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Have you ever been in a movie?

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An independently-made movie I was in about a year and a half ago is out on DVD today! Believe me when I say that most of us that worked on and in that film (Breaking Man by Not Ashamed Films) did not think it would hit nationwide distribution EVER. So this is a really cool thing!


Anyway, I know that the Hive has a wide and diversified population (mostly anonymous :D ) , so I just thought I'd ask!


Other than the one mentioned above, I've been in one other, with my husband, as an extra: Prefontaine (about a track star from the 60s or 70s.


What about YOU?

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Yup. My hubby "starred" in a short movie, part of a collection done by a bunch of producers using the same script. I think they were allowed one extra scene beyond that. This was done in Auslan and won best sound track. :D

, it's very creepy. He's the one playing sillies with the shower curtain.



Edited by Rosie_0801
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No, but I was an extra in a couple of episodes of Friday Night Lights, and in the pilot for a really bad show that only lasted about 4 episodes--My Generation. I was also an extra in a series called "Meet Jane," which was eventually cancelled before it even aired. I'd have been more visible in that...so much for my new late-in-life career. :lol:

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The year after I graduated high school, I was a lead in an independant movie that was a modernized version of a silent black and white movie. It was really fun and I think back on the experience often! It was called "The Agreement" and I'm not really sure what became of it except it going through a few local festivals.

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I had a brief appearance in some witchy/zombie-ish flick. I walked creepily against the foggy background. I just remember the director telling us not to blink as we staggered up to the camera, but the darn fog from the fog machine was making my eyes dry and I felt like they were gonna pop out of my head.


I should look it up and see what ever became of it.

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Nope, but my car was in Jumanji.

It was fun to hang around the set for a few days and see how extremely SLOW the process is. Professional actors must eventually loose their minds with all of that waiting and repeating. Gah!

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My high school show choir sang in a wedding scene for a made for tv movie. We did not make the final cut. I was in the crowd scene for a football game in the same film. That was interesting, they were retreating actual football plays from the guys career!

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Other than the one mentioned above, I've been in one other, with my husband, as an extra: Prefontaine (about a track star from the 60s or 70s.



I have a copy of this! I also have a copy of Without Limits, the other movie about him. Yes, I'm a running geek.


Lately there have been a ton of movies filmed around here, but I certainly haven't been in any. I know a few people who have been involved in those movies in some way though!

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My oldest ds was in an in-store commercial for Nordstroms when he was 2. :) We were there for filming and clothes changes for 8 hours (on a hot day, when I was 8 1/2 months pregnant with 2nd ds), and his part of the commercial (with another little boy and 2 little girls) was about 30 or 45 seconds long! Crazy!


Me? I went and volunteered as a "blue shirt" for a local Extreme Makeover: Home Edition. We had a hot catered meal served to us by a local restaurant....at midnight! That was really cool to help with that, especially since it was a family that used to go to our church. I ended up in a couple scenes of the show. Ty Pennington also talked to me! He said, "Can you go over there when the cameras are going?" :D Someone told me to sweep in a certain place while they were taking furniture in, to keep from tracking sand/dirt in. Ty didn't want me in the shots, though, so I moved! :lol:

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