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I think I'm in love!

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;) with K12's The Human Odyssey volume one. Today I sadly read the conclusion. I never thought I would enjoy a textbook so much. Thankfully volume two is waiting in the wings. :)


Yup--K12's history texts are the best textbooks I've ever used (in any discipline).


In fact, I have finally completed my collection (as of today) with their World History: Our Human Story. It's their high school world history text.

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I'm using Vol I with my fifth grader this year. It is the one book that he will sit and read ahead in. He especially likes the "blue stories" (multi-page sidebar stories.) My brother-in-law (who is a history buff) commented that it looked like a really interesting book, and that I "shouldn't get rid of it." (I guess meaning that it's a keeper?)

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Are there tests that go along with the high school texts?




The high school texts are meant to be used with their courses and you can't buy any supplementary materials separately. I just had my son write chapter summaries when we did the American Odyssey last year.

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Sorry to ask so many questions, but I found a written description of the Human Odyssey textbooks on the K12 website. It looks like there are 3 volumes. Would you use one of these a year in high school? Or more than one in a year? Can I buy the texts from K12 if I don't want to do their entire online program or do I have to buy them used?


My son absolutely loves history and I'm thinking this may be just the thing I've been looking for based on some of your comments.




ETA: Okay, so I've been poking around on the K12 website and it looks like the Human Odyssey books are middle school and I'm guessing I'll just have to search for things on the used market unless I want to sign up for the whole course.

Edited by LisaTheresa
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Yup--K12's history texts are the best textbooks I've ever used (in any discipline).


In fact, I have finally completed my collection (as of today) with their World History: Our Human Story. It's their high school world history text.


The high school texts are meant to be used with their courses and you can't buy any supplementary materials separately. I just had my son write chapter summaries when we did the American Odyssey last year.


Do you happen to have the ISBN for these books? I'm not having any luck on Amazon. I did buy the Human Odyssey books at Amazon, which saved me a bundle. I was also incredibly impressed with them! Very interesting reading indeed! They are unlike any other textbook I ever used growing up. I see them as SOTW for older kids and can see why they're recommended here time and time again.

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Sorry to ask so many questions, but I found a written description of the Human Odyssey textbooks on the K12 website. It looks like there are 3 volumes. Would you use one of these a year in high school? Or more than one in a year? Can I buy the texts from K12 if I don't want to do their entire online program or do I have to buy them used?


My son absolutely loves history and I'm thinking this may be just the thing I've been looking for based on some of your comments.




ETA: Okay, so I've been poking around on the K12 website and it looks like the Human Odyssey books are middle school and I'm guessing I'll just have to search for things on the used market unless I want to sign up for the whole course.


I could never make heads or tails out of the K12 web site but someone linked them to Amazon a while back in another thread.


Volume 1


Volume 2


Volume 3

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Sorry to ask so many questions, but I found a written description of the Human Odyssey textbooks on the K12 website. It looks like there are 3 volumes. Would you use one of these a year in high school? Or more than one in a year? Can I buy the texts from K12 if I don't want to do their entire online program or do I have to buy them used?


My son absolutely loves history and I'm thinking this may be just the thing I've been looking for based on some of your comments.




ETA: Okay, so I've been poking around on the K12 website and it looks like the Human Odyssey books are middle school and I'm guessing I'll just have to search for things on the used market unless I want to sign up for the whole course.


I got mine new on Amazon. Or at least it was advertised that way, and appeared unused when we got it. I got the 2nd volume "like new" for less than half price, and it also looked unused. Haven't located a good deal on the third one yet.

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You can buy the individual volumes directly from K12's e-store. I see American Odyssey here but not the world history course mentioned.


The American page linked to nothing, with a $0 price tag. The price is right but I'm afraid the product lacks depth. :D:tongue_smilie:


I didn't want to pay K12 prices though. I got the HO volumes new for about $15. I'm cheap. :D


If anyone has the AO ISBN, I will be your BFF. :tongue_smilie:

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If you buy directly from K12...they shipped these heavy books in an envelope :glare:. The last one I received had a bent/wrinkled cover. Oh yeah, they've raised their prices at least $30 in the past year-and-a-half or so. I would definitely try Amazon and request that the book be shipped in a box with padding.

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;) with K12's The Human Odyssey volume one. Today I sadly read the conclusion. I never thought I would enjoy a textbook so much. Thankfully volume two is waiting in the wings. :)


My copy is on the slow train from Amazon. I'll chime in with my thoughts on the text if it ever arrives. :tongue_smilie:


ETA: It arrived and looks fabulous. A sturdy, hard-cover, pristine text for $15. Score.

Edited by Beth in SW WA
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Just curious....but, what exactly IS K12? My impression is it's an online public school program?? Just wondering if that is correct.




You can just buy the textbook without using their course. I have the first volume, and my, this is not your typical textbook. The writing is engaging and draws you into that era. To a CM fan like me, this a modern living book. I'm planning on using these in conjunction with Guerber/Miller's Story of.. series.

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I totally agree - HO is awesome! It reads so well. I got mine for 10 bucks on Amazon. Listed as used -good. But it was brand new! I also ordered the teacher's manual and student pages, but it's not here yet... can't wait! By flipping through it, I wouldn't say I found anything anti-Christian, but it is def a secular book. I plan on reading it at the same time as my dd (maybe a bit ahead) and add in our Christian worldview as we go. :)

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I have the Human Odyssey series. We like them a lot and use them in conjunction with the Oxford series. I used part of book one for Logic stage ancient history and the second part of it and the second HO book for year two etc. There are three books and they can be stretched out over four years.


They are very good, but I am glad to have other resources as well. For example, book 1 has very little on Ancient Egypt but goes on and on about Ancient Sumeria. I mean, Sumer was great and all but..... There have been other things on and off over the past two years that have sent me searching for a different book..maybe Africa and Asia? I can't remember of the top of my head. Maybe other people will chime in. Anyway, I like having the Oxford books around as well.


Don't jump on an expensive book! I have seen The Hive discover and rediscover these books over the years. The price goes up and down like mad. I haven't paid more than a couple $ for each book by just waiting and watching. Don't panic and think you MUST have them. They are good, but they are NOT 100$ worth of good! They are not more than 20$ of good. I am including shipping in that price. There are lots of great books for outlining and discussion out there. I'll bet your library has some to hold you over until you get a good price.


There are also student and teacher guides that come available on Amazon etc. They are listed as something like "World History Course A" or something like that. If you do a search on the board you will find a lot of info. I own the student (or maybe it is the teacher?) pages for the first book and never used it. I wasn't that impressed. But, I do more narration, discussion and outlining with my kid. I don't expect him to fill out worksheets.


I haven't seen the US one, but I own the Hakim series, so I am not feeling under pressure.

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Thank you! I just picked up a copy on ebay in very good condition for $21ppd:) This is way better then K12's US History and I'll be happy to switch. I took a peak at the online part of it with the OLS and that is worth the access cost every month. Tons of links and every lesson I checked even had actual videos for the kids to watch, this will be fantastic for a visual learner!


Does anyone know if there is an audiobook to go with the book?

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