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LOL Ambien and my computer searches last night....LOL


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My words didn't even make sense. LOL I remember googling for something after reading a post here. The spelling of my search doesn't even make sense. I forgot about it until this evening, and then I had this weird flash back of googling something, but not remembering what it was. I came back to my computer to see what I was searching for.....no wonder I didn't find it. I have no idea what I was even looking for. :lol:


Guess I had better make sure I go to sleep after taking it tonight, or I may get myself into trouble. I know better.....I word in pharmacy and tell people all. the. time. "Take you Ambien and then go straight to bed." oooops :tongue_smilie:


I don't see any odd posts from myself on here from last night. Hope I wasn't typing jibberish and had mods deleting after me. :)

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I get the most hilarious emails and text messages from my mom after she takes her Ambiem. It always has me giggling hysterically.


After I found my odd searches.....checking my outgoing emails and texts were the next 2 things I did. LOL Luckily there is no evidence there. :lol:

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And here I am' date=' completely coherant two hours after taking mine. Why doesn't this stuff happen to me? Or at least, y'know--- make me sleep???[/quote']


Yeah, nothing good happens to me to, including sleep. It usually takes between 2 and a half and 5 hours to put me to sleep. Still better than no sleep all night though. I have found a glass of wine with my ambien usually makes it work in closer to 2 hours:D


Oh, and I took mine n hour ago.



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My husband has gotten out of bed, walked through the family room and had conversations with me and our kids, and grabbed crackers? candy? from the kitchen. He took them back to bed, brought them out when he was done, and the next morning, he accused me of leaving crumbs in bed. (We never eat stuff like that in bed.) He didn't remember any of it.


I thought he was kidding.


It can be concerning when he takes Ambien. He is impossible to wake up, and after I jump on the bed and shove him for five minutes, he'll say, "In a minute." And we all know that will never happen.


As long as he doesn't try the stairs, I guess we'll be okay!

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Yeah, nothing good happens to me to, including sleep. It usually takes between 2 and a half and 5 hours to put me to sleep. Still better than no sleep all night though. I have found a glass of wine with my ambien usually makes it work in closer to 2 hours:D


Oh, and I took mine n hour ago.



So do you time taking it earlier, so that by the time you usually want to go to bed it starts working?


Do you who take it feel groggy the next day? Do you take it every night?



I have never slept well. The couple different kinds of sleeping pills I've tried do absolutely nothing to help me sleep! :glare: I'd thought of Ambien, but not sure I want to go that direction if it has crazy possibilities! :001_huh: But then again, I'd probably be like you and be wide awake hours after taking it!

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I believe I've already told the story about my dh, Ambien, and the time he got out of bed and peed in the fridge... :glare:


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


I loved that story! Probably because I wasn't the one who had to clean out the fridge afterward.


Ambien is nasty stuff, or at least it was for me, the one time I took it. (Although I am relatively certain I didn't pee in the fridge. I don't have the right equipment to aim like that and it would have been way too cold to sit down in there!)

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So do you time taking it earlier, so that by the time you usually want to go to bed it starts working?


Do you who take it feel groggy the next day? Do you take it every night?



I have never slept well. The couple different kinds of sleeping pills I've tried do absolutely nothing to help me sleep! :glare: I'd thought of Ambien, but not sure I want to go that direction if it has crazy possibilities! :001_huh: But then again, I'd probably be like you and be wide awake hours after taking it!



We sell a lot of it in the pharmacy. Regular Ambien (zolpidem) is probably one of our top 15 medications that we sell. After years of seeing it help people, I have heard a few stories of people who it did strange things too. I have taken various sleeping pills sporadically over the years. I have a healthy respect for them, but have needed them from time to time. This last fall, I got to the point that I wasn't just struggling to fall asleep, I couldn't stay asleep. I was going on a month of struggling to sleep and it was getting worse not better. There was a 3 night period that I only slept 8 hours total and that was broken sleep, at that. I was physically getting ill from not sleeping. I asked my doctor to prescribe Ambien CR (controlled release) which is one of the only medications marketed to keep someone asleep, not just make them fall asleep faster. I have taken it for a few weeks and this was the first time something like this happened. I was in bed, but was on my laptop. I think I caused the problem because I didn't put myself in 'sleep' mode but still being on line.


I remember thinking that the med wasn't working last night, but remembered feeling 'out of it' at the same time.


LOL, I guess I just need to make sure I actually tuck myself into bed when I take it in the future. I had already planned to stop taking it today anyways, to see if my sleep patterns had corrected themselves. After that experience, I am certain I will definitely try!


To answer you question....I do not feel groggy at all on it. I usually use Sonata which is another prescipton sleep aide. I don't feel groggy on that one either. Melatoin, which is over the counter or benadryl, which a lot of people use sucessfully, both make me groggy the next day.

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Based on my own experiments and those of other family members we have found that there is a window of time in which it works best. If you lay down 15-30 minutes after taking it you stand a much better chance of falling asleep than if you take it and then wait to get sleepy. It seems like if you miss that window then it isn't any easier to fall asleep than normal. My theory is that you really are asleep, your body just doesn't know it so it is wandering around trying to do things without benefit of a fulling functioning brain, most of which is highly amusing to those whose brains are still functioning. I can't tell you how many times I have had people tell me that I needed to go to bed now. :001_smile:

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Long, long ago there was a post (or two) from me and my Ambien induced brain.


Was it you who spent a little too much time on Amazon after taking Ambien? I remember someone here who treated themselves to a shopping cart full of items one night. LOL


I was thinking that I may want to set my password a little stronger so I can't type it if I decide to "sleep and shop" one night. :lol:



I didn't take the med last night and I was up well past 2am, to get up at 7 this morning. DD5 is a handful when I am well rested, days like today really cause problems. :(

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Long, long ago there was a post (or two) from me and my Ambien induced brain.


I hadn't been here very long, but long enough to chat with you a few times on the boards and know who you were.


I remember you scared me half to death, so I pm'ed you to see if you were drunk or what. I also pm'ed one or two of your closest friends (I don't remember who) and they checked on you, too.


Your reply didn't convince me that you weren't drunk :lol: but you said you weren't home alone so I figured you'd be OK.

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My dh took Ambien one time. He told he was petting the curtains, even though he was in bed and the curtains were 10 feet away. Then he called in the bedroom to tell me he was just levitating. Um, sure dear. He still was having trouble sleeping so he got up and was going to go to the neighbor and ask to borrow a valium. Yes, just like sugar, all the neighbors keep valium in the house. Common hospitality. :tongue_smilie:I finally got him back to bed and he never took a second dose.

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I hadn't been here very long, but long enough to chat with you a few times on the boards and know who you were.


I remember you scared me half to death, so I pm'ed you to see if you were drunk or what. I also pm'ed one or two of your closest friends (I don't remember who) and they checked on you, too.


Your reply didn't convince me that you weren't drunk :lol: but you said you weren't home alone so I figured you'd be OK.


Oh, my. I remember those posts too.

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So do you time taking it earlier, so that by the time you usually want to go to bed it starts working?


Do you who take it feel groggy the next day? Do you take it every night?



I have never slept well. The couple different kinds of sleeping pills I've tried do absolutely nothing to help me sleep! :glare: I'd thought of Ambien, but not sure I want to go that direction if it has crazy possibilities! :001_huh: But then again, I'd probably be like you and be wide awake hours after taking it!



I take it regularly and (usually) it works. Last night was an aberration. There does seem to be a "window". I usually get in bed, read for awhile, take it, read a bit more and then go to sleep. But that's because I don't want to lose my 'read before bed time' not because I'm afraid I'll do something weird if I'm up. More likely, I'd miss the window of opportunity to fall asleep. I have MAJOR sleep issues. MAJOR. I've taken Ambien regularly for a couple years and have never had a weird experience. 5 or 6 years ago I went through a couple of years where I could barely stay awake. I would fall asleep every time I sat down- now I can't sleep at all! I don't feel groggy the next day. In that respect, it's much better than the over-the-counter stuff I've tried (none of which has worked- and I STILL feel groggy the next day) HTH!

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