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My daughter wants to read the book, Wicked. I am in the middle of reading The Hunger Games and don't really want to put it down to read Wicked to check for content. Would it be appropriate for a mature 10 yr old girl? I'm not worried about bad language and mild romantic content. Anything further would be concerning.


Any thoughts? Thanks :)

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I would wait. It's been a long while since I read it, but there is probable objectionable content. Oh yeah, now I recall some of it. Definitely wait.


adding: The book and the movie are very different. The movie (I understand, but have not seen) is totally appropriate for younger viewers.

Edited by Lolly
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Definitely wait & definitely pre-read. There is some sexual content that wouldn't be appropriate at all. I have a hard time imagining a 10 y.o. enjoying Gregory Maguire. His style is kind of dry and a bit cerebral, even though the subject matter seems like it would appeal to a younger audience.

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I would wait. It's not appropriate for a 10 year old. I read the book a couple years back and will probably never read another one of Maguire's tales. I personally disliked the story. I found it rather morbid.

I agree that it's not appropriate for a 10 year old. I loved the story but hated the language & s*xual content.

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The play was way cleaner than the book. It is one of the few books I have actually put down because the content was too bad for me. I wouldn't let my child read it, especially that young.


I agree. I would definitely take my kids to the show if it came back to town (loved it!). But the book was a whole different beast!

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I would wait. It's been a long while since I read it, but there is probable objectionable content. Oh yeah, now I recall some of it. Definitely wait.


adding: The book and the movie are very different. The movie (I understand, but have not seen) is totally appropriate for younger viewers.


wait...there's a movie?

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wait...there's a movie?


There is not.


The book is far, far less horrific than Hunger Games, but the writing is much more sophisticated. A child reading Wicked needs a much broader education.


Wicked is not for most children, but not because of sexuality, imo. Wicked is a work of psychology and politics; more so than Collins' work.


I think it would be a very advanced child who could see through Wicked's layers.


A child could see & enjoy the musical fine, but reading it is a different animal.

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My daughter wants to read the book, Wicked. I am in the middle of reading The Hunger Games and don't really want to put it down to read Wicked to check for content. Would it be appropriate for a mature 10 yr old girl? I'm not worried about bad language and mild romantic content. Anything further would be concerning.


Any thoughts? Thanks :)


No, not appropriate! It is nothing like the musical. It is much darker. There is a scene in a Burlesque type show. It includes descriptions of humans and animals.


There is quite a bot of s*xual content.

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Wicked has adult content and you run into it right at the beginning. It was not at all like I expected it to be.


I've heard only fabulous things about the musical, but the book really wasn't very good and definitely isn't appropriate for a 10yo. My 16yo started it and stopped very quickly because it made her uncomfortable.

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:blink: :eek: :ack2:


Not only is there s*xual content, there's *aberrant* s*xual content, on.every.page. Ok, maybe every page isn't aberrant, but it's aberrant in the very beginning, and it's hinky the rest of the time, which is almost on every page. I wanted eyeball bleach. Seriously. I bought the book to read on the plane to Anaheim, and couldn't get past the first chapter, it was so bad. When we got to Anaheim I threw the book away.



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:blink: :eek: :ack2:

Not only is there s*xual content, there's *aberrant* s*xual content, on.every.page. Ok, maybe every page isn't aberrant, but it's aberrant in the very beginning, and it's hinky the rest of the time, which is almost on every page. I wanted eyeball bleach.




Where's my eyeball bleach?


Preread it for sure before allowing her to read it. There is beast *iality, ad*ltery, etc.


I loved the oz books growing up so this kind of messed that up. Also the tone was not happy, but yukky all around. No joy, or happy ending.


Let me add, I read many, many, things, I usually don't regret them. I regretted Wicked. I love Sci-fi, like fantasy, and am currently rereading the Dune series. The scenes in wicked weren't as bad as Stephen King, but still not for kids. It reminded me of a Stephen King book that was dressed up like a teen book, but truly at its heart, not edifying or encouraging for most young people. (just my 2C. :-)

Edited by lcelmer
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Absolutely not.


Wicked was one of the very few books I stopped reading before getting past the first two chapters. Pretty vulgar. If I remember correctly, the book starts out with a traveling marionette show where the puppets were arranged doing nasty things. I didn't get much further than that.

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I have a hard time imagining a 10 y.o. enjoying Gregory Maguire. His style is kind of dry and a bit cerebral, even though the subject matter seems like it would appeal to a younger audience.
Did you know that Maguire worked for a number of years as a professor teaching children's literature and started out writing books for children? He still does (though Wicked is definitely not for kids).
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I have only seen the musical. Just saw it the other night, in fact. THAT was amazing and fine for a 10yr old to watch. I have not read the book and don't plan to do so BECAUSE a friend of mine said she read it and it ruined the musical for her. So evidently the two ARE different!

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