and hurricanes)
  • Celebrities
  • Children dealing with serious issues
  • Cigarettes (and other smoking paraphernalia)
  • Computers in the home (acceptable in a school or library setting)
  • Crime
  • Death and disease
  • Divorce
  • Evolution
  • Expensive gifts, vacations, and prizes
  • Gambling involving money
  • Halloween
  • Homelessness
  • Homes with swimming pools
  • Hunting
  • Junk food
  • In-depth discussions of sports that require prior knowledge
  • Loss of employment
  • Nuclear weapons
  • Occult topics (i.e. fortune-telling)
  • Parapsychology
  • Politics
  • Pornography
  • Poverty
  • Rap Music
  • Religion
  • Religious holidays and festivals (including but not limited to Christmas, Yom Kippur, and Ramadan)
  • Rock-and-Roll music
  • Running away
  • Sex
  • Slavery
  • Terrorism
  • Television and video games (excessive use)
  • Traumatic material (including material that may be particularly upsetting such as animal shelters)
  • Vermin (rats and roaches)
  • Violence
  • War and bloodshed
  • Weapons (guns, knives, etc.)
  • Witchcraft, sorcery, etc.


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The thing is that cultural bias in testing is a known recognizable problem. It looks like this is an attempt to even the playing field.




They're not saying that students can't use these words. They aren't saying that students can't write about these topics. They aren't even saying that the words can't be taught, discussed, or written about in classes - at least that's what I understood from reading the CBS article.


This list is in reference to standardized testing and is an attempt to provide guidance to test writers. Doing well on standardized tests can often have more to do with whether or not you come from the same cultural understanding as the test writer than it measures what a student has learned. This really isn't all that revolutionary.


ftr, it would be nice to find a article that wasn't quite so inflammatory. I don't think the CBS article is any better than the others. The collective freak out on this leaves me kind of :001_huh:

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