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Out of curiosity, what books are you reading?


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I was looking at all the books we currently have going, both for school and enjoyment and started to wonder what everyone else is reading for themselves and to/with their children, and what the kids are reading.



At our house:

Me: More Charlotte Mason Education, The Private Eye, Towards a Philosophy of Education, and Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy.


DD: Toys Go Out, Magic Treehouse Research Guide: Mummies and Pyramids - which she picked out of the library to read for fun


For School: Classic Myths to Read Aloud, Changes for Felicity, Over the Hills, The Children's Book of America, Favorite Poems-Old and New, Brittania: 100 Great Stories from British History, just finished Astronomy: Out of this World!


For Fun: The Borrowers and Five Little Peppers and How They Grew


Audiobook: Just So Stories. I have to say Tim Bulkeley does an awesome job of reading this on Librivox. I'd never have gotten around to it if I had to read this myself.


In the spirit of full disclosure, we don't read all of these every day, but I do try to get to each one at least once a week.



So...what are you reading at your house? What are your favorites?

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Me: "The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest", "One Thousand Gifts", "Raising Chickens for Dummies"


Read alouds for school: "Favorite Japanese Folktales", "K is for Kabuki", "Japan, Enchantment of the World", "Burgess Bird Book"


Nightly read alouds: "The Secret Garden" (I read), "Big Red" (Dh reads)


dd-"Pippi Longstocking" and "Magic Treehouse-Eve of the Emperor Penguin"


ds- It's a new one every day, but today he read "Mercy Watson to the Rescue", "Wild Times at the Bed & Biscuit", and flipped through several "Ripley's Believe it or Not" books


Oh-I forgot, we read "Another Hive of Bees" every morning after our devotional

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Me: Thomas Jefferson (Bernstein), Mere Christianity (C.S. Lewis)


Dh: Abraham Lincoln: The Prairie Years and the War Years


School/Read Alouds: Mara Pratt's American History Stories, Vol 2; O, Say Can You See? (Keenan); Childhood of Famous Americans--Albert Einstein


DS: Peter Pan, and My Father's Dragon for school. Various Star Wars books, Calvin and Hobbes, and Redwall series for fun


DD: Pippi Longstocking for school. Horse books, Star Wars, and Nate the Great for fun.


DD: Elson and Treadwell Readers for school. Lyle the Crocodile for fun.


ETA: The Child's Story Bible (Vos). This is one of my all time favorites.

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Me: A Dance With Dragons


The girls: By the Shores of Silver Lake as an RA, with a 2-night break to read the Abraham Lincoln D'Aulaire book and Misty of Chincoteague as their SL reader


Rebecca: The Secret of NIMH


Sylvia: Assorted Magic School Bus chapter books. She just takes a pile and zooms through them.

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I'm reading Home to Woefield, Eden's Outcasts, and Nicholas Nickleby.


Ds is reading The Phantom Tollbooth, Linnea's Windowsill Garden, and George's Secret Key to the Universe.


Middle ds is reading Henry and Ribsy


Read aloud is The Swiss Family Robinson

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I just finished the Medicus series and am working on the Irish Country Doctor series now, for me, for fun. I've also been reading books by Michael Ondaatje.


DS is working his way through Little Women.


DD is reading some books for fun, whatever I help her pick out at the library. She just finished Pippi.


We're working through the Lightning Thief series for read-alouds. We read the Little House series before this; I wanted to read Narnia next, but I'm not sure DD is quite ready for them, so I threw in the Lightning Thief books as a brief intermediary. It's brain candy, but it works.

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Me: English Literature, a Chronological Approach, a McGraw Hill text. I just finished Pocketfuls of Pinecones and enjoyed it.


DD9: Bully for you Teddy Roosevelt


DD7: Rainbow World ( an old P.S. textbook reader she found at a used book sale and wanted to read)


Together: Story of the World for history and whatever books that we find to go with it. Nothing in particular right now. We were reading one about buffalo and American Indians. And we read a daily devotional magazine from our church, The Upper Room, and the accompanying Bible chapters that go with it. We actually just finished our latest read aloud, and are waiting on our next one to come in at the library.

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Me : old curiosity shop, dickens

Car: adventures of Tom sawyer (boy he was so naughty I wonder if we should be hearing it)

Missionary: David livingstone by benge

Library book club: westing game

history: pioneer sampler

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To myself: The Tempest


To dd: The Princess Bride


To ds: Giggle, Giggle, Quack (I do get through that in one sitting :tongue_smilie:)


Audiobook in the car: Not sure what's next. We've just finished The Prince and the Pauper. Heidi or Tarka the Otter, I think. I'm not sure if the Tarka file is compatible with my player.



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Me: "Deconstructing Penguins", Liping Ma math book, "Hide"


Ds: "Stink and the Great Guinea Pig Express", various comic books


Dd: early readers and what she can from comic books


Read aloud: "Little House in the Big Woods", "Winnie the Pooh", "Harry Potter 4" (this one to ds only), various picture & nonfiction books.

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Me - Wisdom and Eloquence


DD - McGooster and Mc something - can't remember, McGuffey reader


DD - AAS book 2


RA - The Family Under the Bridge, Egermeier's Story Bible, various titles on New World explorers

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Me: I've finished 3 books in the last 2 days, need to choose my next one. Maybe something by Mortimer Adler?


Read Aloud: Black Ships Before Troy by Sutcliff, MP's 'Horatius at the Bridge'


Boys are reading: Famous Men of Rome and Heaven is for Real.


Listen Aloud: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.


Family Read Aloud: The Son of Neptune, and The Bible

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I am reading For the Children's Sake, You Can Farm, and tomorrow I get Beekeeping for Dummies in the mail which I plan on devouring. For book club tonight we read Orgasmic Birth and this next week we'll read Number the Stars.


Reading to my kids: Children's History of the World, Beautiful Tales of Shakespear (the Tempest), Greek Myths, Brighty of the Grand Canyon, and James Harriot's Treasury for Children, and The Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ.


DD7 is reading Little House in the Big Woods (which she LOVES), and DD6 reads out of the second McGuffey Reader and free reads.

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Me: A Dance With Dragons


The girls: By the Shores of Silver Lake as an RA, with a 2-night break to read the Abraham Lincoln D'Aulaire book and Misty of Chincoteague as their SL reader


Rebecca: The Secret of NIMH


Sylvia: Assorted Magic School Bus chapter books. She just takes a pile and zooms through them.


I am so glad that I am not the only homeschool parent reading from the Song of Fire and Ice series! I am halfway through 'A Feast for Crows.'


The DS is all over Spiderwick right now.

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We probably have too many going at once, but we like it that way:


  • In Grandma's Attic (series) -- several chapters a week
  • The Adventures of Prickly Porky (and others by Thornton W. Burgess) -- several chapters a week
  • Classic Fairy Tales (Gustafson) -- a few stories a week
  • The Random House Book of Poetry for Children -- several poems a day


  • Caddie Woodlawn -- a chapter a day at lunch time
  • A basket of library books about deserts (Science)
  • A basket of library books about Japan (Geography)
  • A basket of library books about manners/courtesy (Prims Girls' Club badge theme)


  • A basket of Poppleton/Mr. Putter & Tabby picture books for Pre-K'ers (Book Basket)
  • A stack of Borrowers books for the 1st grader (Book Basket)
  • My Big Backyard (magazine) for the Pre-K'ers
  • Ranger Rick (magazine) for the 1st grader


  • Pollyanna (audiobook) -- a CD each night at bedtime [with American Tall Tales lined up for later this week]

Wow, that's a lot of stuff. No wonder I feel like we need a bigger house. :lol:

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I'm reading Home to Woefield, Eden's Outcasts, and Nicholas Nickleby.


Ds is reading The Phantom Tollbooth, Linnea's Windowsill Garden, and George's Secret Key to the Universe.


Middle ds is reading Henry and Ribsy


Read aloud is The Swiss Family Robinson


I love that book. :D

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To myself: The Tempest


To dd: The Princess Bride


To ds: Giggle, Giggle, Quack (I do get through that in one sitting :tongue_smilie:)


Audiobook in the car: Not sure what's next. We've just finished The Prince and the Pauper. Heidi or Tarka the Otter, I think. I'm not sure if the Tarka file is compatible with my player.




:lol: How about Gaggle, Gaggle, Quick! :lol:

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At our house:


Me (rereading): When Children Love to Learn, Home Education, A Charlotte Mason Companion


Me (first time): The Adventures of Tintin, Volume 2 (ds asked me to read them - they're fun)


Dh: Protecting the Gift, Lost Shipwreck of.. Some nonfiction lost treasure book


Ds 8:


For School: American History Stories Volume III, The Enormous Egg, St. Patrick's Day, The American Story


For Fun (rereading): The Adventures of Tintin, Volumes 1 and 2, Joe Kaufman's What Makes It Go? What Makes It Work? What Makes It Fly? What Makes It Float?


For Fun: Magic Tree House #43: Leprechaun in Late Winter


Audiobooks: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, Grammar-land


Dd4: Go, Dog, Go!

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Me: The Jade Peony by Wayson Choy, Family Math for Young Children, Evolution by Doug Palmer. Great Courses "The Story of Human Language" on CD


Read Aloud: just finished Amber, the story of a red fox by Shirley Woods. Will start Mr Popper's Penguins next.


DS: audio book for quiet time is "stories and songs to something something" ? Can't remember, but it's by Jim Weiss and he loves it. 12 Dancing Princesses is on it as well as Rose Red and Briar Rose lol. Who knew it'd be a hit?

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Me: The Jade Peony by Wayson Choy, Family Math for Young Children, Evolution by Doug Palmer. Great Courses "The Story of Human Language" on CD


Read Aloud: just finished Amber, the story of a red fox by Shirley Woods. Will start Mr Popper's Penguins next.


DS: audio book for quiet time is "stories and songs to something something" ? Can't remember, but it's by Jim Weiss and he loves it. 12 Dancing Princesses is on it as well as Rose Red and Briar Rose lol. Who knew it'd be a hit?


Best Loved Stories in Song and Dance


:lol: My three daughters enjoy King Arthur and His Knights. They also like The Three Musketeers & Robin Hood.


Go figure.

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Me: Complete Works of Shakespeare in Chronological Order (currently reading King John), History of the American People by Paul Johnson


DH: The Evolutionary Void by Peter Hamilton (3rd book in sci fi trilogy)


DD5: The Trojan Horse, D'Aulaires Greek Myths


Read-Aloud: Stuart Little


Audio in Car: The Blue Fairy Book

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Me: One Thousand Gifts, and I have Lessons at Blackberry Inn, and When Children Love to learn that I plan to read next.



ds1: By the Great Horn Spoon

dd1: A Cricket In Time Square

dd2: The Complete Tales of Beatrix Potter(she adores this)

ds2: What ever board book he brings me.


On their own:

ds1: Just finished The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe and is now reading A Mouse Called Wolf.

dd1: The 4th book in the CLP phonics readers, Are You My Mother, and The Best Nest.

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Me: the books my girls are reading (:001_smile:) and How to Read Literature Like a Professor (I'm watching TTC dvds too, but that doesn't count here)


Older dd:

For School-Fierce Wars and Faithful Loves, sonnets (Shakespeare), English Literature for Boys and Girls, The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin, Age of Fable


Independent-Birth of Britain (Churchill) and she just finished The Trojan War


Her own choice-Inkspell and David Copperfield


Younger dd:

For School-Burgess Animal Book, Among the Pond People, Great Myths of the World (Colum), A Little White Horse, D'Aulaire's Greek Myths and poet study of Longfellow


Independent-Black Beauty and King of Ireland's Son


Her own choice-a book from the library that I forgot the name (:lol:) and Unicorn Chronicles Bk 3

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