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Why do you enjoy these boards so much?

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This is a spin-off from another thread, in which Pata from VA asked, along with others, "Why do we love these boards so much?" The thread had something to do with being addicted to this forum!


So... I am assuming that most people who stick around here do so because it is positive in some way for them. Why do you love these boards so much? Is it mostly positive or negative for you, or both? How do you manage to not become "addicted?" If you figure that out, please let us know! :001_smile:

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I love to laugh, and I get more than my share of giggles from the posters here.

I also get immeasurable support for our homeschool whether I'm sharing our successes, or I have questions about our struggles.


When it gets negative, I find something else to do. The other day there were a couple of threads that hit me in a soft spot, as I'd been in situations that were being condemned by members here. I knew it was just best to avoid those posts, and a day or two later I came back happy. :D


I do love it here.

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I'll try to answer part of it, anyway. I love it here for the people. I have made some great virtual friends. The list is expanding on a daily basis too. There is always someone to send a hug, lift me up, share my joy, share my tears, educate me, answer my questions, and much, much more. The love shown here is truly amazing. There are a lot of really funny, smart, cool people that are accessible with the touch of a couple of buttons! They have helped me in so many ways to becoming a better mom, wife, teacher, woman, friend. For those reasons and many more, I love this place.


As to how to stay away so much. Ummm, I don't really want to stay away. I like it here!:D

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This is a spin-off from another thread, in which Pata from VA asked, along with others, "Why do we love these boards so much?" The thread had something to do with being addicted to this forum!


So... I am assuming that most people who stick around here do so because it is positive in some way for them. Why do you love these boards so much? Is it mostly positive or negative for you, or both? How do you manage to not become "addicted?" If you figure that out, please let us know! :001_smile:


Have you looked at the hilarious posts going on right now. I cant stop laughing. They just boost your spirits.



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I love it because I feel like we are the same. And, it's so amazing to be able to form friendships this way. Out in the "real world" I do have other hs friends, but we don't see each other very much, and sometimes when I'm around "regular" people, I feel like I'm on a completely different wavelength; like I'm from another planet or something!

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Well, as I said in the other thread, I'm NOT addicted! But, if I WAS, well, then, it'd be because of the laughter, people sharing in the homeschooling experience, or at least supportive of it, building friendships with others, gaining wisdom and knowledge, finding out about curriculums I'd never heard of, and looking at them---realizing I HAVE to have them now, the list could go on and on.


But, that's just IF I were addicted! ;)

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I don't know. I have been coming here so long that I don't know where else to go!!


I like the oldtimers, I have been laughing with some of those folks for years! (Remember the days of the dancing microphone!!!???)


I like the newbies who come in full of zeal and energy and an attitude of invincibility. They usually calm down a bit but they are a shot of new attitude that is badly needed by those of us who have been plodding along on this road for awhile.


And what can't you ask here? Curriculum, discipline, schedules, special needs, advanced learners, k-12, college kids, recipes, housekeeping, shopping, pet problems,intellectual stimulation, married life (you know, intimacy) we got it all. Why would anyone go anywhere else?:lol:

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Where else could I find someone at all hours of the day or night willing to discuss the effects of gravitational pull on my booKs?


Where else could I receive advance warning about meat pushers along with a scripted reply?


Where else could I forget the worries of the day in laughter, but also know that I can find outstanding homeschooling support, parenting support, and "life" support all in once place?


All that. And I don't EVEN have to wear stiletto heels with my thong.






Seriously...this place is like totally awesome. Kudos SWB and staff!! ;)

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They're just jealous of your hotness. Here? We can barely see your profile picture, so we tend to forget what a babe you really are.

So we're a little less jealous.


Oh, yes, I am hot.:lol: I am so not hot! I just got done using the powerwasher and I am covered in mud splatter. It is hotter than he double hockey sticks here and I am a sweaty mess. Plus, I smell...like a salami sandwich. Ew. My hair is plastered to my head and I haven't shaved my legs in 4 days.


Totally hot!:D:D

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Oh, yes, I am hot.:lol: I am so not hot! I just got done using the powerwasher and I am covered in mud splatter. It is hotter than he double hockey sticks here and I am a sweaty mess. Plus, I smell...like a salami sandwich. Ew. My hair is plastered to my head and I haven't shaved my legs in 4 days.


Totally hot!:D:D



You use a powerwasher *and* you smell like food? No wonder they want to keep their men away from you! :D

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On the radio today, the talk show hosts suggested that we wash our sheets in cold water and put them straight on the bed and hop in. They said it feels clammy at first, but then it's very cooling. They also attributed this hint to Heloise. I haven't tried it.


It is 85 today and humid -- we aren't used to this. My boys are going to Atlanta next week and they cannot believe the heat and humidity will be worse there.


Oh, yes, I am hot.:lol: I am so not hot! I just got done using the powerwasher and I am covered in mud splatter. It is hotter than he double hockey sticks here and I am a sweaty mess. Plus, I smell...like a salami sandwich. Ew. My hair is plastered to my head and I haven't shaved my legs in 4 days.


Totally hot!:D:D

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Because I have learned a lot over the last few years, I have laughed, been frustrated or tested, had to question my views, found friends, re-found old friends, and had a place to come - even at 2 am to find support. I can't think of another homeschool board this large, that is this much fun.


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I love being in a room of people with lots of conversations going, even if it has to be a virtual room. In real life, and in all honesty, I have only one friend and I only see her every 3 to 4 weeks for a few hours. We don't have much in common except we both homeschool, our sons are like twins, and neither of us has any other friends. We only talk about homeschooling stuff. Without the internet, I'd only have my DH and children to talk with and while they are lovely, pleasant people, they aren't quite as diverse as a community like this one.


I spend lots and lots of hours on this board so I guess you could say I'm addicted but I really don't see my time here as negative in any fashion. It's not keeping me from doing anything else. Without this board, I'd be watching tv or reading books more. This is at least more social. :)

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I love being in a room of people with lots of conversations going, even if it has to be a virtual room. In real life, and in all honesty, I have only one friend and I only see her every 3 to 4 weeks for a few hours. We don't have much in common except we both homeschool, our sons are like twins, and neither of us has any other friends. We only talk about homeschooling stuff. Without the internet, I'd only have my DH and children to talk with and while they are lovely, pleasant people, they aren't quite as diverse as a community like this one.


I spend lots and lots of hours on this board so I guess you could say I'm addicted but I really don't see my time here as negative in any fashion. It's not keeping me from doing anything else. Without this board, I'd be watching tv or reading books more. This is at least more social. :)


:iagree: I love being able to pop in and socialize for a while here and there. I love that I feel a connection to most of you (except for the evil rep fairy and the one star-er. You suck.). I love laughing with you, praying for you and sometimes disagreeing with you because I always learn something. You guys are my BFFs right now! :grouphug:

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I love coming here because it means I can neglect my children and claim it is due to educational research lol



Seriously though even in just a few short weeks I have learned so much, laughed a ton, and had some really heart warming pm's that just brightened my outlook on the world that day. This is just a great group of ladies(and men) and can't believe I didn;t know about you all sooner.

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This is a spin-off from another thread, in which Pata from VA asked, along with others, "Why do we love these boards so much?" The thread had something to do with being addicted to this forum!


So... I am assuming that most people who stick around here do so because it is positive in some way for them. Why do you love these boards so much? Is it mostly positive or negative for you, or both? How do you manage to not become "addicted?" If you figure that out, please let us know! :001_smile:


I've been reading and participating in these boards for probably 4 or 5 years now, and I think they're great for many reasons! I have learned a TON of things here pertaining to homeschooling/raising children, that I was not learning elsewhere. I love being able to read people's actual stories about how they carry out homeschooling their kids, while they are doing it, and about the ones who have taken their kids all the way through and how they did that. I love being able to ask questions - any and all questions - that I have about various books/resources/methods. I have gotten SO MUCH help here over the years. Things like: how to use R&S English books, R&S math books, how to teach writing skills, how people actually use other books that are recommended in WTM (since I can never get hold of a book to look at it before I buy it). Also, since there are so many participants here, there is a wealth of homeschooling experience, all accessible from my keyboard, in my home.


I'm so thankful for these boards. I'm addicted only because my kids keep getting older and I need to learn new things all the time, so this is my first stop, LOL!

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Seriously though even in just a few short weeks I have learned so much, laughed a ton, and had some really heart warming pm's that just brightened my outlook on the world that day. This is just a great group of ladies(and men) and can't believe I didn;t know about you all sooner.


I tried to give you a rep for another post, but have run out for the day, but I just want to say "God bless you!" for all you are doing for your family! And that baby is utterly sweet and adorable!!!!

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I can ask questions without being made to feel like I've done something wrong by asking.I like reading about all the different types of hsers,what works and what doesn't,and why.It's such a big,diverse,interesting group of people. Most of the people I know IRL who hs have younger children and I haven't found anyone in a couple of years near me who hses that I've really "clicked with".It's probably me, although maybe it's just the area I live in.

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I'm addicted. I can admit it. Why? Let's see: The board is the absolute best way to procrastinate just about anything. :D Don't feel like doing the dishes...cruise the board. Don't feel like folding that 100th load of laundry...commisserate on the board. Having a bad day...whine to your friends on the board b/c 99% of them can empathize. Kids fighting, baby crying, phone ringing and you just.can't.take it.any.more...get lost on the board. :D


But, for me, this board is my only sanity at times. During the last couple months of my pregnancy that seemed to last forever, most of my IRL friends abandoned me. Really. No phone calls, no nothing. But, you my friends at the WTM forum, were all here for me. I couldn't have made it through w/out you all. AND, "talking" on the forum is the only adult conversation I have all day. Plus, you can learn pretty much anything on the board. New recipes, parenting tips, cleaning tips, new curriculum, old curriculum, etc. I just want to know how NOT to get addicted!

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I havent been posting here for long. I'm just starting my DD in a pre-K/K curriculum this year and was searching for a homeschooling message board. I love message boards! I'm very very involved in a board that I've been on since I was pregnant with DD (age 4). We all know each other very well. However, my beliefs about homeschooling/God/etc clash with most of those people.....so I was seeking out a board who followed my beliefs more. I know there are those here who do not.....but it seems like most here do.


That's why I think I'm liking this place!

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I love to laugh, and I get more than my share of giggles from the posters here.

I also get immeasurable support for our homeschool whether I'm sharing our successes, or I have questions about our struggles.


When it gets negative, I find something else to do. The other day there were a couple of threads that hit me in a soft spot, as I'd been in situations that were being condemned by members here. I knew it was just best to avoid those posts, and a day or two later I came back happy. :D


I do love it here.


Yah, what she said!

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This is a spin-off from another thread, in which Pata from VA asked, along with others, "Why do we love these boards so much?" The thread had something to do with being addicted to this forum!


So... I am assuming that most people who stick around here do so because it is positive in some way for them. Why do you love these boards so much? Is it mostly positive or negative for you, or both? How do you manage to not become "addicted?" If you figure that out, please let us know! :001_smile:


There are a lot of very wise kindred spirits who frequent these boards and I glean so much from them. I also like to share what has or has not worked for me in hopes of helping others. I've been participating on these forums for at least five years now and it's been a very good experience. Yes, these boards are addicting!! Here's what I do to keep myself in check: I try hard to stay off of the boards after our school day begins and try not to check in again until the afternoon hours at the earliest (evenings after the kids are asleep are the best). I don't participate too much on the general boards. I sometimes lurk and don't post that way I can glean some things, but not feel the need to keep checking for replies to messages and posts. I take board breaks now and then. I've been known to disappear from the boards for 2-3 months, but typically a board break only lasts for a few days or a couple of weeks at the most. I've tried leaving the boards before, but could never stay away b/c I miss so many folks here and I miss their great advice. I love this forum!!

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