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obesity and pregnancy

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I'd love to hear from women that had a healthy pregnancy despite their size. I have been overweight for all my pregnancies, but this is the heaviest. I'm 5 ft 1, and 195. I was only about 205 when I gave birth to my daughter and my son, respectivley. I'm worried. I had blood pressure issues at the end of the last pregnancy, and i'm just worried.


I'm reading now that it is ok to gain little to no weight. I just don't know how to do that. I'm using babyfit to log my food, and hope that is really going to make a difference. And I'm convinced I need to avoid processed carbs. I think if I focus on whole foods, good fats, and getting my carbs from fruit or whole milk yogurt or veggies, with some tubers and such in their too, like sweet potatoes, I'll be better off than if I'm eating bread and such.


Any thoughts?

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I'd betcha that if you eat no processed sugar (at least that would be the goal), whole grains... (so think grains with a bit of "broken grain") in whatever you eat.... and as much organic as possible... you'll do great... possibly losing... and produce a well nourished baby :) I only really gained 7 lbs (figuring in the 8 lbs I lost at first) and had a 9lb 2 oz with my first. I gained a bit more with my son and he was 10lbs 3 ounces. I was around 150lbs to start with both of them and I'm 5ft 4inches. :)

I have been doing the no sugar, whole grain, organic thing since last year and am 25lbs lighter than I was when I started. Pregnancy was great for my weight, and nursing after uses even more calories. To me, it's the perfect time to get in shape ;) Good Luck!! :)

Edited by NayfiesMama
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I'm not familiar with obesity and pregnancy, but with my last pregnancy I had gestational diabetes. I had to avoid carbs/sugars. I actually *lost* weight during my pregnancy at some points and only gained a total of about 14 pounds. My doctor was a little concerned but baby came out fine, healthy, with apgar scores of 9 and 9.


So it definitely is fine to gain little to no weight during pregnancy if you are eating healthy.

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I never lost the weight I gained while pregnant with my daughter before getting pregnant with my son. I went into that pregnancy at about 165 pounds, gave birth to a good-sized baby (eight pounds, five ounces) and came home from the hospital at my pre-pregnancy weight.


I'm not quite 5'2".


I talked with my OB about the weight thing when I went for my first appointment, and he said to just eat healtily and not over do it. I did gain weight during the pregnancy, but not a lot (under 20 pounds is all I remember).


I honestly didn't find it especially difficult. I just wasn't very hungry with that one. Actually, I had a little trouble eating early on. I wasn't sick, just uninterested in food. That was when I first started drinking the protein-powder-spiked smoothies, just to make sure I was getting something in me each day.

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I never lost most of the baby weight (50 lbs) I gained from Zee before I had Moose. My pregnancy with Zee was fine; with Moose, I had gestational diabetes.


I saw a nutritionist, and started a 1600 cal/day diet when I was 5 1/2 months along. I think I gained 5 pounds total after starting the eating program she helped me design; so 5 lbs in the last 3 1/2 months of pregnancy. But, I'm gonna be honest with you; it stunk. I was hungry a lot. But it helped control my blood sugar without meds. It wasn't anything fancy, just plain old 'eat less, eat healthier' stuff. But 1600 calories a day when you're growing a baby (and are already overweight) is, uh, not a lot. In fact, if I hadn't 'cheated' sometimes, I probably would have LOST weight. My second was 7lb 2oz, just two ounces lighter than my first.


It's the same principle I use now when I want to lose. Simple math; less calories in than calories out equals weight loss.


So, if you think it'd help, see a nutritionist, and talk about it all. I think if done correctly, one can absolutely not gain (or even lose) during pregnancy, if you start out being overweight, and it can be done in a healthy way that results in a healthy baby. But, of course, you need to take into consideration any other medical issues you've got going on, so talk to your midwife/ob. Oh, and for some reason, at the time, my nutritionist visit wasn't covered by our ins; I think it was somewhere around $100. But I didn't 'look around', I just went to the nutrionist at the hospital that was recommended. I bet your midwife could recommend someone, if you'd like the guidance.

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I hope you get some great answers here and that you have a healthy pregnancy. I don't have any advice but I saw you like sweet potatoes and I wanted to share this recipe: http://www.food.com/recipe/kicked-up-baked-sweet-potatoes-164107


The cinnamon, cayenne, chili powder spice mix is absolutely delicious with sweet potato! Not too spicy, not too sweet but of course you can adjust according to your preferences.



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I was overweight for my first and obese for the rest. I've had no problems at all. I had some major aches, which may have been less of a concern if I were not overweight but no gestational diabetes or blood pressure issues at all. Babies were all born in healthy weight ranges too.


It is good to want to try to eat healthily, but that can be so hard. I actually quit Weight Watchers when I found out I was pregnant the last time and tried so hard to keep up the healthy habits I learned. But when you're feeling sick all the time you will eat whatever is appealing.


You can talk to your doctor about how much weight to gain, and ask for a referral to a nutritionist if you think it will help.

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You may find some helpful information here: http://www.plus-size-pregnancy.org/firstindex.html


FYI: She has info not only for plus size women but some great info for all pregnancies.


Just don't eat any junk food.

Don't eat any white or brown sugar.

Do eat whole grains.

Do eat beans.

Do eat LOTS of raw fruits and vegetables. HUGE salads.

Do drink plenty of water.

Do eat vegetables.

Meat is fine if it's organic.


No-junk-food. No caffeine.

:iagree: Plus, protein. You need 70-90 grams a day.


The water intake should be half your body weight in ounces each day. If you don't drink that much now, work up to it. Each day add a little bit more. Drink out of an opaque cup with a straw, you'll drink more.


That's nutritional counsel I give ALL clients regardless of size. We all need to eat a healthy diet with very minimal processed foods. Good nutrition can prevent so many things during pregnancy and help with good delivery outcomes. Don't focus so much on how much you do or don't gain (that said, you should have a gain around 25 weeks that tells us your blood volume has expanded). Focus on eating good and nutritious foods.


It's ok to splurge sometimes. It's not ok to make the entire diet from processed, sugary, junk foods.


There are higher risks of some issues in a person who is overweight and not pregnant. And during pregnancy there are higher risks of certain issues (eg hypertension, gestational diabetes, c/s). But it doesn't mean you can't have an amazing pregnancy and birth!! :)

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Pregnancy #1 - I was normal weight and I ended up being put on bed rest for the last month due to high blood pressure.


Pregnancy #2 - I was overweight and had no complications.


Pregnancy #3 - I was obese and had no complications. I didn't gain hardly any weight.


Pregnancy #4 - I was the same weight as #3 and at four months along the placenta tried to come undone, so I was put on bed rest for two weeks. The rest of the pregnancy was completely normal.

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I was overweight for my first and obese for the rest. I've had no problems at all. I had some major aches, which may have been less of a concern if I were not overweight but no gestational diabetes or blood pressure issues at all. Babies were all born in healthy weight ranges too.


It is good to want to try to eat healthily, but that can be so hard. I actually quit Weight Watchers when I found out I was pregnant the last time and tried so hard to keep up the healthy habits I learned. But when you're feeling sick all the time you will eat whatever is appealing.


You can talk to your doctor about how much weight to gain, and ask for a referral to a nutritionist if you think it will help.





For 4 of my 5 pregnancies I have been overweight. I am almost half way through my 5th pregnancy. I lost weight with my 4th but by delivery I was 4lbs. more than my first appt. This pregnancy I sat down with my Dr. and discussed this issue and he said it would be fine to even lose weight as long as it wasn't to much and the baby was fine. It's not like I am trying to lose weight, I just tend to while pregnant.

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As far as weight gain-- yes there have been studies showing heavy women can gain no weight, or even lose a little weight, and still have perfectly healthy good sized babies.


To put it in perspective.... I gained 15 pounds with my last child and she was born 7 lb 2 oz. You really don't need to gain much weight at all to produce a healthy child. In england they don't even recommend a calorie increase until the third trimester, and only a 300 calorie increase.


At your height/ weight your maintenance level is about 1800 calories (unless you are active, then it's probably around 2400). So try eating healthy foods in that range for a daily intake. Maybe try walking at an easy pace 15-30minutes a day.:grouphug:

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You do not have to gain ANY weight during this pregnancy as long as you are eating very nutritionally dense foods and skipping all the junk. Also, exercise is important. Walking is very healthy and recommended for pregnant women.


I've never been overweight during any of my pregnancies. In fact, my problem was just the opposite. I lost weight due to morning sickness. My last pregnancy was begun at a normal weight and I lost 17 pounds, ending my pregnancy three pounds less then when I began. My specialist OB (I had four miscarriages in a row, so my doc was the head of obstetrics at the University of Utah) didn't even blink an eye. He thinks 25 pounds is too much to gain for a normal pregnancy anyway. It only makes it very hard for women to lose afterwards and really does not benefit the baby in utero. My son was born at term and a healthy 7 pounds. So don't worry....losing weight or not gaining will not hurt your baby.

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I've been too large (uh, obese) for all of mine. Currently pregnant with my 5th. I haven't had extra problems at all. Watch your salt intake. I am glad to not gain. I normally lose at first due to bad sickness the first-second trimesters. I have to be careful in the third because my appetite is back full force. :glare: I have had large (10 pounders) babies but have only gained totals of 10 pounds. The thing that stinks for me is listening to moms say how great breast feeding is and how they lose baby weight doing that. I seem to gain weight during that postpartum time (nursing and all). :001_huh: So that is when I need to watch myself better. Never had gestational diabetes. Know a few thinner women who have had it. Exercise may help if blood pressure issues arise. I have had normal bp for all mine except the first was a little higher than normal.


Definitely read over that plus size pregnancy website. It is helpful.

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