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Winter Storm headed my way

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I live in an area that normally has a half foot of snow by halloween followed by 6 months of freezing weather. FOr some reason we skipped spring last year and had it at the end of fall. In my region we have had nothing more than a light dusting of snow followed by weeks of spring time weather (as in sun shining, birds chirping windows open, t-shirts with no jackets.) And all that until today. Here we are middle of January and old man winter is about to come calling. They are calling for a major storm tonight, with 10cm of snow, white out conditions (less than 1km visibility) follwoed by at least a week if -30C temps.


We ran out this morning and got groceries, library books/movies, some craft supplies from the $ store to play with and are now hunkered down for the storm and the cold weather to come. For the first time this season I had to dig out my extension cord to plug in the car. Normally it would have spent the last 2 months plugged in.


I can't complain too much we had spring before winter for 2.5 months and had the money to go and gather supplies to hibernate this next week. So we will be just fine. All my youngest 2 could ask is if they can finally make their snowman and forts when it gets warmer again. THey have wanted to make one all winter and check for snow everyday :lol:


Anyone else have storms headed their way tonight?

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Cut the top off a gallon plastic milk jug and send them out in the snow to build a fort! Pack it full of snow, turn it over, and you get a perfect brick! You can put food coloring in a spray bottle of water and spray the blocks different colors.


DH went out of state this week, so we got over a foot of fresh snow since Thursday. DS16 and I cleared enough of it to get in and out, but there is far too much for me to deal with. The snow drifts outside my kitchen window are 5 foot deep. The puppies can WALK out over the side fence in the yard. The little snowman that DD10 built in the front yard is buried in snow up to his neck now.



Have fun in the Snow!

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It's snowing here.


Kids are cheering.


I'm ready to crawl under the bed.



I heard it was starting to hit you guys. It hasn't reached here yet but won't be too long before it does if it is there now. I have actually been surprised at how much snow there has been in the city and even more in St. Albert the last few times I have been in. My lawn is still grass, where as my mom in SA has 4" or so already. I know by the end of this storm it will officially be winter in Alberta. Of course after last winter of -40s for so much of it I will take a snow storm and 1 week of -30s

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There hasn't been much of a winter here and I am all :hurray: about it!!!

The kids OTOH are all :toetap05:.

It snowed a little the last couple of days, and it was so cute to see DS5 out there trying his hardest to scrape together some snow to build something. I think he managed to build a whole snowball :lol:

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We live in SK. It is supposed to snow during the night and tomorrow but I don't know how much we are supposed to get. I don't listen to weather reports anymore because they stress me out.


What part of SK? I am right near the border, 1 hour out of LLoyd. The kids think it is hilarious that it is faster for us to go to SK for a fieldtrip than to go to the city here in AB.

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I read the title and thought, "sure, rub it in!" :glare: Our weather can't decide what season it is either. Is it spring or is it winter? I enjoy winter and I feel as though I am being robbed! Granted, it is Virginia and it's not like we get feet of snow on a regular basis, but one can always hope. :D Of course hope for snow is crushed when it is 68 flippin degrees outside, which has been a common occurrence this winter. It's cold right now, but when the precipitation comes, it warms up. :glare:

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We too, should around 3 feet by now--almost nothing. I can only think about what this is going to do to the hay crop...



That has been the worry out here too. I am in farm country and all the farmers have talked about is how dry it is. They had their crops flattening in severe hail storms the summer before last and are still recovering from losing almost all their crops that year. They can't afford to have another bad crop year. We don't get much rain in the spring and summer out this way so the snow moisture is vital. When I went to buy gas today there was a good 10 of them standing around having coffee talking excitedly over the chance to start getting snow finally.

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dsil in edmonton reports it has been snowing the past few hours and the thermometer is dropping.....


stay safe and warm!



That's my old hometown. Our snow started here a few hours after them. It is still a light snowfall but I here it is getting worse out Edm way so the bigger part of the storm will hit us over night for sure. The house is getting colder so I can tell it is dropping out there (the addition on my house has no insulation and the backroom has no furnace vents, so those sections get really cold and make it hard to maintian the heat in the rest. The kids are all under 2 quilts tonight which we have not had to do since last winter.

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We haven't had near enough snow here, either. We've only had a couple of storms that amounted to more than a dusting and even that didn't last more than a few days before it was gone. We're supposed to finally start getting hit with some steady snowstorms over the next 1-2 weeks. I've been enjoying not driving in the snow, the kids are thrilled they'll finally be getting winter, lol!

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I read the title and thought, "sure, rub it in!" :glare: Our weather can't decide what season it is either. Is it spring or is it winter? I enjoy winter and I feel as though I am being robbed! Granted, it is Virginia and it's not like we get feet of snow on a regular basis, but one can always hope. :D Of course hope for snow is crushed when it is 68 flippin degrees outside, which has been a common occurrence this winter. It's cold right now, but when the precipitation comes, it warms up. :glare:


:iagree: I would really love a foot of snow. :D


:iagree::iagree: Where's our snow????? Totally agree -- as soon as there is precip, the temps go back up to 50. The past two days, it has been downright cold and hovering near 30. On Thursday, it was 65! I want snow!

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It has been a very warm winter here. I got really prepapred for this one as we had much harder than normal winters the last two years. This year we have had about 4 or 5 light frosts and nothing else. It has been raining for months though except the last few days we have had some beautiful blue skies and it makes me look ahead to spring. Especially since the daffodils have been out for weeks and the plants are confused, we have camelia and roses in full bloom. There is colder weather forecast to arrive but they've said that before and it never arrived.

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What part of SK? I am right near the border, 1 hour out of LLoyd. The kids think it is hilarious that it is faster for us to go to SK for a fieldtrip than to go to the city here in AB.


We are in the SW part--W of Swift Current. I think it is snowing now here but it is still dark so it is hard to tell. I think we will just stay home today to be on the safe side. I have had my share of getting stuck in snow storms and now I am super gun-shy.

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For the first time this season I had to dig out my extension cord to plug in the car. Normally it would have spent the last 2 months plugged in.


Brandy, we've had quite the delayed winter too here in Michigan. But I've got to ask what the above means. I've thought and thought about it, and can't figure it out! :tongue_smilie: All I can come up with is that you have an electric car, but I thought those had to be plugged in frequently.


I'm jealous! We've had a dusting ONCE so far this winter. Ugh. I love the snow! Have fun iwth it!


I know, right?! Moose and Zee are tired of waiting for the snow!

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Brandy, we've had quite the delayed winter too here in Michigan. But I've got to ask what the above means. I've thought and thought about it, and can't figure it out! :tongue_smilie: All I can come up with is that you have an electric car, but I thought those had to be plugged in frequently.






Not Brandy, but you have to keep your engine-block heater plugged in when it's that cold so that your car will start. We used to have to do that here, too. But the past few winters haven't been that cold...

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Not Brandy, but you have to keep your engine-block heater plugged in when it's that cold so that your car will start. We used to have to do that here, too. But the past few winters haven't been that cold...


Yup. This. WHen it gets so darn cold out the battery freezes and the car won't start. You have to keep it plugged in to keep it from freezing. Though I know not everyone lives in the subarctic temps that Alberta normally gets in the winter, I have never thought about the fact that those same people would never have to plug in a car :tongue_smilie:

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You should have seen the weird looks and heard the questions I got when I moved from SK to Arizona...complete with the plug hanging out the front grill of my car. :D


:lol: I have ruined so many plugs in my van buy leaving them hanging out because they dragged on the ground. At least in my new car it is up higher and can't get wrecked.


Oh yeah and that big storm was a wuss. WHile it sounds like the city got hit hard, by the time it hit us it had lost it's power. We got like 1" of snow. I can still see my grass poking through. And it was darn cold today. I sent the kids out to shovel and all 3 had 2 scarves, a toque plus the hood on their coat, 2 pairs of mitts, boots, snowpants etc. It took them like 15 minutes to do all shovelling needed because there was so little and it was light and dry. We won't get more this week due to the extreme cold that is hitting us. Not sure exactly how the city fared other than my sister said she definitely has more than 1"

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