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My cousin's blog about witnessing my baptism and testimony.

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Thanks for sharing this, Carmen! And you haven't lost all your old "friends." Some of us here have been praying for you for years:o) Now you're a sister in Christ!


May He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ! ~Philippians 1:6


A song for you...

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Thank you for sharing that Carmen. I get so sad when I read posts from those that are searching for more than they have and they feel so lost in their current "religion." It is Jesus they are looking for...not a religion. Sure I have my preferred denomination that I am comfortable with, but it is the relationship with Jesus that saves us and gives us the peace beyond understanding. The peace that really lets us know we are accepted by God.


I am so happy that you have found that peace. Thank you for sharing your story with us. I hope someone else is encouraged to seek Jesus because of it.

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Sure I have my preferred denomination that I am comfortable with, but it is the relationship with Jesus that saves us and gives us the peace beyond understanding. The peace that really lets us know we are accepted by God.

For God wanted them to know that the riches and glory of Christ are for you Gentiles, too. And this is the secret: Christ lives in you.


This gives you assurance of sharing his glory.-- Colossians 1:27

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I get so sad when I read posts from those that are searching for more than they have and they feel so lost in their current "religion." It is Jesus they are looking for...not a religion


Oh I dunno. I don't think you can say this for everyone. I had Jesus, and a "personal relationship" with him. I was "saved" by evangelical standards. But I was still constantly hungry, something was still missing. I called out to God, and he drew me to what you'd probably call "religion." He brought me to church; a highly liturgical, faith-and-works based, sacramental, etc. church. In it I've found an honest-to-goodness path to union with Christ. I no longer believe I can find this union with Christ outside His body, the church. I realize not everyone believes the same way, and that's fine, but your statement was just too general to let go. I've talked with numerous precious ladies here over the last couple years for whom this is also true. Some of them started the "longing for something more" threads here and ended up at the door of a church. We hunger for God's way of worshiping Him and believe this happens in church (with "religion").

Edited by milovaný
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Oh I dunno. I don't think you can say this for everyone. I had Jesus, and a "personal relationship" with him. I was "saved" by evangelical standards. But I was still constantly hungry, something was still missing. I called out to God, and he drew me to what you'd probably call "religion." He brought me to church; a highly liturgical, faith-and-works based, sacramental, etc. church. In it I've found an honest-to-goodness path to union with Christ. I no longer believe I can find this union with Christ outside His body, the church. I realize not everyone believes the same way, and that's fine, but your statement was just too general to let go. I've talked with numerous precious ladies here over the last couple years for whom this is also true. Some of them started the "longing for something more" threads here and ended up at the door of a church. We hunger for God's way of worshiping Him and believe this happens in church (with "religion").


Oh, I didn't mean that we don't need church. I believe that we do. I need to be in a body of believers, worshipping.....it inspires me, motivates me, moves me, etc. I guess I was referring more to those that are looking for something, but don't have Jesus and His salvation.

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Oh, I didn't mean that we don't need church. I believe that we do. I need to be in a body of believers, worshipping.....it inspires me, motivates me, moves me, etc. I guess I was referring more to those that are looking for something, but don't have Jesus and His salvation.


I see! I had the threads here in the last while where even Christians were saying they were hungry/longing for more than what they were experiencing in their current situation in the back of my mind, I think, when I wrote. But I see what you're saying! :001_smile:

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