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why not Winter Promise?


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I ordered the first grade American History package and found it rather disappointing. I wanted more than a schedule and books--there IS more, but there's much less commentary and discussion questions with answers than I was looking for.

I've heard others say it's rather scattered and not as "linear" as some want.


That said, I was tempted by American Cultures; dd will be doing some of the books from that with TOG because I preread quite a few and really liked them.

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We used (or tried to use) Winter Promise Animals and Their World this year. Previous users warned me (including the person I bought the guide from) that the schedule in the guide makes for a choppy feeling among the various resources. They were right. But the resources are decent. I quickly stopped referring to the guide and began using the resources in the order that made the most sense to me. We're enjoying things much better than we were when we followed the guide.


I cannot comment on any of their other programs.

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I have a friend who used WP Children Around the World last year and this year one of the American history ones (can't remember which on exactly) but she's been happy with both of them. She does say though that you can easily get bogged down with all the crafts and hands on stuff they provide- but this year she is being better at not feeling like she has to do it all. Her kids are 4-5th grade and she will continue using WP; she feels content is adequate and the kids are thriving. She's also had no major problems with customer service or with the products.


What I've read on the forums is that some people (not all) have had issues with ordering- but if you order WP products from them and the books outside (like amazon) there is no real issues with that. Good luck!

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I think part of the reason a lot of people veer from Winter Promise is their no resale policy. They ask that you do not resell their guides. Many people rely on resale value to get the next years curriculum so this can be a turn off.


I have an older WP Animals and their World guide and it really is a reading schedule, read this page of this book and this page of this book. Whereas my My Father's World guides have lots of written instruction and tips. They are way meatier.

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We are satisfied WP "alumni". We used WP for four straight years. Right now I am re-using most of the Amer Story 1 materials for our second student, while the older one uses TruthQuest Amer history. The older Amer history program is based around Homeschool In the Woods' Time Travelers, which does not suit the older son's learning style. Next year we will continue in this theme, re-using most of the Amer Story 2 materials along with TQ.



We have used Animals and Their Worlds (1.5 times, and will use it next year for third grade science), Amer Story 1 and Amer Story 2, and Adventures in the Sea and Sky. This year is our second year using World Around Me science (second student). I also used parts of I'm Ready to Learn (I didn't make it very far- my personal approach to preK is more unschool-ish) and Hideaways in History (I was trying to combine S&S with HIH and Preparing, planned to spread it over two years. :001_huh:).


My strategy with regard to ordering has been to call and chat with Don Brooks (business owner) while placing my order. I've had some little "boo boos" crop up, but they were quickly made right by calling and letting them know.


I attended their retreat in Nashville the year before the Grand Ole Opery Hotel flooded and messed up their stuff. I was impressed with how caring the Brooks are. I found them to be positive mentors in my homeschool journey. I am not sure whether they will be having any more retreats, but if they do have one after my youngest is old enough to be left at home I would jump at the chance to go again regardless of whether I was expecting to use another full WP theme.

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We are WP users here. We've used AW, AS1, and are using AS2 right now. O, we also are using their Equine Science program right now. :001_smile:


I like their programs. I only buy the exclusives from them and purchase the books elsewhere, so I haven't had any major issues with them. I have noticed that here and there things don't line up, but it doesn't bother me too much.


I have looked at other programs, but so far I just don't see anything that suits us as much as WP.

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Customer service is the main issue.


The best advice I can offer is to get just the exclusives from WP and get the rest of the stuff elsewhere.


My worst experience was ordering a pkg from WP and waiting 4 months to get my books. I never got them all and was ready to start school. So I shipped what I HAD received back to WP and had to fight for a refund because it was past the 30 day mark. It was 6 months before all was said and done.

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We have loved American Crossing 1 and will finish it in about 2 to 3 weeks. I am ordering American Culture this week.


My kids are night and day. Ds learns best by reading texts and lots of books. In middle school for US history, he used The History of US as his base and piles and piles of living books. (I do my rotation a bit differently and both kids do US History for all three years of middle school.)


Dd on the other hand, is dyslexic and extremely artistic. She was not going to be able to do the amount of reading ds did. American Crossing 1 stretches her with the reading, but I spread it over 1-1/2 years. She loves the arts and crafts portion... ds would have really disliked it.


I have never had any problem with customer service and they have always been extremely polite and helpful.


Personally, I love that it is all laid out. I go through ahead of time, sort the materials into numbered folders, highlight the extras that I would like dd to do on the schedule, and it is all ready for her.


She has loved it and learned a lot. I am sorry I did not explore this more when she was younger.

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I've used AW, AS1, AS2 & their LA - AK (advanced kindergarten), and LA1. I liked the language programs, but we have gone mostly to Classical/Charlotte mason route now.


For the themes, I never really got into them myself. With AW, I replaced it with RSO Life half way -- too choppy for me. With AS1 I passed the bulk of it onto my hubby and we mostly ended up just reading the Read Alouds and doing a project once or twice a month. I even replaced the "Make Your Own" book with some basic notebooking pages. I decided to go with AS2 because I wanted to finish American History in the same format and we are mostly doing the same as AS1 - Read Alouds and some timeline work. I have supplemented with library books and some lapbooks.


I LOVE the books, but the schedule is too choppy for me. As an example, we would read about one thing, but the notebooking would be about something else. I want it to all relate to each other. I read about a topic and notebooking/narration is about that topic. Also, as we get into older grades -- if the guides are as they are now, with not much assistance on topics being discussed it might be an issue. It would be nice for a little heads up on the topics, the guides now are really just a suggestion on when to read what book. Perhaps they are meatier as the grades get higher?


As for customer service, I did have issues with ordering books taking a long time to arrive, so I just ordered exclusives since than and never had an issue otherwise. Chatted with them on the phone and they are very nice and accommodating.

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  • 1 month later...

We used Adventures of Sea and Sky from Winter Promise this year. My son is almost done with it. It has been great! A good selection of books and I love that it has science tied into it. It is the only WP program we have used.

Edited by jessicamcc
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I'm new to it, but I like it. I think it (and every other 'complete' curriculum) is best for people who are comfortable treating it like a buffet instead of a checklist. I'm not a box-checker, and I like adding things, so I think it's going to work for me. We'll drop some of the hands-on and add things that suit our learning style better. (For example, we're doing SL's Eastern Hemisphere Explorer in conjunction with Children Around the World.)


I have found the customer service to be wonderful as long as you are proactive and call when you have questions or concerns. They're definitely a smaller company with a personal touch ... and the attending limitations.

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I'm a WP fan. We are finishing American Story 2 and will be using WP Children Around the World (with some SL core F titles added) this next year.

I do agree that it is less expensive to buy the books elsewhere and get the exclusives (including IG) from WP.

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We are a WP family. We've completed AS1, AS2, Children around World, QAW, currently on QMA, looking at Am Crossing + Q for Royals/Rev next year. I like the books, having the option of hands-on activities, but never have time for the websites. I like the balance of reading, narration, and activities offered by WP. Like a previous poster stated, I still take away or add as needed.


The price is our only deterrent and as I look at Q for RR, there are more exclusive WP items, which are pricey and not easily available on the used market.


The no resale policy doesn't faze me, because when I purchase a written item, I consider it mine. Not sure why I distinguish a difference... but there it is.


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I have NOT personally used any WP products. The reason I have avoided them is b/c of the number of people here who say that they got sucked in by the gorgeous & exciting catalog, and ordered despite less than stellar reviews, and were sorely disappointed with the actual product.


Apparently the catalog is so good that several people, after being horribly disappointed, have actually ordered more products and been equally unhappy.


The catalog must be amazing - I will NOT be ordering one just in case I couldn't resist!! :)

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Another WP Family here. Started using them in K year... we have done AW, AS1, AS2, Advanced K LA, & LA1. Love all the literature and non-fiction books they have and some of their exclusives. Best part is my library is fully stocked with most of their choices too. I think if you are a box checker, you might have trouble because they put in tons of options and ideas for you to cover and its just not possible to do them all. At the point we are at, we do all the reading and maybe 1 project or less a week. I have created my own narration pages and we also do the timelines weekly.


We do best with history 2-3 times a week as a sit down subject, while doing our reading at different times throughout the day, and usually we just read one book at a time. Basically we don't follow the schedule at all. I am finding I prefer to create my own schedule, which I will start to do from here on out to make the year go by easier.


This next year I wanted to do CATW, however its not really meant for a K'r so I went about making my own schedule and will plugin CATW resources as I see fit. There is a lot of planning for this program right now on the WP forums and its been a great help since I'm flying solo this next year.


I think it all depends on how much you depend on a schedule telling you what to do. I have never been able to stick to the "read pages x-x on day 1" thing. I just read and stop when we want to, so the schedule for us was always sort of a suggestion. :)

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