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Doctor has told me to stop jogging.

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My doctor has warned me to stop my jogging routine! Apparently my joints cannot take the constant pressure and high impact of power that is constantly hitting them. She said if I were to continue, it would be a at a high risk that I would end up with surgery in one or even both knees. She said I can run, but not as a sport or for fun, which to me is a big bummer. But, she said if I were to bike and continue running with occasional jogging, I should be able to avoid any kind of knee surgery. I am glad though because I was starting to feel a lot of pain and tightness in my knees, which was extremely uncomfortable!


My doctor did reccommend some activities that I really enjoy, one of them is biking, I LOVE biking but it is hard to do with such cold weather, and another is walking with occasional jogging intervals. So it is a big disappointment that I won't be able to run 5k's or things like that, but I am glad that this problem was figured out now instead of later, which could have left permanent damage. :tongue_smilie:


Just thought I would share!:D

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Get an exercise bike. They are small and you don't need an expensive one. Also think about water aerobics or swimming for part of your routine. Those are easy on your joints.


I love biking, I would rather bike than take a car somewherer, I actually wore out my tires this spring and summer from all the biking I did, but I lost 15 lbs doing it! I will look into swimming, it would be nice to do once or twice a week thank you!:)


I'm sorry! That must be disappointing. It is good that you enjoy biking though.


P.S. My name is Cheyenne, too!


I am glad too, and your name is Cheyenne, that is so awesome!! I have never met anyone else named Cheyenne before, thank you for telling me!:D


Off to look at exercise bikes, along with some exercise videos...;)

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My neighbor was told a couple years ago, after a bad case of plantar fascitis, to stop jogging. She switched to an elliptical and loves it.


Would an elliptical machine cause more muscle to grow, I have a higher tendency of gaining and retaining muscle mass in my legs, and I have heard that an elliptical machine can do that to you.:bigear:

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Swimming is great exercise. :)


I will definitely look into it then.:D


Where do you jog? Would your problems clear up if you took fish oil and jogged on grass?




I jog mostly on flat surfaces, and occasionally on the grass, my doctor said that I should stay away from high impact activity for now though, or risk further injury.:glare:


(I unfortunately do not live in an area that has lots of grass, there are only parks with tracks on them.)

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If the doctor wasn't an orthopedist, I would get a second opinion. If you were twenty years older, I could see it, but you are very young.


Of course, I don't know your medical history! If this is a new problem, I would definitely ask others.


Swimming is a wonderful sport and I hope you can find a place to swim and bike!

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If the doctor wasn't an orthopedist, I would get a second opinion. If you were twenty years older, I could see it, but you are very young.


Of course, I don't know your medical history! If this is a new problem, I would definitely ask others.


Swimming is a wonderful sport and I hope you can find a place to swim and bike!


:iagree: I had a doctor who told me to stop running. I told him I'd stop running if he'd stop lifting weights (he was a weight lifter). LOL He got it. He sent me to a PT who was wonderful. We figured out what my problem was. I needed to "learn" how to run. Sounds silly, but there is a correct form. My PT helped me with that. He also helped me pick shoes that were right for me.


But, if there really is a reason you need to stop running, there are all sorts of wonderful options. But you may not need to stop . . . .

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Hmm, I think I'd seek a second opinion.


You might also look into barefoot running, which is more natural and easier on the joints. People who run barefoot or in very minimal shoes (like Vibram Five Fingers) tend to have fewer injuries than those who wear more cushioned shoes. A book like Chi Running or looking into the POSE method of running will also give you ideas of a healthier running form.


Also, strengthening your quads in particular will protect your knees. Having balanced, strong, and flexible muscles in your legs and core will make running a lot more comfortable.

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I was diagnosed with patellofemoral syndrom when I was 18. It was a bummer, for sure. I'm 36 now. My knees have bothered me on and off. When I do the suggested exercises and stretches daily, it gets better.


Every couple of years I think my knees are good enough to jog, and every time it is a disappointment.


I was told that biking wouldn't / shouldn't bother me, but it does. Not an occasional ride, which I love, but riding on an exercise bike for fitness--forget it. And I've been to multiple physio therapists who swear my position is correct.


I love my elliptical for fittness. Swimming, obviously.


Take care of yourself. Be gentle with your body. :grouphug:

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Hmm, I think I'd seek a second opinion.


You might also look into barefoot running, which is more natural and easier on the joints. People who run barefoot or in very minimal shoes (like Vibram Five Fingers) tend to have fewer injuries than those who wear more cushioned shoes. A book like Chi Running or looking into the POSE method of running will also give you ideas of a healthier running form.


Also, strengthening your quads in particular will protect your knees. Having balanced, strong, and flexible muscles in your legs and core will make running a lot more comfortable.


My thoughts exactly, though I would also suggest looking for a Chi running clinic in you area. I stopped a number of ongoing, recurrent injuries just by taking off my shoes. My Five Fingers have become my go-to lifting shoes as well; you can't lift well on unstable, cushy soles, either.


For indoors, I wouldn't suggest an elliptical. Or, I would not suggest a traditional elliptical. I would look for either a Gazelle type or an AMT (adaptive motion trainer - Precor is the brand we have at the Y). Both give your the ability to adjust your stride (AMT will do anything from stair step to full on sprint) but they have pedals and articulated arms so there's no impact. Most outdoor runners I know (my husband included) prefer those to, say, the treadmill for indoors training because the subtle changes in gait that you have are there, as opposed to being locked into a constant speed. The resistance is adjustable, so how hard you work the muscles with each stride is entirely up to you.

Edited by MyCrazyHouse
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Can you jog on a mini-tramp or an elliptical machine?


I can use an elliptical machine, and I have never thought of jogging barefoot, or with those super neat "shoes" either:D. I always wondered what they felt like because my cousin is a runner and he wears them as well. I am highly considering a stationary bike because it is smaller than an elliptical and isn't as expensive, but I will see what I can do with about finding a PT, maybe that will work.


Thank you for the suggestions, and anymore guidance is always appreciated!:)

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If the doctor wasn't an orthopedist, I would get a second opinion. If you were twenty years older, I could see it, but you are very young.


Of course, I don't know your medical history! If this is a new problem, I would definitely ask others.



Another vote for a second opinion. I'm no fan of running/jogging, but if I was, I'd ask for a specialist's opinion before giving it up.

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If the doctor wasn't an orthopedist, I would get a second opinion. If you were twenty years older, I could see it, but you are very young.


Of course, I don't know your medical history! If this is a new problem, I would definitely ask others.


Swimming is a wonderful sport and I hope you can find a place to swim and bike!


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DO NOT USE the trampoline. It is a massive no no for people with knee problems. It puts more stress on the joint.


Really? I was told it is less stress on the joints because of the "give" when you jog (as opposed to the foot hitting something with no give, like a sidewalk, and therefore absorbing all the shock into the limb/joint).

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Really? I was told it is less stress on the joints because of the "give" when you jog (as opposed to the foot hitting something with no give, like a sidewalk, and therefore absorbing all the shock into the limb/joint).



It actually puts more stress on the knees. Both orthos I have seen say this.



OP- If you do have to give up jogging, try seeing if there is a water jogging class near you. You get in the pool and jog with other people. My kids doctor does this and swears by it. Says it is more of a workout than actual jogging.

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Thank you all for your help and advice, and I am happy that there are so many good alternatives to jogging. I will look around for a better doctor who treats runners, most likely a PT, but as for now I will stop jogging because the pain in my legs has stopped.


Thank you all again! I am going to start looking into the new alternatives that you all posted about, especially the water jogging.

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