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What have you learned WITH your child(ren)?


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We are just on the cusp of completing first grade and - WOW - I've learned a lot with my 6 year old!


I knew that I had received a mediocre education but now I realize how general public school education has to be just based on the sheer number of students that it is required to educate. I know I personally didn't learn any subject in depth - it was definitely breadth instead of depth.


Teaching my daughter to read with a phonics program has been eye-opening for me. We've used PR1 and the Rule Tunes have made so many things "click" for me. We've also done a one year over-view of world history and a lot of historical events fell into place for me based on context that hadn't congealed before now. I thought I was a fairly well educated person but if first grade style history is teaching me along with my daughter, well, that is a rude awakening for sure!


What have you learned from homeschooling your kids? I'm sure some of you who have been in the trenches for a decade have really learned a lot! I am putting together ancient history for next year right now and already I am realizing that I do not know at all how the events of the Bible match up to other documented ancient history. I'm struggling to make sure I can adequately combine early Christian history with other historical events and it is shocking how little I know and how much reading I am doing to try and pull together Ancient History 2nd grade style.

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Anything and everything history. I am so thankful to have went through 7-12th grade history with our oldest and now I'm starting over with our youngest. Using living books, having a Biblical worldview, using narration, and discussion to learn, oh my! I so wish my years of history in school had been so much fun and educational. Both of our boys LOVE history, so I know I must be doing it right.


And, spelling rules. =D

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This is one of the things I am looking forward to. I have a good foundation in math & science, but I know I am going to learn ALOT of history that I was probably taught, but don't remember.


I just hope my DD isn't too fargone since I am starting homeschool so late in her education.

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I've enjoyed revisiting all the science and history topics with my kids and absorbing from an adult point of view. Having life experience as a frame of reference helps science and history make more sense. Learning about ancient history and middle ages is fun as a child, but as an adult I see it differently now and can place those dates more visually than I did when I was 15.

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I've learned a lot of history. It seems that in spite of 12 years of PS and college through a Master's Degree, I have very little knowledge of world history. American history I know, but world history? Who know I had such big holes in my education there!


Latin is another thing we are learning together.


I'm sure as the kids get older there will be other things that I never knew, but so far with a K and 4th grader, I'm on top of the rest of our subjects.

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I've learned a lot of geography so far. I switched schools when I was in eighth grade and somehow had civics twice but never had geography. When dd was two, she discovered our world map and started memorizing all the countries (obviously she's a bit off in the head, lol) and I learned them with her. Before that, I couldn't have told you where France was to save my life.

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Math!! I was an expert at memorization in school and I rocked in math until about Pre-Calculus, where the wheels just fell off the bus since I had no idea what I was actually manipulating. I pushed through Calculus on sheer effort alone, but I am re-learning conceptual math and I think I would have struggled much less if I understood what I was doing and why. It almost makes math *gasp* fun and creative. :D

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Oh me, oh my! I have said that my 6 yo knows more than I did at graduation! And most of what she has learned was from using FIAR that some think is *not enough*.


What have I learned WITH my child/ren? Across the board ....science info, writing techniques, history anything, geography, grammar, spelling and on and on. My 13 years of public education was near fruitless.

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World history, British history, and world geography. I had one year of world history in high school and a semester in college, and despite the fact they were high level courses, they only covered a superficial amount of material. I never learned world geography, but I finally know where Azerbaijan is!

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Far too much :blush:


I had a shameful knowledge of US history, and I always hated science, besides the environmental science class I took in college. I was a music major so I didn't need physics or anything. I have read dozens of books on US history now, and I am just truly fascinated. I also don't remember grammar, and never once diagrammed a sentence, though it makes so much sense to me now.


I joke that once my kids graduate high school, I will have been properly educated LOL.


I will say though, that I feel I have a great deal of common sense and life skills. My parents were always willing to help me with anything, and let me discover things I was curious about.

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