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Just for fun -- what are some of you kids' favourite foods?

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My daughter (10) says this:




homemade hamburgers

Miss Vickie's salt and vinegar chips


Not Junk


spinach (esp. in spanokopita or on pizza)




vegetarian sushi

lebanese roasted veggie wraps



... and lots more, just not off the top of my head. What do your children like to eat, especially stuff that's a bit more unusual?

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Both of my kids would claim typical favorites. Here are the potentially unusual ones:


10yo dd


kale chips

frozen peas (still frozen)

dried figs






kale chips



dried seaweed


Oh yes, frozen peas! One of my favourites, and my daughter's as well!

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Oh yes, frozen peas! One of my favourites, and my daughter's as well!


:lol: I'm glad to know it isn't just my kid! As a preschooler, she always wanted to serve them during playdates. I was afraid some friend would burst her bubble and tell her they were healthy and gross. We kept them our little secret. ;)

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My ds said:

salad without tomatoes


gf pizza (we Namaste's mix and he likes it better than regular dough)


yellow rice

fried rice with pork

any berries

hot dogs

green bean salad

green bean soup

tortilla soup

potato soup

muligatawny soup


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he goes through spurts where he will eat us out of house and home LOL but then will go through a snacking spell......







ramen noodles (I never use the whole season packet)

cheeseburgers (will eat few bites-never whole)





chinese take out (won tons-egg rolls-chinese noodles)

chicken nuggets (he will eat some-not all)

fish sticks

chef boy-ar-dee pasta (sometimes)



pbj on honey/wheat bread

pbj on those goldfish bread thins



mashed potatoes (sometimes)



spaghetti (spaghetti tacos)

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Both girls like a wide variety of foods.


They love donuts, burgers & pizza, and have them in moderation.


Other favorites:


sushi, softshell crab, calamari, goat cheese, bleu cheese, cheese in general (for dd 10, the stinkier, the better), chicken salad, hot dogs (for dd 9 only), oatmeal, black bean burgers, salads, any fruit, fajitas, olives, pickles, oh, and greens.

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DS 14: crab legs


DS 11: shrimp, boiled


DS 6: cauliflower and broccoli (well, not really. Really his is chicken nuggets and french fries. But cauliflower & broccoli ARE his favorite veggies, which I find strange. Cooked, not raw with dipping sauce. He hates dipping sauces.)

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DD15 is a self-declared meat-atarian. She loves meat..all sorts. She also likes pasta and cheese. Veggies are NOT on her list. She also loves oranges (but I think it is because it is one of the few fruits she doesn't have an allergic reation to)


The twins have similar tastes and aren't picky at all.


Some their favorites:


Grilled tiliapia


Baked Ziti





Swiss Chard



And Sarah will just about founder on asparagus :lol:


We all love sweets...we have a problem :glare:

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My daughter was excited to read about the "different" foods that other kids like to eat. When she used to go to school, the other kids in the class would often make faces or say "yuck" to parts of dd's lunch--like granola, berries, and yogurt, or salad, or veggie sushi. It drove her crazy that you could only order cheese or pepperoni pizza for a school lunch--she would have chosen spinach and feta or hot peppers and mushroom if something like that had been available. She gets surprised looks from servers when she orders things with every possible topping, like all-dressed burgers, all the veggies on a sub, and so on.


Anyway, thanks for sharing!

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You know, my kids are a weird mix.


They LOVE my homemade cooking, but when I buy them some processed junk, they act like it's the best thing they've ever tasted.


For example, Zee begs me to make him spaghetti. The boy can EAT him some homemade spaghetti.


But then, a few weeks ago, I bought some spaghettios for the first time in like a year. He acted like he had discovered a delicacy.


Weirdo. :tongue_smilie:

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