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What age for Lord of the Rings movies?

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My kids are aged 8 and 10 and we just finished reading The Hobbit and The Fellowship of the Ring, they are begging to watch the first movie. Would you let your kids? I've seen them years ago when they first came out but don't remember much, though I didn't want to watch them alone at night! ;). They've seen lots of movies, the Narnia ones that are most recent, as well as Jurassic Park movies, and were fine. I'd be watching with them and can fast forward anything too intense or scary. What do you think? (by the way we'd only be watching the first one and not the others until we've read them. Also my 3 yr old would be napping, not watching under any circumstances). Thanks for your input! :)

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I let mine watch them at those ages. They don't have any problems with scary and violent movies. I'm much more affected by the movies than they are; they laugh at me every time I scream.


DS10 wants to watch the movies again, but we're having trouble finding a way to do that with DS5 and DD2. We have them watching Netflix on computers in other rooms, but the sounds scare her.

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My 10yo watched them (after reading the books) and had no problems.


We just made sure our kids had read the books first. I think it lowers the scare factor quite a bit when you KNOW what's coming next and are also aware of the final outcome.

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My 10yo watched them (after reading the books) and had no problems.


We just made sure our kids had read the books first. I think it lowers the scare factor quite a bit when you KNOW what's coming next and are also aware of the final outcome.


DH watched it while DS7 was in the room... honestly, my 7 y.o. was completely lost having not read the books and not having the attention span to follow along the slow parts. That said - if your children have both read the books than I think its fine.

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The only issue I have with the films is the graphic orc-slaying content. If your kiddos understand that that's all pretend, I think it would be fine for them to see the movies. Dd is 11, and I'd gladly re-watch them with her, if only she'd hurry up and finish the darned books!:tongue_smilie:



Those orcs are pretty nasty looking creatures and the producers did an excellent job making the movie very realistic.


Personally, I'd preview a few pieces first before deciding. You could do Youtube clips or something. My own ds watched it when he was 9-10 and loved it. Now the 2nd in the series is a little iffy because it's pretty dark matter and the heads flying in the catapult can be a little much for some.

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One of my sons was a very late reader. When he was 8 or 9, he wanted to watch LOTR. I told him that when he could read the books himself, he could see the movies. That got him motivated, and that year he went from reading Dr. Suess to LOTR. After he read the books, he got to watch the movies.:001_smile: Incidentally, he now reads everything he can get his hands on!

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One of my sons was a very late reader. When he was 8 or 9, he wanted to watch LOTR. I told him that when he could read the books himself, he could see the movies. That got him motivated, and that year he went from reading Dr. Suess to LOTR. After he read the books, he got to watch the movies.:001_smile:



That's awesome... I remember the joy of finding my 7 y.o.'s currency when it came to reading!

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My 10yo watched them (after reading the books) and had no problems.


We just made sure our kids had read the books first. I think it lowers the scare factor quite a bit when you KNOW what's coming next and are also aware of the final outcome.


One of my sons was a very late reader. When he was 8 or 9, he wanted to watch LOTR. I told him that when he could read the books himself, he could see the movies. That got him motivated, and that year he went from reading Dr. Suess to LOTR. After he read the books, he got to watch the movies.:001_smile: Incidentally, he now reads everything he can get his hands on!


:iagree: My DS10 was just allowed to watch the first movie after finishing reading the book on his own. He's now about halfway through the second book. Our rule is that you are mature enough to watch the movie when you are mature enough to read the book. :)

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My kids are aged 8 and 10 and we just finished reading The Hobbit and The Fellowship of the Ring, they are begging to watch the first movie. Would you let your kids? I've seen them years ago when they first came out but don't remember much, though I didn't want to watch them alone at night! ;). They've seen lots of movies, the Narnia ones that are most recent, as well as Jurassic Park movies, and were fine. I'd be watching with them and can fast forward anything too intense or scary. What do you think? (by the way we'd only be watching the first one and not the others until we've read them. Also my 3 yr old would be napping, not watching under any circumstances). Thanks for your input! :)


My kids were 8 and 9 when we watched the LOTR movies. My daughter hid under a blanket during some scenes.


As for Jurassic Park, we STILL can't get past the initial cow feeding scene where the guy gets pulled in. They are now 10 and 11.:001_rolleyes:

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My older son would have been fine watching them at that age. My younger son is 13 and I am just now considering him watching them. He avoids pg13 movies by choice. He is mature and understands the fantasy etc etc. he just doesn't like to see gory stuff.


We were just talking about Jurrasic Park trying to decide whether or not he'd want to see it.


Really depends on the kids.

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Based on your post, I'd say go for it. They are beloved here in our household.

Let's see, the Fellowship was released on dvd in 2006 I think, so my kids saw them around that age. They never had an issue with them.


On a side note, just got the extended edition blu ray set for my birthday, 23 hours of bonus footage and so far the best part was a scene where it was pouring and the nazgul, in full costume and on horseback were all holding blue umbrellas. :D

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