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What is your convention experience?  

  1. 1. What is your convention experience?

    • I have been to a convention and loved the experience!
    • I have been to a convention but could have easily skipped the experience!
    • I have never been to a convention and regret it
    • I have never been to a convention - Lucky me!
    • Other...

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We don't live in the US.


Recently I mentioned to dh that I regret never having been to a convention.

He immediately suggested I figure out a way to attend one...


After the first enthusiasm wore off I am now wondering whether it would be completely ridiculous to go through all the hassle (and spend that money!) just to see what I could easily order otherwise. The trip would be expensive and complicated (different continent!), but we could make it work...


Not going feels almost like missing out on the best part of homeschooling.:D


Otoh I could buy A LOT of currica if I just decided to throw that money at Rainbowresource rather than an airline...

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Other: Been to a convention and loved it but easily could have skipped the experience.


I love touching and seeing curriculum. I didn't care about the speakers, although in the past year, I've taken advantage of a few (free) webinars.


I went to one convention ~nine years ago, and I can't justify the expense--or time--of going again, even for the day. I appreciate, however, the opportunity to visit the local used curriculum sale(s) that are held annually.


How wonderful that your dh is so encouraging!

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following along! I also live outside the US and while I did live in the US when I started this hs'ing journey, I have never gone to a convention.


I wonder every year if I ought not try and schedule our once/year US trip to overlap a convention. At this point in my hs'ing journey, I think the emotional support would be worth it.


I cannot imagine spending the $$$ to go on a special trip just for a convention, though, but then if I didn't have a once/year trip to work around I might well do so.


Watching to see what the general consensus is.....

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I loathe conventions. I had to go to them often when I worked full time. I hated them then and I hate them now.


I have attended our very local, small homeschool "convention" but we call it a book fair and we actually work a booth for part of the time so it isn't so bad. I love sitting at the booth and talking to people. It also only cost $5 to go in.


I do not like the seminars. I just don't. I hate sitting and listening to a speaker and rarely come away with anything new.


I am with you on the idea that it costs too much. If I were to go to our State Homeschool Convention it would cost over $400 for transportation, hotel, food, getting in, etc....



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I went to a convention with a friend (Orlando) - stayed in a nice hotel with my friend and our families got to spend some time together. I will admit that it was fun to look around at all the booths and materials (sort of like being in a used bookstore :D although after a while the overwhelmed headache starts in...) and there were some nice seminars. But I didn't purchase any curriculum, and didn't make any choices based on having seen it there vs. looking/learning online.

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I said I could have done without it. I suppose it depends on the convention though. Ours (Florida) is awash with a very different kind of homeschooler than I am. Think lots of denim jumpers, right wing political propaganda, and vendors selling discipline/chore charts with velcro tags that look like wooden spoons so you can indicate how many "licks" the kid gets for which infraction. Just NOT my cup of tea. It was a shame, as I would have loved to have my mom go with me...they even have a special lecture for grandparents, but I think I'd be embarrassed.


OH, and a huge number of the seminars were on marriage or family, not on homeschooling. And ones on couponing...several of those.


Finally, most of the stuff was cheaper to buy on Amazon.

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I am perfectly happy never having gone to one. I would go if there was one nearby and I could drive there and back for a day. But, pay for hotel etc? No.


From what I can see, if you are not of a particular religious leaning, most of the lectures won't matter to you, and you might not feel particularly welcome. And it seems that most people aren't even discussing actual education, but conservative cultural matters.


Now, I would suggest buying SWB Mp3 lectures, and looking for other videos etc from people whose pedagogical style you admire.

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Just wear this one:




Ok, I was going to link a spanking tool but I couldn't find one that was *ahem* appropriate enough to link.




I said I could have done without it. I suppose it depends on the convention though. Ours (Florida) is awash with a very different kind of homeschooler than I am. Think lots of denim jumpers, right wing political propaganda, and vendors selling discipline/chore charts with velcro tags that look like wooden spoons so you can indicate how many "licks" the kid gets for which infraction. Just NOT my cup of tea. It was a shame, as I would have loved to have my mom go with me...they even have a special lecture for grandparents, but I think I'd be embarrassed.


OH, and a huge number of the seminars were on marriage or family, not on homeschooling. And ones on couponing...several of those.


Finally, most of the stuff was cheaper to buy on Amazon.

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I have been to several conventions and I have to say that I long ago decided that I would rather spend my money buying lectures/workshops via mp3/dvd from people I KNOW I want to hear from rather than paying valuable money for what someone else chooses to offer me.


It is true that too often it is *less* about the academics and *more* about how to parent/how to dress/how to eat/how to cross your eyes, etc. etc. I'm sorry, I'm not paying someone to assume I want to know their *opinion* on those things.


I DO regret not going to the Great Homeschool Convention locally last year...but only because I missed hearing Susan Wise Bauer. I am spending my money downloading her lectures. :)


Even if you feel like you just want to go *look* at things, it can be soooo overwhelming and either lead to blowing your money on *impulse* purchases (due to special "conference pricing", or if you are like me, you will shut down mentally and walk out with nothing.

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I have been to convention and loved it...and I've been to convention and come away thinking, "bleech." I'm taking a convention break for that reason this year.


(A few friends and I had our own "convention" in January. We rented a cabin at a local state park [great discount in the winter], stayed a couple of days and did NOTHING. We each brought a meal; we talked; we played games; we sat in the hot tub. It was a great convention!)

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(A few friends and I had our own "convention" in January. We rented a cabin at a local state park [great discount in the winter], stayed a couple of days and did NOTHING. We each brought a meal; we talked; we played games; we sat in the hot tub. It was a great convention!)


I need THIS convention!!! With SWB :)

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I voted yes snd loved it, but I've only been to a small, local one. Being able to see things, though, was wonderful and really helps the decision making process. (some things sound perfect, but just aren't once you get your hands on them. That advantage is lost though, if you have to pay for an international plane ticket! You could buy all the curriculum you wanted to see and still be ahead. As for the speakers, last year a wonderful WTM member bought the speaker cds for me since i couldn't go. It was great to be able to hear the speaker in the comfort of my own home. Perhaps someone could do that for you? At a cost of a couple hundred instead of a plane and hotel. I do like going, but i don't think I'd pay thousands to do it.

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Ours (Florida) is awash with a very different kind of homeschooler than I am. Think lots of denim jumpers, right wing political propaganda, and vendors selling discipline/chore charts with velcro tags that look like wooden spoons so you can indicate how many "licks" the kid gets for which infraction. Just NOT my cup of tea. It was a shame, as I would have loved to have my mom go with me...they even have a special lecture for grandparents, but I think I'd be embarrassed.


OH, and a huge number of the seminars were on marriage or family, not on homeschooling. And ones on couponing...several of those.


Finally, most of the stuff was cheaper to buy on Amazon.


I've never been and don't regret it, for the reasons listed above. I have friends who went and were sorry they wasted money on a convention that was so exclusive to a particular type of homeschooler.

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I love the one I go to.


I use to really love the talks, but I'm an old timer and I sometimes feel I hear the same things.



BUT I still love going. I love to see the people I have met over the years there each year.


and they have a huge Used curriculum sale so I can usually find great deals there.

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Well, I voted that I've been to one and I loved it. However, I probably wouldn't travel to go to one...this one is just an hour away and not all that much of a stretch to go to, kwim? I would probably be a little disappointed were I to never be able to go again, but I wouldn't go waaayy out of my way for it. :)

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