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preg or not??

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I am a week late. So, I took a test this morning with 1st response.


The test line (the one close to the "tip") is really really dark. However, the control line is very very faint. You can hardly see it.


Will you think this is a faulty test??


This is not planned and I don't know if I can afford this one emotionally. I am really hoping for a faulty test..

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If read in the test window timeframe, and you have two lines, a line is a line and I'd assume you are pg. Especially since you are late.


My first + with my DD was so faint that it was really tough to see. DH didn't think it was a real positive. After going through infertility to conceive my first child, I knew a line was a line.


CHeck peeonastick.com for more info than you could ever want to know. Info on evaporation lines, etc. here: http://www.peeonastick.com/hptfaq.html#6


There are sometimes evaporation or ghost lines, but most of the time if you are reading within the correct time frame, two lines is a positive, even if the 2nd line is faint. (eta: just reread and your control is faint and your test line is dark. Sorry I missed that the first time)


Best wishes, and hang in there. Can you retest today?

Edited by Momof3littles
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I do have another test and I plan to try tomorrow morning.. I am thinking go get another brand....

I've always had good luck with FRER overall. I had a weird experience with my DD where I had a positive, and then the next day the same test (FRER) and an equate test both came back - when I retested (pee on a stick addict?). I waited to start my period assuming it was a chemical pregnancy or early m/c, but the bleeding never started. I retested a few days later and both brands were blazingly positive.


The 2nd set of tests were also with first morning urine, so there should have been more hcg. I'm not sure what happened there.


FRER detects something like a level of 25 for hcg. If you buy another test, just be aware that other brands and other types have different levels of detection. They may not come up positive unless your hcg is at 50, for example.


Lots of people swear by the dollar store tests, which are an affordable option and surprisingly sensitive. The peeonastick blog has info on these.


If you buy another brand, look up what level of hcg it can detect. If you are very early, it is possible to test + on a very sensitive test like FRER but negative on a less sensitive brand that requires a higher hcg level to come up positive.



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Definitely pregnant. That is what happens when you are really pregnant and the test line uses all the dye. I looked at a lot of people's tests online when I was ttc. It isn't a faulty test when that happens.


:iagree:I waited a week to test with my first and the positive line was very dark blue compared to the control line. I tested with my other 2 the day I was due my period and got a very faint positive line compared to the control line.

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I don't have a clue about the test results, Jenny, but I just wanted to tell you I hope it turns out the way you want it to. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:


And as an aside, it cracks me up that someone would sit around trying to think of a name for their new website, and suddenly, like a beacon of light from Above, it came to them......Peeonastick.com. :D

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usually a line is a line but I've had cheap internet tests that always showed a very faint line even when negative. The pink ones do that more than the blue.



With some of my five pregnancies a couple were faint, but AF wasn't due yet. When it was past due it showed up a good line.



can depend on the test how well it shows up.


I'd test again in the morning.

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If you can see 2 lines, 99% chance you're pregnant. If you're also sure your period is late, I'd definitely assume you're pregnant.


Congratulations! :grouphug: It can take a while for the shock to wear off, but you won't know what you'd ever do without this precious baby a year from now. If you need to talk, feel free to pm me. How far apart will this baby be from your youngest?

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If you can see 2 lines, 99% chance you're pregnant. If you're also sure your period is late, I'd definitely assume you're pregnant.


Congratulations! :grouphug: It can take a while for the shock to wear off, but you won't know what you'd ever do without this precious baby a year from now. If you need to talk, feel free to pm me. How far apart will this baby be from your youngest?


Thank you. My younger just turn 4. I don't know at this point what I will do... I don't know......

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Definitely PG. I was one day late with my first. I used the "cup" method. After I dipped the stick and laid it on the counter, I watched as the urine wicked up the test. As soon as it hit the test window, the line glowed like neon. The control line was faint but present.

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I had an unplanned, unwanted pregnancy but I did not believe in not going through with the pregnancy. I was miserable the whole time I was pregnant. Then I saw my sweet child and I wanted to kick myself for ever feeling the way I did.


Relax and enjoy it. Don't stress over it. When you see your baby you will only feel love and gratefulness.

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It does sound like you are mostly likely pregnant, but you are wise to schedule an appointment to confirm.


I am 11 weeks into an unplanned pregnancy, and just wish I could give you a hug. It took me many weeks to get over shock and rethinking everything. Now that I've seen this baby kicking its little feet, I'm actually a little excited, but it's been a hard road (and I'm sure there will be many more ups and downs). I guess if I had anything to tell you, I'd say to let yourself feel anything that you want to - good and bad, without any expectations.




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Hang in there, it will all be okay. My last one was my surprise, and her middle name is Faith, as in "I just had to have faith God knew what he was doing, because I sure didn't know how it was going to work."


She is the one who is most like me and I can't imagine life without her. :)

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