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Toddler holds stuffed animal in store... are you obligated to buy it?

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Are you obligated to buy it? Do you feel badly for not doing so, if you don't?


(Yes, this happened today. I did not buy it. I think the woman wanted to have me arrested.)


I would not have bought it. If clerk has hissie - I would be happy to talk to her manager. If manager has hissie - I would be happy to talk to corporate. (did that wtih blockbuster once - manager was ROYALLY angry as he got reamed by corporate. corporate sent apologies and "what can we do to make you happy?" phone calls.)


eta: when dealing with highly anal clerks - pen and paper taking down their name and asking for their manager will frequently cool their heels.

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I thought that the default situation was that you were responsible for the items you broke, even if accidentally.





it's not the default - that's why some places have a "you break it you buy it" signs because they don't have the overhead to absorb it. or don't want to absorb it.

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:iagree: I never let my 2 year old grab stuff like this. It felt like something we should never start. If we went into a store like this, they'd be strapped in a stroller, holding my hand, or home with dad. :leaving:


I'm pretty sure that she said her child was in the stroller and pulled the item of a low shelf without her knowledge. She didn't notice until she got to the checkout.

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I believe I should pay for anything my child breaks. However, shop owners should think carefully about the placement of products. This summer I was very nervous in a gift shop because they placed souvenirs for children right next to delicate glass breakables. Actually, if I remember correctly, they were among them! On top of that, the ladies in the shop were giving us dirty looks even though I was diligently keeping an eye on my daughter!


As far as the OP, that is crazy. If no harm was done, there was no need to buy the stuffed animal!

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(Why they have these things down low at the checkout, I have no idea!) She was about 1. No intent. I took them back...
so that small children going past will grab them and their parents who "can't say no" will buy them to prevent a meltdown. same reason they put candy there.


I'm pretty sure that she said her child was in the stroller and pulled the item of a low shelf without her knowledge. She didn't notice until she got to the checkout.

:iagree: and anyone whose child has never grabbed something unbeknownst to them off a shelf even though they were in a stroller/cart should consider themselves lucky.

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so that small children going past will grab them and their parents who "can't say no" will buy them to prevent a meltdown. same reason they put candy there.



:iagree: and anyone whose child has never grabbed something unbeknownst to them off a shelf even though they were in a stroller/cart should consider themselves lucky.

:iagree: My son has slipped food into my shopping cart unbeknownst to me, and a couple times I didn't even realize until I was unpacking groceries at home.


Besides which, have you ever seen kids at toy stores? Target? Those toys are getting seriously handled, and most of the time not purchased. I make sure my kids are careful when they look at things, but even they do a little touching, especially if they are picking something out to buy.

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:DThis thread got me thinking about what sort of disgusting items I've bought that other children have slobbered over. I mean, did that last darling Teddy Bear I bought for a little one have another child's drool and snot all over it? We wipe down shopping carts with cleaners, but we let out kids snuggle and pu tback snotty toys while we shop. That's very icky.


I don't like to think about it. :tongue_smilie:

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I would LOVE to see the look on a cop's face when the store lady said,"And then the baby in the stroller grabbed the toy and then the mom didn't buy it!" While the cop looks like this: :001_huh: and says, "and then what happened?"


"Well, that's when I called you! Book her, Danno!" :lol:


Then OP, with her renegade toddler coulda been all:




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and anyone whose child has never grabbed something unbeknownst to them off a shelf even though they were in a stroller/cart should consider themselves lucky.




Seriously! My kids have reached all sorts of things from the stroller and cart. Sometimes I see it right away, sometimes I don't.

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Like I said up thread, I used to work at a toy store. I would never assume a toy sitting on a store shelf is clean. Just sayin'. :tongue_smilie:

Well, yeah, that's why I carefully avoided saying "clean". :D

I don't assume things are clean, but I do assume things I buy off the shelf will be new. Unused.


Toy stores are different, imo, than adult stores like Hallmark. Even the "toys" that they do have at Hallmark aren't really intended to be played with as toys for children, I don't think.

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You are not obligated to buy it. Actually, you're not obligated to buy something you've broken or otherwise ruined either. It's considered part of the cost of doing business.


:iagree: The stores have insurance for this. And, even if you were inclined to pay for said item or they coerce you into paying, do not pay the retail price but their actual cost of the item.

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and anyone whose child has never grabbed something unbeknownst to them off a shelf even though they were in a stroller/cart should consider themselves lucky.


The only place my son has ever done this? In the produce department at the grocery store. He tries to eat it too, so I always have to buy whatever he grabs. Usually tomatoes of all things. :tongue_smilie: But the free cookies they have out? Those he'll ask for and wait politely. I do not get what goes on his head sometimes.

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Toy stores are different, imo, than adult stores like Hallmark. Even the "toys" that they do have at Hallmark aren't really intended to be played with as toys for children, I don't think.


are they really more sanitary? how many people handling things at hallmark just ate something in the food court? or used the restroom but didn't wash their hands because they're offended by the signs reminding people to wash their hands?

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are they really more sanitary? how many people handling things at hallmark just ate something in the food court? or used the restroom but didn't wash their hands because they're offended by the signs reminding people to wash their hands?






(And I'm guessing Julie is thoroughly skeeved out now. :tongue_smilie:)

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I would LOVE to see the look on a cop's face when the store lady said,"And then the baby in the stroller grabbed the toy and then the mom didn't buy it!" While the cop looks like this: :001_huh: and says, "and then what happened?"


"Well, that's when I called you! Book her, Danno!" :lol:


Then OP, with her renegade toddler coulda been all:




:lol::lol::lol::lol: "book 'em Danno!" lol

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I wouldn't have bought the toy and I will only pay for things my children break if they are being irresponsible and touching things they aren't supposed to. At Disney World my son was looking at a Christmas ornament - blown glass that way hanging on the lowest row on the wall. Seriously? At Disney? Of course, he knocked it off the hanger - they were crammed on there. He barely touched it and it came crashing down. I did offer to pay, but they said it happens all the time, don't worry about it. If he had picked it up and come running across the store I would have insisted on paying for it. As it was, I let it go.

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I wouldn't and I wouldn't feel bad about it either. I am kind of loud though, and probably would have looked at my son and said, "Son!! Mommy is NOT going to buy that animal! Silly goose, mommy is not getting it, so go put it up right now exactly where you got it. Hurry up, Son, we have to go bye bye!"

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Around X-mas time, I was at the grocery store waiting in a huge line. A lady with two small children was in the aisle next to me. I thought it was really sweet that her kids had matching pony teddies (one pink, one white) to keep them happy. They were chewing on them, one was using the pink one as a tissue, etc. Well, it was her turn to finally get to the actual cash and she took the ponies away and left them sitting on top on the soda fridge at the beginning of the aisle. I was so grossed out that I told my cashier that those ponies needed to be not be put back on the shelf, to which she told me that they will put anything back on the shelf even if it is visibly dirty so they do't have to deal with returning it/paperwork. I will forever more disinfect anything toy I buy at the store.

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I worked retail years ago, and that is bizarre! We had MANY items come broken, we always called the company with the SKU number and were either given a credit for the item or had it re-shipped (typically they only re-shipped an item if it was a larger item we'd only bought one of, some companies gave us a choice, most just issued a credit on our bill.) WHY would you take it out on an emplyee, and run them off, rather than just have the company who sent it to you absorb it??!


It's not uncommon for stuff like that to happen. I worked at a Holiday gas station in college for awhile, and when somebody drove off without paying for their gas, the store manager would make the employees pay for the gas out of our own pockets. :glare: Because, you know, apparently we should have chased the car into oncoming traffic or something.

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