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To the muscle bound jock at the gym

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You're OBNOXIOUS! :glare: Grunting louder does NOT impress people. Sounding like you are going to die does NOT impress people- sorry to burst your bubble. Putting 250lbs worth of weights on a bar, then talking about how easy it is to lift that while leaning against it (not actually lifting the weight mind you) singing to the radio (horribly, might I add) does NOT impress people. Kissing your arms, smiling at your self in the mirror and trying to dance when actually doing some lifting- not impressive. Glad you have a high opinion of yourself but actually, it all makes you look kinda crazy! You really don't need to talk so loudly that everybody can hear you then check to make sure people are looking at you. Just obnoxious. Further more, when you are on the elliptical for 2 minutes going at 125 strides a minute and sounding like you are dying then LOUDLY calling your poor embarrassed girlfriend over to brag- is not impressive- ESPECIALLY when I, an over weight mom of 4, does the elliptical for 20-30 mins before working out on the weight machines at 165 strides a minute without sounding like I am dying. The lady who is very large- does it for 10 mins at 140 strides a minute without sounding like she is dying.


I would love to stop reminding my 13 year old that its not nice to laugh at people when it comes to you, but sadly that would just encourage you to be more obnoxious so I am stuck in a catch 22. :glare:



Sorry, I had to get this out since I can't actually say this to him IRL. :rant:

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I would love to stop reminding my 13 year old that its not nice to laugh at people when it comes to you, but sadly that would just encourage you to be more obnoxious so I am stuck in a catch 22. :glare:





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Sorry, I had to get this out since I can't actually say this to him IRL. :rant:


Why not? I would say "Wow. You seem really dedicated. You should consider investing in a home gym. I bet you would get a lot of use out of it. I mean it. You should really really consider making this investment."



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:lol: I'm surprised his girlfriend is willing to be there at the same time.


Actually this is only the 2nd time I have ever seen her and the 1st time I realized she was with him. Poor girl!


Why not? I would say "Wow. You seem really dedicated. You should consider investing in a home gym. I bet you would get a lot of use out of it. I mean it. You should really really consider making this investment."




Well, then he would be all alone with all his greatness and that can't happen! :glare: I would be to afraid of encouraging the behavior. I have, however, thought of figuring out what car is his and leaving a note under his window wiper :001_smile:



Sorry you had to encounter that. I would probably have had to leave.


This is an every day thing. Not just today <sigh> I actually am embarrassed for him. I honestly don't think he realizes how much of a fool he makes himself out to be.

Edited by wy_kid_wrangler04
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Makes you wonder why some people think the gym is a good place to meet the opposite sex.


I could never enjoy being in a room with a bunch of people "working out." Why is that a public activity anyway?


Maybe a trainer should go over and ask him if he has a heart condition or something and maybe needs to slow down - in front of everyone.


Then again, a tiny corner of my heart wonders if he is recovering from an injury or the like and really is having a rough time of it.

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My dh and I work out together and he says this to me occassionally. It makes me laugh every time.


:lol::lol::lol: I totally did!!!


:lol::lol: That was the very first thing that came to my mind.



Glad to see I wasn't the only one! That commercial cracks me up.

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