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The 1st Annual Jumper Challenge

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Ok, ladies. I enjoy the denim jumper joke as much as anyone, but I think we're ready to take things to the next level. Let's reinvent the jumper. Claim the heritage while radically redefining it's meaning for the 2010s. Post the photos of your creation to this thread by, say, the end of the summer. Vive le jumper!

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Well, Laura, those are cool jumpers. But I think she meant American jumpers which are a style of dress. Not usually as good looking as the one in the link. More Amish-y looking.


ETA: something like this one, though on the model it looks kind of cute. The "classic" denim jumper has a fuller skirt. Still looking for a picture.


ETA2: like this one

Edited by Cinder
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I think we call American jumpers pinafore dresses.




Ha ha, well, silly me. :rolleyes:


Pinafore dress sounds a bit fancy for what they are, though. OTOH maybe if we all called them pinafore dresses they'd get more respect. :lol:

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And I am now completely infatuated with Laura's website suggestion. I've already learned tips for choosing body armor, what kind of hat my driver should wear to a funeral, and that all reflective tape is not the same. Seriously, it's quite compelling!


All I can add to the jumper issue is that a pinafore definitely sounds as if it should have a ruffle on it somewhere.

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And I am now completely infatuated with Laura's website suggestion. I've already learned tips for choosing body armor, what kind of hat my driver should wear to a funeral, and that all reflective tape is not the same. Seriously, it's quite compelling!


All I can add to the jumper issue is that a pinafore definitely sounds as if it should have a ruffle on it somewhere.


:D. Maybe these should be the official homeschool jumper...


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And I am now completely infatuated with Laura's website suggestion. I've already learned tips for choosing body armor, what kind of hat my driver should wear to a funeral, and that all reflective tape is not the same. Seriously, it's quite compelling!


All I can add to the jumper issue is that a pinafore definitely sounds as if it should have a ruffle on it somewhere.


I love that you can buy body armor and funeral wear from the same supplier, you know, 'cause the same buying population is likely to need both types of items. And Laura's suggested jumper is extraordinary. Did you people not read the description? It is a security jumper; it has a double pen pocket and epaulettes. Those aren't features you're getting in your run-of-the-mill homeschool mom denim jumper.


I'm off to shop for body armor...



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I guess I'm just as bad as a jumper wearing mom, I wear scrubs!


They don't show stains, I can gain or lose 5 lbs (or 10 :D) and they still fit, I can wear a short or long sleeved shirt under them, They have pockets for all sorts of things, they make my fat shape less obvious.


Yes, scrubs: the new jumper (and I can get cool ones)

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