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Downton Abbey, Season 2, Episode 6?????

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You mean streaming online? It usually takes a few hours for them to get it up after it airs. :tongue_smilie: I'm waiting every week! Never seem to be able to catch it on PBS. I have to avoid FB now because there's so many posts about it up! I don't want spoilers! :001_smile:

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Is Episode 6 the one that airs live tonight? I think so. . . .


It airs tonight, so won't be available until 12:01 a.m. in your time zone.


And I will most certainly NOT confess to - um - having looked up and read the plot synopses for all of Season 2. Nope. Not me. :blushing:

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I do agree that Mr Bates has less of his likable side showing in the last two episodes. But what other decisions could he have made, without feeling responsible for Vera's ability to destroy Lady Mary's reputation?


Who do you all think killed Vera, anyway? I have a wild guess.

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Thank you for posting the link. My PBS app doesn't have it loaded yet - pn MONDAY morning. They are killing me!! Hope the kids don't need much help for the first hour or school time this morning....

Me too. I woke up early hoping to watch it on my iPad. No such luck! Boo.

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And I will most certainly NOT confess to - um - having looked up and read the plot synopses for all of Season 2. Nope. Not me. :blushing:




I confessed to DH. He was super-annoyed with me, and said since I did it, he's going to have to also. :tongue_smilie:

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Hubby's theory is that Richard did it. I don't know what to think about this but Richard certainly is nasty enough to have pulled it off, and he was late getting back from London around the time of the murder.


Oh, I didn't think of Richard. He *is* a nasty piece of work.


I suspect it may have been O'Brien. Anyone else think that may be it? Or maybe even Mr. Bates' mother.

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My money's on O'Brien.

Hmmm, interesting. Protects her mistress from the scandal that Vera keeps threatening to expose AND gets Thomas Bates' job since she knows it will seem like Bates killed her.



And I remember now that Bates' mother did pass away (a pp suggested Bates' mother killed his wife). He got her money and house which is what prompted Bates' wife to get back in touch with him.

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Hmmm, interesting. Protects her mistress from the scandal that Vera keeps threatening to expose AND gets Thomas Bates' job since she knows it will seem like Bates killed her.



And I remember now that Bates' mother did pass away (a pp suggested Bates' mother killed his wife). He got her money and house which is what prompted Bates' wife to get back in touch with him.


Of course, I remember now. I'd forgotten she'd died. I was just trying to consider a secondary character the writers could pin it on.

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Oh, I didn't think of Richard. He *is* a nasty piece of work.


I suspect it may have been O'Brien. Anyone else think that may be it?


I so hope it's Richard. I despise him. :glare: Plus, it gives him a reason to keep Mary's secret forever, as it could reveal motive. I keep wondering how in the world that secret will ever be kept but this would do it. I bet she ends up telling Matthew anyway...

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Just finished watching it here.

I am thinking that she committed suicide and framed Mr Bates.

She sent the letter to her friend, or whoever it went to, took the poison then knowing she had set him up. If she can't have him, no one can.


:iagree: I was just going to post this. I think Vera was so full of hate, and this is her final revenge, framing him for her death. She asked him to buy the poison, she sent the incriminating letter to her friend.

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I keep wondering how in the world that secret will ever be kept but this would do it. I bet she ends up telling Matthew anyway...


I think she will tell Matthew too. Do you think, considering how things are changing since the war ended, that it will even seem like such a taboo anymore - I mean the fact that Mary slept with the ambassador? The fact that he died during the act and then they moved him was just...unfortunate. I mean the youngest is marrying the chauffeur with daddy's blessing for goodness sake.

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It does seem like Vera set up Mr. Bates, but Richard does have a motive. Remember how he threatened Vera when she sold him the story? If she decided to peddle it to another paper to get it published, then Richard would have two reasons to go after her - breach of contract and for exposing Mary's secret. He could have had an angry confrontation with her that resulted in her accidental death. If he did do it, then he might wind up in jail, leaving Mary free to marry Matthew.

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I have to confess, I have seen all of season 2 and the Christmas special. :lol:


I originally found the show via BBC and then watched episodes on YouTube. I didn't even know it came on PBS until recently.


I am now desperately waiting for season 3.

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I am thinking that she committed suicide and framed Mr Bates.

She sent the letter to her friend, or whoever it went to, took the poison then knowing she had set him up. If she can't have him, no one can.


I think this is the most obvious theory but I'd love for the writers to have written that O'Brian did it for the reasons I mentioned. You don't like or trust O'Brian but it would be hard to hate her completely and you would even find yourself admiring her for being so devoted to Cora and for trying to help Thomas since he's hit rock bottom. I love characters that are so grey.

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I think she will tell Matthew too. Do you think, considering how things are changing since the war ended, that it will even seem like such a taboo anymore - I mean the fact that Mary slept with the ambassador? The fact that he died during the act and then they moved him was just...unfortunate. I mean the youngest is marrying the chauffeur with daddy's blessing for goodness sake.


I don't know but I actually wonder if Mary and the ambassador's son went "all the way." :lol: I keep thinking they did not. Hoping? :D


DH and I think Daddy gave his blessing because of his (completely idiotic and infuriating) entanglement with the housemaid. The one good thing that came of it was that it left him with the ability to see how it is indeed possible to have real feelings for someone of a different class. Sadly though, I dislike Branson. I didn't want her to go off with him, not because he is of a lower class but because he would have dishonored her father's house if he hadn't been stopped.

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DH and I think Daddy gave his blessing because of his (completely idiotic and infuriating) entanglement with the housemaid. The one good thing that came of it was that it left him with the ability to see how it is indeed possible to have real feelings for someone of a different class. Sadly though, I dislike Branson. I didn't want her to go off with him, not because he is of a lower class but because he would have dishonored her father's house if he hadn't been stopped.


I agree with all of this including your opinion of Branson. I was hoping in the beginning of the relationship that she was attracted to him because he was supposed to be off limits. She was, after all, the "rebellious" youngest daughter, so it would have stood to reason that she would become infatuated with the bad boy.

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I so hope it's Richard. I despise him. :glare: Plus, it gives him a reason to keep Mary's secret forever, as it could reveal motive.


This. I'm sure he didn't trust Vera not to try and sell the story to someone else, either for profit or spite. And he's got some teensy control issues.


I love O'Brian's "grayness", and I think Branson and Sybil are a good match. The character I can't stand is Cora - so insipidly whiny and willfully dumb. Blecch.

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I don't know but I actually wonder if Mary and the ambassador's son went "all the way." :lol: I keep thinking they did not. Hoping? :D


DH and I think Daddy gave his blessing because of his (completely idiotic and infuriating) entanglement with the housemaid. The one good thing that came of it was that it left him with the ability to see how it is indeed possible to have real feelings for someone of a different class. Sadly though, I dislike Branson. I didn't want her to go off with him, not because he is of a lower class but because he would have dishonored her father's house if he hadn't been stopped.


GAH! I hate that the writers had Robert do that. Completely out of character and completely disgusting. Am I the only one who lost all respect for him?


I don't like Branson either. Self-absorbed.

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GAH! I hate that the writers had Robert do that. Completely out of character and completely disgusting. Am I the only one who lost all respect for him?


I don't like Branson either. Self-absorbed.


Completely out of character! I was scolding him something furious. Badly done, Robert! :thumbdown:


I like the theory that Sir Richard was involved with Vera's death. However, I'm not sure he would do it seeing how it would destroy Mr. Bates. He doesn't hate Bates, does he?


I've hated O'Brien since the baby incident. :glare:

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Completely out of character! I was scolding him something furious. Badly done, Robert! :thumbdown:


I like the theory that Sir Richard was involved with Vera's death. However, I'm not sure he would do it seeing how it would destroy Mr. Bates. He doesn't hate Bates, does he?


I doubt he gives a rat one way or another about repurcussions for Mr. Bates. He seems like the type who would find it convenient to have someone else be a suspect and not worry about the morality of it. Of course, morality kind of goes out the window when you commit murder.


And I totally agree about Robert. I truly think it was written in as a plot point in Branson and Sybil's relationship.

Edited by Alte Veste Academy
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GAH! I hate that the writers had Robert do that. Completely out of character and completely disgusting. Am I the only one who lost all respect for him?


I don't like Branson either. Self-absorbed.


I agree. When he kissed the maid (Jane?) I said, out loud, "What the WHAT?!?!" DH, who doesn't watch regularly, but drifts in and out (and then drives me slightly batty by asking me to update him on the plot :glare::D) said, "Oh, that was a surprise to you too?" So stupid and out of character. Especially when they went to such great lengths in Season 1 to emphasize that they were so in love and slept in the same bed and blah blah blah. Suddenly Cora's on her deathbed and he's making out with a maid? Uh. No.


I don't like Branson either.

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I was disappointed in Robert, too. I try to understand his perspective... in some ways I wonder if he felt the need to assert his leadership and masculinity. After all, his role in the war turned out to be, in his eyes, that of a figurehead. His wife and daughters came to more authoritative roles in the house than did he. Then the final blow, Matthew apparently rendered unable to produce a child, no heir for Downton, another reminder of what he may see as his own personal failure. The brave new post war world. A lot to weigh heavy on his mind.


I would not excuse infidelity. But I think it's worth a moment's consideration about what might lead a man to this. I find it interesting. If only Jane herself were more...interesting!


Cora has become someone I never expected. I did love it when Robert said, oh don't go American on me.

Edited by AuntieM
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GAH! I hate that the writers had Robert do that. Completely out of character and completely disgusting. Am I the only one who lost all respect for him?


I don't like Branson either. Self-absorbed.


Agree. I just thought, "That is so dumb." I didn't lose respect for Richard, but for the writers who wrote that stupid plot. And I agree about Branson - nothing about class, but about character.

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