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Bored, lonely, & stressed

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Well, I don't know any "bah dump bum" jokes but I can tell you some funny things my kids have said/done, etc.


When my daughter was about 3yo she said to my husband, as she came down the stairs, "I'll show you I'm not naked once I'm done putting on my pants."


My son last year, while practicing his penmanship, saw that he would be working on the letter "x". His response? "It's not everyday that I get to use the letter x."



I think my favorite from my daughter was when she was 4 and got in trouble at preschool because she wouldn't help clean up the toys when it was time. When I asked her to tell me what happened, she said, "Well, I tried to want to clean up . . . but I didn't want to clean up." (Can't we all relate to that!)


I'm sure I'll think of more later but RIGHT NOW I want to highly encourage you to just take a BREAK. Go to the zoo, or the movies, a museum, or a day (or two) trip somewhere. Do something different! Something you don't normally do. Sounds like you ALL need it! (If you're somewhere it gets cold enough to have a fire going, maybe you can roast marshmallows in your fireplace! Just do something DIFFERENT for a day or two.

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No jokes, but serious February blues. I'm sick. I just had a "meeting" with ds last night about effort, and we're on break all next week.


I've already picked materials for next year, but I want something new to dig into. We have no money for new or even to buy what I want for the rest of this year.


So this next two weeks will be my final hokey-pokey for next year's curriculum choices.


It snowed here Sunday night, so yesterday morning I helped ds shovel snow, knowing that I still wasn't over being kind of sick. So today I am sick.


Ds seemed enthused this morning for school, which he did on his own. Dh has off half a day. I got dh nothing for Valentines day, he brought me cough drops.


One thing at a time. So I'm in bed thankful for a netbook battery with long life, and an empty notebook to write down all my second guessing curriculum.

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No jokes, but whenever I need a good laugh, I just go to ****youautocorrect.com and usually find at least a couple posts there that will have me laughing so hard I can't breathe.


Hmm, apparently there is a curse filter here. d.a.m.n.youautocorrect, without the periods.


ETA: People tend to swear a lot in their text messages when they get messed up. Just so you know. *I* find it funny, but some may not.

Edited by fraidycat
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The only joke I can think of is the one my 7yo asks me almost every day. It wasn't funny the first time, but it becomes funnier each time she asks me and seems surprised I know the answer. :001_huh: :confused:



Why did the prune go out with the fig?









Because he couldn't find a date.

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No jokes, but whenever I need a good laugh, I just go to ****youautocorrect.com and usually find at least a couple posts there that will have me laughing so hard I can't breathe.


Hmm, apparently there is a curse filter here. d.a.m.n.youautocorrect, without the periods.


ETA: People tend to swear a lot in their text messages when they get messed up. Just so you know. *I* find it funny, but some may not.


Ahhhhhh, thanks for the reminder about that site. :lol: Sooooo funny!

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No jokes, but whenever I need a good laugh, I just go to ****youautocorrect.com and usually find at least a couple posts there that will have me laughing so hard I can't breathe.


Hmm, apparently there is a curse filter here. d.a.m.n.youautocorrect, without the periods.


ETA: People tend to swear a lot in their text messages when they get messed up. Just so you know. *I* find it funny, but some may not.


Oh my goodness, if you are able to handle a little cursing you should go to the autocorrect site. I have had a rough day and I nearly fell off my seat laughing so hard in the first two minutes. :lol:


A little laughter can do wonders for attitude.

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I can commiserate.


Bored: homeschooling is not fun anymore. My children are in high school and the work is so uninteresting and tedious. I miss the fun work of elementary school.


Lonely: The only adults I speak to are my mom, DH, and the people on this board.


Stressed: too much to list. I'm trying to relax and not feel so worried about so many things. It's been hard. Then I realized I was creating more stress worrying about my stress. Good grief!


I'm sitting here trying to think of a joke and I got nothing!!! I'm a dull person. :tongue_smilie: It's time for the funniest WTM story. I'll start a new post.

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My all time favorite from the DYAC site, is actually from it's sister site "Parents shouldn't text", but cross-posted to DYAC.


Text conversation between mother and child:


M: What does IDK, LY & TTYL mean?

C: I don't know, love you, talk to you later.

M: OK, I will ask your sister.




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It's February. YOu know before I homeschooled by March 1 I was ready to move houses, quit college (or start college) switch jobs etc. February /March are bad months for me. (little wonder that 11 years ago it was V-day I told my ex I wanted a divorce and Mar 1 that he moved out). Feb is just a bad month for the blues. As far as homeschooling goes I make Feb all about Lapbooks, games, etc. We need a break from our regular work but I do not want to stop school altogether, so we do a couple lapbooks (this year the lapbooks are on groundhog day, norse mythology and multiplication), the little kids are doing a theme pocket and preschool pack (happy & healthy pocket; peter pan preschool pack).


Lonely: I don't have any friends irl either, but Feb tends to be my month to try and find a volunteer project or write letters/phone people I haven't talked to in a while.


Stress: Feb/March tend to be the climax of my Seasonal depression, which decreases my tolerance for stress. My stress levels are typically high, but in feb/mar I have a harder time coping with it, I find ways to like (the autocorrect site is fabulous for that), I take more time for me (long soaks, walks, read) and I try to make sure that more than any other time of year I get enough sleep.


I also usually spend Feb/March planning out next year's materials and getting excited again. We do more fieldtrips (though this year they are limited to weekends), and hands of projects in these months too to break it up. I find that in addition to the above feb/mar is our worst months for cabin fever. We are eager for spring weather and tired of the cold days of winter and being trapped together in the house.

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No jokes, but whenever I need a good laugh, I just go to ****youautocorrect.com and usually find at least a couple posts there that will have me laughing so hard I can't breathe.


Hmm, apparently there is a curse filter here. d.a.m.n.youautocorrect, without the periods.


ETA: People tend to swear a lot in their text messages when they get messed up. Just so you know. *I* find it funny, but some may not.


OMG, I am laughing so hard right now, but I'm trying to keep it quiet so the kids don't hear. This website is so funny!!! Thanks for posting it! :lol:

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