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Wierd Nausea and Extreme Tiredness in Pregnancy

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This is my sixth pregnancy, so you'd think I'd have it all figured out by now! I'm currently 15 weeks pregnant.


I've dealt with "morning" sickness with all of my pregnancies, but usually I have been able to handle it by eating small frequent meals throughout the day. However this time, nothing seems to help the nausea much. In fact, the weirdest thing is that when I do eat, I get MORE nauseated. It's definitely not from eating too much, because I will sit down to eat and after only a bite or two, a wave of nausea will hit. I have to struggle to force myself to continue to eat. I never experienced this with my other pregnancies- usually if I ate a little something, I'd feel better. Of course, if I wait too long to eat, I also get nauseated, so whether I eat or not, I am doomed to feeling sick.


I've also been very, very tired this time. I know each time I've had times of feeling exhausted and needing a nap. But this time I've been even more lethargic than usual and feel as if every little thing wears me out. I've been wanting to get out and take a walk with the boys each day, but just the thought of it makes me weak. I can sleep all night and still feel like I need a nap only an hour after waking.


I am 38 now, but didn't have my first until I was 29, so it's not as if I am comparing pregnancy against being particularly young the first time. But maybe this 10 years really does make such a difference?

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When I had that strange nausea thing with #5, it was my gallbladder. You could take some digestive enzymes to see if they help.


The tiredness - yes, it can make a big difference. Are you taking/getting enough iron? Have you had your thyroid checked? Pregnancy is actually a risk factor for low thyroid.

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10 years can make a huge difference but so can caring for 5 other kids at the same time.



If you are not eating well, you may not be getting enough calories. How is your weight gain?


Has your doctor been consulted about the nausea/exhaustion? There are prescriptions that can be used in pregnancy for nausea. Zofran is now generic and is reasonably priced. If you can get the nausea under control for just a few days, eat some healthy meals, then you may be able to tell if the exhaustion is calorie based or not.


Low food intake combined with pgy can also result in low iron, which leads to exhaustion. Just a thought if you haven't considered it.

Hope it all goes away soon, nausea is a horrible feeling.

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This is my sixth pregnancy, so you'd think I'd have it all figured out by now! I'm currently 15 weeks pregnant.


I've dealt with "morning" sickness with all of my pregnancies, but usually I have been able to handle it by eating small frequent meals throughout the day. However this time, nothing seems to help the nausea much. In fact, the weirdest thing is that when I do eat, I get MORE nauseated. It's definitely not from eating too much, because I will sit down to eat and after only a bite or two, a wave of nausea will hit. I have to struggle to force myself to continue to eat. I never experienced this with my other pregnancies- usually if I ate a little something, I'd feel better. Of course, if I wait too long to eat, I also get nauseated, so whether I eat or not, I am doomed to feeling sick.


I've also been very, very tired this time. I know each time I've had times of feeling exhausted and needing a nap. But this time I've been even more lethargic than usual and feel as if every little thing wears me out. I've been wanting to get out and take a walk with the boys each day, but just the thought of it makes me weak. I can sleep all night and still feel like I need a nap only an hour after waking.


I am 38 now, but didn't have my first until I was 29, so it's not as if I am comparing pregnancy against being particularly young the first time. But maybe this 10 years really does make such a difference?


idk, because this is how all nine of my pregnancies were. I could never understand how anyone could say that they loved being pregnant, since I spent 24hrs/day for months feeling nauseous no matter what I did.

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For me the age difference (I also had my first at 29 and my last at 39) might have contributed to my nausea. I was very nauseated with my last one--constantly during the first trimester--but had no nausea with the first 2. There is a 7-year gap between #2 and #3; maybe that contributed?


But with tiredness--I was tired with all 3. For each pregnancy I had to take a 2-hour nap each day on top of getting a good night's sleep just to be able to function. My iron was fine, everything else was fine. I don't normally nap; but it was my pregnancy normal.

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Make sure you aren't dehydrated. That can cause both nausea and fatigue. I had bad morning sickness with three of my pregnancies. With one I got IV fluid and with another I was too sick to get to the hospital for the fluids. They could hardly draw blood I was so dried out. From having more experience getting sick outside of pregnancy, :glare:, I'm starting to see that often my really sick, tired feeling is related to dehydration. Now I sometimes put a sprinkle of sea salt and sugar in my water if I'm starting to feel that way and that seems to help my body hold on to the fluids better.

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Have you had your thyroid checked? I'm on my 8th pregnancy and the first ever with any nausea and the exhaustion I've ever felt. Because hypothyroidism runs in my family, my OB checked my levels and they were off, though not that much, I figure that was what is causing the difference.

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I'm sorry... it's no fun, I know.


FWIW, I got progressively MORE nauseated as my pregnancies progressed. With my first girl, I was ravenous for the 1st 3 months, then gradually every food I ate made me ill... I threw up 2-3x daily until I delivered. My other two girls were worse. I subsisted on fried egg sandwiches and chicken noodle soup, cottage cheese with pears, and yogurt with strawberries... even foods I was craving I'd eat and then have them revisit me a few bites later.


I had my first at 29 and my last one at 40. I think part of it was all of the additional responsibilities making me more tired. I was homeschooling, cleaning, sick, changing diapers/potty training, and working nights. I wasn't able to sleep as much as I had been with #1 or #2. Add the not eating well to that list and I was just worn out.


I would check for a twin pregnancy... as I've never been pg with twins, so can't answer to that.


Of course, I'm now 43 and hoping for #6!

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Thanks for all the advice. I will talk to my midwife at my checkup next week and see if she thinks I should have some additional blood tests.


It's funny, I've had a weird feeling all along that this could be twins. I'm a little freaked out that several people mentioned that! But I've felt movement earlier than usual and started showing more quickly as well. I attributed both to having been here many times before, and I've shown sooner each subsequent time, so it's normal in that way. But still, maybe? Not to mention, my four year old keeps telling people that I am pregnant with twin girls! If he turns out to be right, I will be shocked!


Anyway, I am going to try to drink more water and eat more iron-rich foods. Our diet has been less than ideal the past few weeks with all the holiday merriment, so I bet that getting that back on track will help as well. I keep saying I'll do better once I start feeling better (thinking that the nausea would improve in the 2nd trimester), but I guess I can't count on that happening.

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This was my first thought too. Twins. Or, it's a girl. Or twin girls. :D For some reason girls make you more nauseated than boys.


:iagree:My oldest is a girl. It was terrible. I couldn't eat meat for months and ended up seriously anemic, which explained the tiredness. My 2 boy pregnancies had much less nausea/food aversions.

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FWIW: My perinatologist told me that whenever a woman is still nauseated in her second trimester, that acid reflux is almost always to blame. I felt no acid at all, nor did I have heart burn, but I tried Prilosec and sure enough, I was better within 3 days. After 1 month, I went off of it, and was throwing up by day three, so I went back on. :grouphug:

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This is my sixth and the nausea and fatigue were worse than with others. I haven't had a lot of actual puking this time, but continual nausea is worse in some ways. This is my first pregnancy after my hypothyroidism was diagnosed. I had a rough first trimester. I'm 16.5 weeks and actually had a few good days in a row. Today was not so good. :tongue_smilie:


If you're running labs, get your Vitamin D levels checked. Mine were really low.

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Have you had an ultrasound? This sounds like my twin pregnancy.


This was my first thought too. Twins. Or, it's a girl. Or twin girls. :D For some reason girls make you more nauseated than boys.


I was going to say the same thing. I was so sick when I was pregnant with the twins that I lost ten pounds in the first month. I was misserable.


Well, I've only had one pregnancy, so I not an expert. I was nauseated from the beginning of the second month till the birth. Lost lots of weight, but basically healthy acc to drs.


I would wake up feeling great, then spend most of the day waking for a bit and then falling asleep. I'd lie down on a couch while waiting for a doctor appt -- just couldn't keep my head up or eyes open, even in public.


Result: twins and a net weight loss of 25 lbs.

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That sounds like my pregnancies with my girls. The tiredness, the complete nausea and inability to eat or keep anything down -- it lasted from 3 weeks until 21-22 weeks. My boys were much easier with that whole stage only lasting from 7-8 weeks until 10-12 weeks, and I could eat some.

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I eas the same way with DD, and this pregnancy. I feel high and I am just 9 weeks. Ultrasound today....just one. But I told the OB that I was constantly sick, all day and she said it is heartburn. I took zantac with my dd and felt much better. I will be starting It again tonight :) Talk to your Dr about heartburn.

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